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EPP can reduce GHG emissions. Remanufactured toner cartridges One cartridge saves 3.0 quarts of oil & reduces 0.0008 MTCE Office paper: 40 cases of recycled paper saves 0.68 MTCE Saving 40 cases reduces 0.80 MTCE Retread tires One tire saves 60 quarts of oil & reduces 0.016 MTCE.
EPP can reduce GHG emissions • Remanufactured toner cartridges • One cartridge saves 3.0 quarts of oil & reduces 0.0008 MTCE • Office paper: • 40 cases of recycled paper saves 0.68 MTCE • Saving 40 cases reduces 0.80 MTCE • Retread tires • One tire saves 60 quarts of oil & reduces 0.016 MTCE
Massachusetts has had an EPP Program for 9 years. See these figures from 2001 to see why EPP has worked for Mass.$$ saved: $544,362(not including maintenance and operational savings)MTCE saved: 4063Cubic yards landfill space saved: 17,828Purchasing $$ spent on EPPs: $92.5 millionVendor jobs created: 33Program jobs created: 2
We recommend using the CPGs, that EPA updates annually… • EPA compiles Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines published in Recovered Materials Advisory Notice or RMANs on 54 items in 8 categories of goods: • Paper and Paper Products, Vehicular Products, Construction Products, Transportation Products, Park and Recreation Products, Landscaping Products, Non-paper Office Products, and Miscellaneous Products
Current Law :RIGL 37-2-76http://www.rilin.state.ri.us/statutes/Title37/37-2/73-2-70.HTM (a) The state shall, through its purchasing policy and practice, affirmatively promote the use of recycled products. The Dept. of Administration in conjunction with the Department of Environmental Management shall, through regulations, establish a time table requiring increased utilization by the state of recycled products. In January of each year, the Dept. of Administration shall report to the General Assembly the State’s progress in utilizing recycled products materials and supplies for the preceding twelve (12) months. (b) With respect to office paper products, at least fifty percent (50%) of the expenditure for office paper products purchased by the state of Rhode Island, its agencies and departments, shall be recycled paper products by fiscal year 1995. (c) The Department of Administration in conjunction with the Department of Environmental Management shall annually establish comprehensive technical specifications based on research by the Department of Environmental Management for recycled products, materials and supplies to be purchased by the state under this section. These specifications shall include the minimum performance and quality attributes as well as minimum pre- and post-consumer content.
Suggested Revision to RI Law (a) The state shall, through its purchasing policy and practice, affirmatively promote the use of recycled products. All procurement officers shall use the federally established Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines, published annually in the Recommend Materials Advisory Notice or RMAN when creating specifications for product procurement.
Some RI agencies are required by law to follow this standard! • RCRA 6002 requires procuring agencies (state and local government and their contractors) spending appropriated federal funds of at least $10,000 on a designated item in a given fiscal year or the previous year must follow Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG) • Citizens may sue any person alleged to be in violation of the act in Federal Court
Contact us or visit the EPP for RI website, now under construction Catherine_Mansell@Brown.edu Caroline_Colesworthy@Brown.edu http://envstudies.brown.edu/classes/es201/2003/EPP/index.htm Thanks, it’s been great working with you all!