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How Modeling and NSR Permitting Interact

Learn about the review process and important steps in modeling and NSR permitting, including pre-application meetings, administrative reviews, and modeling audits.

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How Modeling and NSR Permitting Interact

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Modeling and NSR Permitting Interact Jennifer Harvey and Philip Leung Air Permits Division Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Autumn Environmental Conference 2019

  2. NSR Permitting Review Process Technical Review NSR Air Permitting Admin Review Modeling Audit

  3. Pre-Application Meeting • Highly encouraged • Historically, permit-related questions • The Air Dispersion Modeling Team (ADMT) recommends asking modeling questions before submitting an application

  4. Application ReceivedNSR Project w/Modeling • Air Permit Initial Review Team (APIRT) • Receives electronic NSR application files • PI-1 General Application (Workbook) • Electronic Modeling Evaluation Workbook (EMEW) • Modeling Protocol • Notifies NSR section and ADMT • Permit reviewer and modeler are assigned

  5. Application ReceivedNSR Project w/Modeling Simultaneous Review Process Modeling Audit (ADMT) Administrative Review (APIRT)

  6. Review of Application Materials • Finishes verifying application documents • Notifies the assigned permit reviewer once the administrate review is complete • If public notice is required, APIRT will create and issue the NORI package

  7. Review of Application Materials • Reviews technical data • Site/Processes • Emission sources • Best Available Control Technology • Emission calculation methodology • Emission rates • Reviews public notice documents • Tearsheet, affidavits and verification forms

  8. When is Modeling Required? • All construction permits and amendments require an air quality impacts analysis. • Modeling can be used for: • Minor projects • Major projects • Modeling application materials vary based on minor vs. major project.

  9. Initial Modeling Review – Minor Permits EMEW and Supplemental Information • Source Groups, Intermittent Guidance • Modeling files are recommended with project submittal • Modeling Input (emission rates, parameters)

  10. Initial Modeling Review – Minor Permits – Continued • EMEW • Latest version of the EMEW • EMEW Version and Patch Number • Example: EMEW (Version 2.3)

  11. Initial Modeling Review – Minor Permits – Continued(Common Attachments) • Initial EMEW and NSR application • Common attachments

  12. Initial Modeling Review – Minor Permits – Continued(Other Attachments) “Other AttachmentsProvide a list below of additional attachments….”

  13. Initial EMEW Review Response • Initial EMEW Review Response • Modeler coordinates with permit reviewer on sending out the Initial EMEW Review Response • Notice of Deficiency

  14. Initial EMEW Review Response - Continued • Revise Initial EMEW, if necessary • Address ADMT comments in the final submittal of the EMEW • Address significant deficiencies before final submittal of the EMEW • Phone or in-person conference • E-mail correspondence

  15. Initial Modeling Review – Major (PSD) Permits • Modeling Protocol • EMEW can be submitted for minor pollutants

  16. PSD Modeling Protocol Response • Address ADMT comments in a revised modeling protocol, if necessary. • ADMT approves revised modeling protocol • ADMT sends modeling protocol comments to EPA

  17. Finalizing the Initial Review • Permit reviewer coordinates with modeler to issue a combined NOD letter. • If there were no deficiencies: • Confirm emission rates (EMEW/Protocol) • Issue a NOD requesting all final modeling files • Deficiencies should be resolved within the timeframe provided in the NOD letter.

  18. Modeling Audit • Full modeling audit • Request for Information • Initial EMEW Review should have already address significant modeling questions • Modeling files

  19. Modeling Audit - Continued • Chemical flexibility • Factors/Scalars • Operational Scenarios and Source Groups • “Coatings – Paint Emission Calculation and Impacts Analysis Spreadsheet”

  20. Post Modeling Audit • Permit reviewer receives summary of audit • Determines if toxicology review required • If the project is found to be protective, the permit reviewer can finish drafting permit

  21. Draft NSR Permit • Draft documents sent to applicant for review • Permit reviewer will create and issue NAPD package, if needed

  22. Public Participation Public Meeting Permit Reviewer & Modeler Response to Comments Contested Case Hearing

  23. Finalizing the NSR Permitting Process • Section may need to incorporate changes to the draft permit as a result of the public participation process • Documents finalized; permit set for issuance

  24. Conclusion Technical Review (NSR Section) Modeling Audit (ADMT) Administrative Review (APIRT)

  25. Contact Information Jennifer Harvey Phone: 512-239-1429 Email: jennifer.harvey@tceq.texas.gov Philip Leung Phone: 512-239-1508 Email: philip.leung@tceq.texas.gov

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