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Association EURATOM – Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)

Association EURATOM – Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). Participation in the EU fusion research programme and existing collaborations. Edge plasma theory, modelling and transport physics. Partial and integrated tokamak modelling

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Association EURATOM – Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)

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  1. Association EURATOM –Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) Participation in the EU fusion research programme and existing collaborations

  2. Edge plasma theory, modelling and transport physics Partial and integrated tokamak modelling (S.Kuhn et. al, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Univ. Innsbruck, Siegbert.Kuhn@uibk.ac.at) Existing collaborations: IPP Garching EFDA-JET Culham CEA Cadarache IPP.CR Prague Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Lecad Laboratory, University of Ljubljana Association EURATOM-ÖAW

  3. Edge plasma theory, modelling and transport physics Tokamak fast ion confinement based on 3-D Fokker Planck modelling (K. Schöpf et. al, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Univ. Innsbruck, Klaus.Schoepf@uibk.ac.at) Existing collaborations: EFDA-JET Culham Association EURATOM-ÖAW

  4. Edge plasma theory, modelling and transport physics Transport and dynamics of burning plasmas (G. Kamelander et. al., formerly Austrian Research Centres Seibersdorf, kamelander@ati.ac.at) Existing collaborations: EFDA-JET Culham CEA Cadarache Association EURATOM-ÖAW

  5. Edge plasma theory, modelling and transport physics Transport and heating in toroidal devices (W. Kernbichler et. al., Institut für Theoretische Physik, TU Graz, kernbichler@itp.tu-graz.ac.at) Existing collaborations: IPP Garching and Greifswald FZ Jülich Association EURATOM-ÖAW

  6. Edge plasma physics – processes and diagnostics Edge plasma diagnostics and modelling involving fast He-beams (F. Aumayr et al., Institut für Allgemeine Physik, TU Wien, aumayr@iap.tuwien.ac.at) Existing collaborations: IPP Garching EFDA-JET Culham IPP.CR Prague Hungarian Academy of Sciences Association EURATOM-ÖAW

  7. Edge plasma physics – processes and diagnostics Electron impact ionization and surface-induced reactions of edge-plasma constituents Plasma Ion Mass Spectrometry (T.D. Märk et al., Institut für Ionenphysik, Univ. Innsbruck, Tilmann.Maerk@uibk.ac.at) Existing collaborations: EFDA-JET Culham CEA Cadarache IPP.CR Prague Association EURATOM-ÖAW

  8. Edge plasma physics – processes and diagnostics Measurements of Reynolds stress and fluctuation-induced flux in tokamaks by means of electron-emissive probes (R. Schrittwieser et al., Institut für Ionenphysik, Univ. Innsbruck, Roman.Schrittwieser@uibk.ac.at) Existing collaborations: CIEMAT, Madrid IST, Lisbon IPP.CR Prague IPP Garching Risǿ, Roskilde Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Association EURATOM-ÖAW

  9. Underlying technology Neutron micro-radiographic investigations of fusion-relevant materials (H. Rauch, Atominstitut, TU Wien, Rauch@ati.ac.at) Transport of impurities in beryllium – oxidation behaviour of sintered and sprayed beryllium samples at 300 – 600oC (H. Störi, Institut für Allgemeine Physik, TU Wien, stoeri@iap.tuwien.ac.at) Existing collaborations: Institute for Solid State Physics, Riga, Latvia EFDA-CSU Garching Association EURATOM-ÖAW

  10. Fusion technology Magnetic structure and integration Resin development: Qualification and optimization of resin systems for ITER (H.W. Weber, Atominstitut, TU Wien, weber@ati.ac.at) High temperature superconducting materials for fusion magnets (H.W. Weber, Atominstitut, TU Wien, weber@ati.ac.at) Existing collaborations: EFDA-CSU Garching FZ Karlsruhe Association EURATOM-ÖAW

  11. Fusion technology Physics integration Irradiation effects in ceramics for heating and current drive (H.W. Weber, Atominstitut, TU Wien, weber@ati.ac.at) Molecular dynamics simulations of carbon and tungsten sputtering (T.D. Märk, Institut für Ionenphysik, Univ. Innsbruck, Tilmann.Maerk@uibk.ac.at) Existing collaborations: EFDA-CSU Garching University of Latvia, Riga CIEMAT, Madrid Association EURATOM-ÖAW

  12. Fusion technology Tritium breeding and materials Evaluation of neutron cross-sections for fusion-relevant materials (H. Vonach, Institut für Radium- und Isotopenforschung, Univ. Wien, vonach@utanet.at, H. Leeb, Atominstitut, leeb@kph.tuwien.ac.at) Tungsten alloy development and characterization (R. Pippan, Erich-Schmid-Institut für Materialwissenschaft d. ÖAW, pippan@unileoben.ac.at) Existing collaborations: EFDA-CSU Garching Plansee AG Association EURATOM-ÖAW

  13. Socio-economic research on fusion System studies Fusion and public risk perception in German-speaking countries (A. Gazso, Institut für Risikoforschung, Univ. Wien, Andre.gazso@irf.univie.ac.at) Long-term technology modelling with TIMES (W. Kernbichler, Institut für Theoretische Physik, TU Graz, kernbichler@itp.tu-graz.ac.at Existing collaborations: EFDA-CSU Garching Association EURATOM-ÖAW

  14. Association EURATOM-ÖAW Management Structure Association EURATOM-ÖAW

  15. Contact Head of Research Unit: HP. Winter (Institut für Allgemeine Physik, TU Wien, winter@iap.tuwien.ac.at) ÖAW –EURATOM Coordination Office Postgasse 7-9, A-1010 Wien Tel.: +43-1-51581-3256 Fax: +43-1-51581-3257 http://www.oeaw.ac.at/euratom Administration: M. Fischer (Monika.Fischer@oeaw.ac.at) Secretary: A. Sobel (Ariella.Sobel@oeaw.ac.at) Association EURATOM-ÖAW

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