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info@admatis.com www.admatis.com. A research SME in the space industry. P. Bárczy ADMATIS Ltd 2007. Motto. „ Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you’re right” Henry Ford. Space projects in MISKOLC. 1.INTERKOZMOSZ: ABC project (1986-90)
info@admatis.com www.admatis.com
A research SME in the space industry P. Bárczy ADMATIS Ltd 2007
Motto „Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you’re right” Henry Ford
Space projects in MISKOLC • 1.INTERKOZMOSZ: ABC project (1986-90) • 2.NASA: UMC project (1991-2005) • 3.ESA: Metalfoam project (2003-2006) FOCUS project (2006-2009) • 4.ZARM : solidification (1991-2006) heat conductivity (1998-2001) infiltration (2004-05) foaming (2006)
History 1 • Admatis Ltd. was founded only in Y2K but our benchmark project started two decades earlier. Under the auspices of the Soviet led Intercosmos program – the joint initiative of the former socialist countries for space and microgravity research – a team of brave Hungarian scientists were awarded a development project to design and manufacture a multifunctional crystallizator for orbital applications. The performance of team exceeded all expectations: the first version of the Universal Multizone Crystallizator was named ABC started operations in less than ten years. It had been designed for a fully automatized satellite NIKA in order to single crystal growth .
ABC device (1990) Interkozmosz NIKA-ABC project
History 2 • After the collapse of the Soviet Union and all socialist development projects the research team has built up a longstanding, mutually beneficial cooperation with NASA. A copy of the most advanced version of the UMC spent years at Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, a research facility of NASA, for extensive testing. • The original developers formed the Admatis company to arrange the necessary funds for maintenance and future developments of the UMC solution and also to reap some benefits of this long standing research project.
Universal Multizone Crystallizator (UMC) • In general, UMC is a universal microgravity research equipment developed especially for utilizing microgravity for solidification experiments. Furnaces are absolutely motionless, both the sample and the heating facility are completely fixed. The elimination of all internally generated mechanical disturbances ensures the best microgravity level possible within its environment. It can accommodate a wide range of user selected crystal growth techniques or temperature profiles meanwhile keeping the uncontrolled temperature fluctuation at very low level (below 0.2ºC).
Multizone furnace (1996) UMC24-MT54 Labor version
Universal Multizone Crystallizator (2000) UMC24-HT54 International Space Station modell
Universal Multizone Crystallizator (2002) UMC24-MT54-MT30 Delivered to NASA MSFC, Huntsville, Alabama és
Universal Multizone Foaming Apparatus (UMFA) • The aim of this invention is the development of a universal apparatus suitable for the production of various aqueous, polymer and metal foams, and their complex in-process (in-situ) testing. The other aim of the invention is the development of a foam generating cartridge in which both the foaming and the testing of the foam can be implemented.A further aim of the invention is the development of a method for the testing of foams, especially metal foams, with which not only the produced foams can be qualified, but the production process can also be monitored
Universal Foaming Apparatus UMFA ESA-PECS project, TU Berlin
Combined In situ Foam analysator GVOP-3.3.3. project model
Infiltration Measurement System for macrogravity applications (IMS) • Infiltration is process when liquid flow into the pores of a solid body. This process is highly depends on the gravity. The IMS was built in order to in-situ examine the infiltration in increased gravity level. With the help of IMS our staff made infiltration experiments in a huge centrifuge in Bremen. The IMS is a distance-controlled, in-situ observed with 4 cameras equipment that survive without any problem up to 30G
Centrifuge for high g experiments ZARM, Bremen, Germany,
High g centrifuge payloads Experimental hardware for infiltration and foaming
FOCUS „Foam Casting and Utilization in Space”
FOCUS • FP6-ESA – ADMATIS experiment on board of ISS in 2008 • The first Hungarian industrial material technology space experiment • Great challange for a SME
Goals Nanoparticle stabilized foam generation under microgravity condition Bubble nucleation and development under microgravity condition Complex computer algorithm for injector design
Flight Operations Experiments: • foamability • foam stability test Data: . Gravity level . Temperature . In situ videomovies
Products • All of the products of Admatis were developed in framework of national and international projects. Most of our products have connection with temperature (produce, control, measure). Our customers come from universities, research centers, who need a special hardware with software support. These type of products can be ordered or rented. Of course, all personal, special require are considered
Main activities: ₪ AdSpace (Admatis Space Technology) Special equipments for micro- or macrogravity experiments. (ISS, Drop Tower, Microsatellites, Parabolic flight, Huge centrifuge) ₪ AdTech (Admatis Technical Support) Ground based technical support for universities and laboratories (The science belongs to researchers groups and technology to Admatis). ₪ AdFoam (Admatis Foaming) Taking part in ESA Metallic Foam MAP. Developing a new foaming technique in order to produce shaped metal foams. Admatis intends to make a foaming experiment in ISS in framework of SURE project. Future goal: metal foam production in framework of TechnoPolis (National Research and Development Programme). ₪ AdInf (Admatis Infrared Support) Admatis launches a new service for industry, universities and inhabitants. We try to satisfy all requirements with two valuable infrared cameras that were bought in framework of an EU project. info@admatis.com www.admatis.com
What WE can do Designing and developing advanced crystallizators with different sizes Designing and implementing thermal models of actual or virtual furnaces Designing, optimising and implementing crystallisation experiments for the optimal reproduction of advanced materials Designing and developing foaming devices Designing and developing drop modules info@admatis.com www.admatis.com
info@admatis.com www.admatis.com Thank you your attention