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Dates: (3) days – 13 April 2010 ~ 15 April 2010 Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan – USA

Dates: (3) days – 13 April 2010 ~ 15 April 2010 Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan – USA Invitees: Technical representatives from GRPE signatories Agenda: Day 1: (AM) A. Introductions B. Terms of Reference C. Review DTP goals and roadmap

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Dates: (3) days – 13 April 2010 ~ 15 April 2010 Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan – USA

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dates: (3) days – 13 April 2010 ~ 15 April 2010 Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan – USA Invitees: Technical representatives from GRPE signatories Agenda: Day 1: (AM) A. Introductions B. Terms of Reference C. Review DTP goals and roadmap D. Presentations (Submit to DTP chairs by 15 March 2010) Day 1: (PM)E. Opening proposals F. Discussion of proposals Day 2: (AM) Open discussion regarding draft TP (PM) Lab tour Day 3: (AM) Final TP discussions and review of open issues (PM) Wrap-up and schedule for next DTP working meeting

  2. If you plan on attending or if you have questions, please contact: Michael Olechiw USEPA/OAR/OTAQ/ASD 2000 Traverwood Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48165 USA 001-734-214-4297 olechiw.michael@epa.gov

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