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THERMAL AND MARINE POLLUTION. THERMAL POLLUTION. Thermal pollution is the degradation of water quality by any process that changes ambient water temperature.
THERMAL POLLUTION • Thermal pollution is the degradation of water quality by any process that changes ambient water temperature. • When water used as a coolant is returned to the natural environment at a higher temperature, the change in temperature decreases oxygen supply, and affects ecosystem composition.
SOURCES OF THERMAL POLLUTION • Removal of trees along the shore line increases solar incidence and hence warms up the water along with deforestation • Power plants -both nuclear and coal use thousands of gallons of water for their reactor but return water is much hotter. • Dumping of waste warm water by nuclear plants.
CAUSES OF THERMAL POLLUTION • Discharge of warmed water from power plants and other industrial plants, into rivers and lakes. • Discharge of hot combustion gases into the atmosphere. • When fuels are used to produce electricity, to heat a building, or to drive vehicles, there is always low quality heat energy rejected in the process. • Heavy use of air conditioning in a large urban area • The decrease in vegetation increases the amount of light that hits the water, which increases the temperature of the water
EFFECTS OF THERMAL POLLUTION There are several effects of thermal pollution: • Sudden and periodic increase in temperature producing a thermal effect • Changes to reproductive powers and increased susceptibility to disease. • Production of heat shock proteins for thermo tolerance.
Cont…. • Changes in migration time and pattern may be effected. • Bio indicators are the first to show the effects. • Decrease in productivity of the water body . • Economic and environmental damage.
HOW TO CONTROL THERMAL POLLUTION • Reduce mechanical friction in any rotating parts. • Avoid consuming energy more than necessity. Burn less coal, oil or gas. • Temperature signal conditioners accept outputs from temperature measurement devices . • Industrial fans and industrial blowers and commercial fans and blowers are designed to move air and/or powders in industrial and commercial settings.
Marine pollution Marine pollution occurs when harmful, entry into the ocean by chemicals, particles, industrial, agricultural and residential waste, noise, or the spread of invasive organisms. Most sources of marine pollution are land based. The pollution often comes from nonpoint sources such as agricultural runoff and wind blown debris and dust.
SOURCES OF MARINE POLLUTION • Oil from cars, heavy machinery, industry, other land-based sources; from oil tanker operations and other shipping; from accidents at sea; also offshore oil drilling and natural seepage • Radioactive substance- Discarded nuclear submarine and military waste; atmospheric fallout; also industrial wastes. • Nutrients- Runoff approximately sewage, from forestry, farming, and other land use. Also airborne nitrogen oxides from power plants, cars etc. • Thermal-Cooling water from power plants and industrial sites • Sediments-Erosion from mining, forestry, farming, and other land-use; coastal dredging and mining • Plastics-Fishing nets; cargo and cruise ships; beach litter; wastes from plastics industry and landfills
CAUSES OF MARINE POLLUTION • Discharge of crude oil; either accidental or deliberate into the ocean by cargo ship. • Harmful industrial wastes dumped into ocean. • Several mining leads are responsible for deposition of large amount of sediments in the ocean . • After heavy rain or floods most of the trash is washed into the ocean. • Discharge of untreated or partially treated sewage water and disposal of human wastes, plastic, domestic garbage into the ocean is called 'garbage dumping'. • Emission of large amount of Carbon dioxide.
EFFECTS OF MARINE POLLUTION • Oil spilling is quite hazardous for the marine life. • The thick film of oil on the water surface blocks the sunlight and thus affects the process of photosynthesis of marine plants . • Discharge of toxic wastes into sea has direct effect on marine life. • The oxygen dissolved in water gets depleted due to dumping of garbage into ocean.
CONT… • Industrial effluents containing heavy metals are poisonous in nature. • Another toxic “Dioxins” generated from the bleaching process of pulp and paper can causes the humen life. • Discharge of harmful chemical PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) typically cause reproduction problems in most marine organisms.
CONTROL MEASURES OF MARINE POLLUTION • Keep a few disposable oil absorbent pillows on hand to sop up oil spillage from bilges. • Stop the oil leakage. • Cooling water from power plants and industrial sites • Dispose of hazardous waste in approved dumps.
Submitted By-Abhilasha YadavArchana ShrivastavaJyoti KashyapSumitra