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Learn how the ELCIR+ Project in Ghana is enhancing forest reserves with inclusive practices, benefit sharing, and carbon sequestration. The Environmental & Social Safeguards Consultant is ensuring project sustainability while mitigating environmental and social impacts. Services include: facilitating safeguard measures, training staff, and mainstreaming sustainability practices.
OVERVIEW OF PROJECT • The Government of Ghana (GoG), acknowledging the threats of climate change and the growing cost of natural resources degradation (10% of GDP), implemented the Ghana Forest Investment Program - Engaging Local Communities in REDD+ / Enhancing Carbon Stocks (ELCIR+) Project with funding from the Climate Investment Fund (CIF) and the African Development Bank (AfDB). • The objectives are: • ensure the integrity, restoration, and sustainable management of forest reserves by introducing more inclusive management practices and benefit sharing models, financial incentives, and investments; • restore forest cover in off-reserve areas by securing tree tenure and benefits, forest plantations and landscape restoration, and rehabilitation of degraded forest land; • increase trees and enhance carbon stocks in the farming system by promoting sustainable cocoa and agricultural practices; and • develop viable alternative livelihoods for local communities by addressing a broad range of technical, financial and market incentives, to reduce pressure on existing forests. • ELCIR+ focuses on the High Forest Zone in Western and Brong Ahafo Regions where deforestation rates and carbon stocks are high.
NEED FOR ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS • ELCIR+ Project triggered World Bank & AfDB safeguards policies on Environmental Assessment, Involuntary Resettlement and Pest Management, hence the development of safeguards instruments: • Environmental and Social Management Framework/Plan (ESMF/ESMP); • Process Framework; and • Pest Management Plan. • Some project interventions have potential environmental (water pollution, conversion of natural forests, etc.) & social (loss of livelihood, gender inequality, restricted access to forests, etc.) impacts. • Establishment of tree plantation- on/off reserves and enrichment planting; • Model forest nurseries for native species; • Migrated sacred groves to community dedicated forest reserves; • Shade tree planting on cocoa farms and agricultural farming systems. • Protect project against risks (conflicts, gender inequality, fires, etc.) and enhance the benefits (carbon sequestration, additional livelihoods, integrated NRM, improved agricultural production, etc.).
OVERVIEW OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES • The Environmental & Social Safeguards Consultant (SAL Consult Ltd) will provide the following services to the project: • Facilitate the implementation of the Social and Environmental Safeguard measures/instruments of the Project for the entire period of project implementation; • Provide training of Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources (MLNR), Forestry Commission (FC) and Cocobod staff to effectively execute their role as social and environmental safeguard focal persons for the ELCIR+ and Enhancing Natural Forest and Agroforest Landscapes (ENFAL) Projects; and • Ensure that environmental, social, gender and sustainable natural resource management issues are mainstreamed into all relevant components and activities of the Project. • Started in September, 2016. • Same consultancy services being provided for the implementation of the Ghana REDD+ Programme (GhREDD+) – concurrently. GhREDD+ is nationwide.
ELCIR+ PROJECT ACTIVITIESEnrichment Planting of degraded forest reserve
ELCIR+ PROJECT ACTIVITIESPlanting of trees on degraded watersheds
ELCIR+ PROJECT ACTIVITIES • Others include: • Seed orchard • Model Plantations • Private plantations • Climate smart cocoa
CONSULTANCY SERVICES PROVIDED • Guidance in the implementation of project interventions. • Selection of National Safeguard Focal Person. • Preparation of Terms of Reference (ToR) for selection of regional, district and community level safeguard focal persons. • Preparation of training schedule for safeguard persons at all levels. Working group comprised: • SAL Consult Ltd (provided guidance and assistance). • National safeguard focal person; • Project persons from MLNR; • Members of the safeguard sub-working group of REDD+; and • Representatives from the following institutions/organisations – Resource Management Support Centre (RMSC) of FC; International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); ARochaGhana (an environmental NGO); and KasaInitiative Ghana (a civil society organisation).
CONSULTANCY SERVICES PROVIDED • Training on Safeguards Institutional Arrangements for Southern Sector.
CONSULTANCY SERVICES PROVIDED • Training on Safeguards Institutional Arrangements for Northern Sector.
NEXT STEPS • Selection of regional, district and community level safeguards persons. • Tailored training for selected safeguards focal persons. • Provide guidance in the implementation of the ELCIR+, ENFAL and GhREDD+ Projects