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Spell better And Speak better

Spell better And Speak better. Winby. The sources of Medical terms. Anglo-Saxon: arm, head Graeco-Roman: pylorus, aorta Corruption:boel, buel (old French) bouel (Mid-aged English) bowel (Modern English)

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Spell better And Speak better

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Spell better And Speak better Winby

  2. The sources of Medical terms • Anglo-Saxon: arm, head • Graeco-Roman: pylorus, aorta Corruption:boel, buel (old French) bouel (Mid-aged English) bowel (Modern English) Romance: French: Chancre, debris Italy: Influenza Spanish: Mosquito Modern invention • Arabic: Nucha, mater, Cephalic, vein • Modern German: Kernicterus Winby

  3. Latin words • vice versa反過來,秩序改變 • de novo新的 • per se本身的 • sine qua non絕對必要的 • bona fide真實的 • in situ原位 • in vitro試管的、體外 • in vivo活體內 • et al.和其他的 • pro re nata (p.r.n.)需要時 • ter in die (t.i.d.)一天三次 • oculus sinister (o.s.)左眼 Winby

  4. English Latin Graeco • Lung Pulmon Pneumon • Shin Tibia • Thigh Femur • Tear Lacrimal • Tear Lacerate Winby

  5. French words • lavage沖洗 • curettage 刮除術 • triage傷患分類 • debris碎屑 • debridement創傷切開法 • chancroid軟性下疳 • chancre下疳 • forme fruste疾病之異型 • petit mal小發作 • en bloc整塊(個) • en plaque 整片 • cafe au lait咖啡加牛奶 Winby

  6. Pluralizing terms • Add s to words ending in any vowel or consonant except s,x,z, or y (ex. joint- joints) • Add es to words ending in s,x, or z (ex. reflex - reflexes) Winby

  7. Pluralizing terms • Remove x and add `ces to Latin words ending in x (ex. appendix- appendices) • Remove the `y and add `ies to words ending in `y preceded by a consonant (ex. mastectomy- mastectomies) Winby

  8. Pluralizing terms • When an ending `y is preceded by a vowel, the usual plural suffix is `s (ex. boy - boys) • Add `e to Latin terms ending in a (ex. lamina – laminae; • Add ‘s or ‘ta to terms ending inoma (ex.lymphoma-lymphomata) Winby

  9. Pluralizing terms • Remove `us and add `i to Latin words ending in us (ex. bacillus- bacilli, coccus-cocci) • Change `sis to `ses in Greek words ending in sis (ex. psychosis - psychoses) Winby

  10. Pluralizing terms • Remove `on from and add `a to Greek words ending in `on (ex. criterion - criteria) • Remove `um from and add `a to Latin words ending in um (ex. diverticulum - diverticula) Winby

  11. Pluralizing terms--Latin Singular Plural • Fossa fossae • Fascia fasciae • datum data • radix radices Winby

  12. Pluralizing terms--Greek Singular Plural • neurosis neuroses • ganglion ganglia • calyx calyces Winby

  13. Phonetic technic • Pronouncing a word out loud each time you see the pronounciation (every vowel)will help familiarize you with the sound of the word… (ex.) Two sounds: Reflex:RE-fleks; Three sounds: Atrophy: A-tro-phy Four sounds: Anemia a-NE-me-a • Long and short vowels: A, E, I, O, U • Accent: noun versus adjective Winby

  14. Silent Letter Combinations • Ch = “k” sound • Gn = “n” sound • Kn = “n” sound • Mn = “n” sound • Cn = “n” sound • Pn = “n” sound • Ps = “s” sound • Pt = “t” sound • Chemistry • Gnaw • Knuckle • Mnemonics • Cnemial • Pneumonia • Psoriasis • ptosis Winby

  15. Pronunciation– Hard and Soft Sounds • Letters such as “C” and “G” can have hard or soft sounds, depending on whether they are followed by a vowel or a consonant. LetterExample • C = “S” sound when followed by e, i, or y. cell • C = “K” sound otherwise color • G = “J” sound when followed by e, i, or y. gelatin • G = “G” sound otherwise gram Winby

  16. Vowel Combinations • Caesarean • Coelom • Fungi • nares • Ae = “E” sound • Oe = “E” sound • An “I” at the end of a word is pronounced as “eye.” • “Es” at the end of a word is pronounced as “eez” Winby

  17. Easily mispronounced words--A • Angina pectoris • Apocrine (endocrine) • Apoplexy • Autopsy • Antibody, Antibiotic Winby

  18. Easily mispronounced words--B • Biopsy • Botulism • Bowel, Brow, Bowl Winby

  19. Easily mispronounced words--C • Cavernous hemangioma • Carcinogen • Caruncle • Carbuncle • Clitoris • Conization • Conservative • Cytoplasm Winby

  20. Easily mispronounced words--D • Dentin • Dilation, dilatation • Duodenum • Dysentery Winby

  21. Easily mispronounced words--E • Epilepsy Winby

  22. Easily mispronounced words--F • Foramen • Fixation, fixative Winby

  23. Easily mispronounced words--G • Pathognomonic • Gingiva • Genome • Gross pathology Winby

  24. Easily mispronounced words--H • Homograft • Homozygote, homozygotic Winby

  25. Easily mispronounced words-- • Inflammation, inflammatory Winby

  26. Easily mispronounced words--L • Lacrimal gland • Lanugo • Lipoma, liposarcoma Winby

  27. Easily mispronounced words--M • Mediastinum, mediastinal, mediastinitis • Menarche • Metastasis • Mesenchyme, mesenchyma • Microglia Winby

  28. Easily mispronounced words--N • Nasopharynx Winby

  29. Easily mispronounced words--O • Oophorectomy • Ophthalmectomy Winby

  30. Easily mispronounced words--P • Phallus • Penis • Perineum • Peritoneum • Pineal (pineoblastoma) • Plaque • Plague • Prepuce • Primitive Winby

  31. Easily mispronounced words--Q • Quarantine • Query • Queue Winby

  32. Easily mispronounced words--R • Reflex • Respirator, respiration, respiratory • Rubeola • Rubella Winby

  33. Easily mispronounced words--S • Specimen • Suppuration, suppurative • (normal) Saline Winby

  34. Easily mispronounced words--T • Tinnitus • Tourniquet Winby

  35. Easily mispronounced words--U • Ureter • Urethra Winby

  36. Easily mispronounced words--V • Valve,vulva, uvula • Valgus, vagus, varus • Variola, varicella • Varix, varices, varicose • (in) Vitro, (in) vivo Winby

  37. Easily mispronounced words—ending with “sis” • Agenesis, Amebiasis, Analysis, Aspergillosis, Autolysis • Bronchiectasis • Candidiasis • Diaphysis • Epiphysis • Hemolysis, Hypophysis • Metastasis • Pathogenesis • Schitosomiasis • Telangiectasis Winby

  38. Easily mispronounced words—ending with “sia” • Telangiectasia • Bronchiectasia • Dysplasia • Hyperplasia • Metaplasia • Anaplasia Winby

  39. Easily mispronounced words—ending with “ion”and “sion” • Question • Congestion • Suggestion • Action • Mention Winby

  40. Easily mispronounced words—ending with “lus” and “la” • Alveolus, alveolar • Bronchiolus, bronchilar • Foveolus, foveola, Winby

  41. Easily mispronounced words—ending with “logy” and “phy” • Biology • Pathology • Tetralogy • Tomography Winby

  42. Easily mispronounced words—ending with “scope” ;“scopy” and “scopic” • Bronchoscope, bronchoscopy, bronchoscopic • Coloscope, coloscopy (colonoscopy) coloscopic • Colposcope, colposcopy, colposcopic • Endoscope, endoscopy, endoscopic, • Microscope, microscopy, microscopic Winby

  43. Easily mispronounced words—ending with “meter” • Diameter • Nanometer • Ophthalmometer • Thermometer Winby

  44. Easily mispronounced words—ending with “pnea” • Apnea • Dyspnea • Hyperpnea Winby

  45. Easily mispronounced words—ending with “geal” • Esophagus, esophageal • Pharynx, pharyngeal • Coccyx, coccygeal Winby

  46. Easily mispronounced words—ending with “genous” “logous”and “geneous” • Endogenous • Exogenous • Homogeneous • Heterogeneous • Homologous • Heterologous Winby

  47. Easily mispronounced words—French • Medical terms: Chancroid, chancre Curettage Debris, debridement Lavage Triage • Common usage: Chauffeur Buffet Winby

  48. Taiwan Society of PathologyInformation Please 2003 • 22 speakers, in which only 4 had no mistakes in pronunciation • Four mistakes in the comment sections • Four mistakes from moderator Winby

  49. Similar or misspelled words • Pubic versus Public • Pleural versus plural • Peritoneum versus perineum • sweat gland versus sweet gland • Impotence versus importance • corps,corpse,corpus • salivary,salary;bowel,bowl; • frank,flank;satellite,stellate。 Winby

  50. Similar or misspelled words • epidemic,epidermic • peritoneum,perineum • valva,vulva,uvula • ureter,urethra; Semen, Cement • achalasia,chalasia; Breast, beast • adduction,abduction • hydrencephalus,hydranencephaly • prosencephalon,porencephaly Winby

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