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Blogging. What is a blog?. “A web-based journal in which people can publish their thoughts and opinions on the Internet ” Updated Frequently About a Specific Topic. Who Uses Blogs ?. Why Blog?. Show Personality Demonstrate Knowledge/Expertise Drive Traffic Increase Search Rankings

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Blogging.

  2. What is a blog? “A web-based journal in which people can publish their thoughts and opinions on the Internet” • Updated Frequently • About a Specific Topic

  3. Who Uses Blogs?

  4. Why Blog? • Show Personality • Demonstrate Knowledge/Expertise • Drive Traffic • Increase Search Rankings • Hobby/Interest • Build a Following

  5. Beginning a blog… 1. Choose Your Topic 2. Where to Build Your Blog 3. Pick a Name 4. Set up Social Media Sites

  6. What employers will look for • Overall Direction of the Blog • Structure of your Posts • Content • Variety • Interaction • Personality • Professionalism

  7. Structure of a Blog post • Title • Opening Line • Use images at the top “Images are steroids for your headline.” -Sonia Simone from Copyblogger • Length of the Article • Headers to break up content • Bullets and Lists • Closing

  8. What to Blog About • Insight Blogging • Piggyback Blogging • Controversial Topic • Announcement • Link Blogging • Video • Photo • Review • List • Survey • Feature Blogging

  9. Create an Editorial Calendar

  10. Building Followers/Interaction • Add Calls to Action in Posts • Questions • Subscribe Link or Form • Get Social! • Facebook • Twitter • LinkedIn • Forums • Other Blogs


  12. Questions? Let’s Connect! • Web: www.impactbnd.com • Email: Ndavis@impactbnd.com • Twitter: @NatalieIMPACT • Phone: 203-265-4377 • LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nataliedavis1

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