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Learn and follow simple procedures in Mrs. Dunbar’s 6th Grade Classroom to excel in school. From entering to leaving, understand rules, expectations, and consequences for a productive learning environment.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Mrs. Dunbar’s 6th Grade Classroom Medical Lake Middle School
WHY DO WE HAVE PROCEDURES? • To do things right, we have to follow some simple procedures, for example: • To open your locker, you have to select your combination in the correct order. • To place a call on your phone, you need to enter someone’s phone number in the right order. • To be successful in school, you need to follow some simple procedures.
ENTERING: • Working pencil? Solve your own problems. • Greet the teacher and your classmates with respect. • Enter quietly and have a seat. Make good choices. • Work on entry task orany incomplete work as you wait.
STARTING THE DAY: • Bell rings at 7:55 am. • If you need to give me something before class, please do before the bell. Problem solving. • After the bell please listen for the daily announcements. Respect.
DURING INSTRUCTION: • Pay attention and listen so you hear the instructions. • Raise your hand quietly to get my attention. • Ask questions related to the subject. • Speak in complete sentences.
WHILE YOU ARE WORKING: • 1st ask another student, if they also don’t understand, then ask the teacher. • Use your time wisely, and you will finish your work on time. • When talking to a neighbor use an indoor voice (quietly).
LEAVING CLASS: • If you need to leavequietly let the teacher know. • Sign in and out on the clipboard. • I am responsible for you!
NOTEBOOKS: • Have a spiral notebook for notes. • You need a pen for correctingand a pencil to write with everyday! • Keep your notebook organized, and know where it is. • Notes are allowed for tests so don’t lose it!
GETTING YOUR ATTENTION: • When I clap my hands, or say “3-2-1” stop what you are doing, and listen. • Face the teacher and wait silently. • No talking, whispering, or sharpening pencils. All of your attention should be given to the teacher.
AFTER YOU ARE DONE: • Check your work: Is your name is on it? • If the task is to be turned in, do so. • If you had a rubric make sure you did everything listed.
TURNING IN PAPERS: • Every class period has a tray on the back counter to turn work into. • Check that your name and period are on it before you turn it in.
IN CLASS FILES: • Every student has a file in here for incomplete work or so you can keep your graded and returned papers together.
ENDING CLASS: • Put away any items you used and put garbage in the trash can. • Wait for the teacher to dismiss you. • After you are dismissed, push in your chair and leave quietly. • If it is the last period of the day, place your chair on top of the desk.
HOMEWORK PROCEDURE: • You will rarely have work assigned specifically to do at home. • Homework is most likely work you did not finish in class. So use your time wisely! • There will be a project for each unit and will be posted to my webpage.
WHEN YOU ARE TARDY: • Give your tardy slip to the teacher. • Come in and join the class quietly * Class is already in session. • Make sure you get anything you missed from me before you leave.
IF YOU ARE ABSENT: • Get missed assignments from me. • Tests can be rescheduled. • Look on the school’s website for the daily lessons from any teacher. • Look at my homepage for specific assignments. Most are scanned in and can be printed at home.
SOME COMMON RULES: RESPECT: • Act and speak in an appropriate way. • Keep voices low in class and in the halls. • No backpacks. MAKING GOOD CHOICES: • Follow rules and procedures for substitutes. • When someone enters the classroom please continue to work quietly.
CONSEQUENCES • A warning or request for you to behave properly. • Conference with Student(how are you going to change behavior) • Lunch Detention • Parent Contact/phone call • Referral to Office
GRADING SCALE: Standards based report cards. 1- Attempting to learn skill 2- Approaching standard 3- Meeting standard 4- Mastering the standards and material in class
HELP OUR CLASS RUN SMOOTHLY: • Procedures let you know what to do without having to ask. • I will help youbut if you learn what to do, you will have an easier year.
CONTACTING ME: • jdunbar@mlsd.org • Check my homepage for news or if you miss assignments. • This room is #24 • My class phone # 565-3344 And remember to wash your hands often so we all stay healthy!