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SAFE-Web Project Status Update for Peralta Community College District March 18, 2010. Andrew Nassir Sherri Sanchez Nancy Kelleher. Agenda. Restating Peralta Needs Additional Requirements Deliverables General Features and Functionality Product Licenses Services Contract Term
SAFE-Web ProjectStatus Updatefor Peralta Community College District March 18, 2010 Andrew Nassir Sherri Sanchez Nancy Kelleher
Agenda • Restating Peralta Needs • Additional Requirements • Deliverables • General Features and Functionality • Product Licenses • Services • Contract Term • Mainframe Safe Deliverables • Project Breakout • Work Group 1 – Setup • Work Group 2 – Student Information • Work Group 3 – Processing Setup • Work Group 4 – Student Processing • Work Group 5 – Batch Processing • Project Schedule • Finishing Up
Restating Peralta’s Needs • Desires to have ESI SAFE application moved off mainframe due to cost considerations • It is the only production application currently running on Peralta mainframe • Doesn’t want to rush migration due to previous “bad” experience • Use Peralta data warehouse as an intermediary data repository for integrated PeopleSoft/SAFE data • So that users don’t access production system for query/reporting requests • IT has strong preference that new code not be maintained in COBOL • Prefers that any future Peralta customization/integration work be done in more “modern” programming language • Pre-production/testing will be hosted by ESI remotely
Restating Peralta Needs, con’t • Desires to continue printing checks from the custom PCCD check writing module • Requires 7 years of current PCCD SAFE award and payment history data for record retention/access (within SAFE system, not data mart)
Additional Requirements • Wants additional features/functionality (per fit/gap analysis) and updated web interface implemented with initial conversion/migration effort (not in later phase) • Letter creation/printing, user interface design and other features could affect project costs and warranty – and result in schedule slippages
Deliverables • General Features and Functionality • Retain most current EMAS SAFE - mainframe functionality in EMAS SAFE - Web • Store all ISIRs for a given student (currently we only store only one) • Enhance ability to send emails from system • Convert and migrate SAFE award and payment history data • Custom software programming for bi-directional PeopleSoft data bridge with SAFE - Web (via datamart) • Integration to the current custom check writing module (does not include conversion of PCCD programs)
Deliverables, con’t • Product Licenses • EMAS Financial Aid Pro (SAFE Web-based) Usage License (2010-11) • For all PCCD colleges for use by staff and students • Peralta is to start 2010-11 FA award year processing with existing EMAS SAFE (mainframe-based) 2010-2011 award year version. Implementation of 2010-2011 award year EMAS SAFE (web-based) will start on a mutual agreeable date based on project completion. • EMAS Financial Aid Pro (SAFE Web-based) Usage License (2011-12) • ESI will continue to provide support and maintenance services for the mainframe version to Peralta without additional charge until the software is successfully installed and integrated and capable of being used in production.
Deliverables, con’t • Services • ESI EMAS SAFE Managed Services Tier 1: • Issue response within 2 hours during normal ESI business hours • ESI EMAS Data Services • Services during normal ESI business hours • Import load of PCCD colleges Federal ISIRs and monitor PeopleSoft import/export operation • Support operation of scheduled PCCD auto-award packaging, and management data reporting
Contract Term Effective Date • Sept 30, 2009 – Sept 29, 2012 (initial term) • Note: contract was signed on November 4, 2009 • Services purchased for FA Award Years 2010-11 and 2011-12
Mainframe SAFE Deliverables • FA Year 09-10 (Jan 09 – Oct 1, 2010) • Already paid (Nov 09, 2009 – late due to move from Regents) • Maintenance and Support Work until Sept ‘10 • FISAP – deliverable July/August ’10 • FA Year 10-11 (Jan 10 – Oct 1, 2011) • Payment for SAFE-Web includes mainframe with turnoff sometime 2011) • Initial release planned for mid to late Feb, 2010 • COD Reporting – Apr - June 2010 • On-going maintenance (turn off TBD) • FA 09-11 Anticipated Changes • FAFSA Changes • Year Round Pell – additional terms of Pell in award year start Summer 09-10 • Direct Loans – new again to Peralta (already at Merritt) • Mandates on District(?) • Using FA to increase completion rates (Retention Pro?) • Cal Grant future (no funds?)
Workgroup 1 – Setup Setup data will be input by PCCD FAOs, ESI Managed/Data Services or PCCD IT Staff. Another possibility may be to extract existing settings/setup from the current mainframe segments if/when appropriate.
Workgroup 2–Student Information Student data is supplied by the Department of Education in the form of an ISIR record and is loaded into the system or can be manually entered by FAO’s for students not completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Workgroup 2 – Student Information, con’t Processing can commence. Student data entries can be corrected if errors are present FAOs make the corrections and system functions are used to create the correction file to be sent to the Department of Education
Workgroup 3 – Student Processing Setup Setup is completed by FAO, ES Account mgr, PCCD IT, or if appropriate mainframe parameters exported/imported for other student processing functionality to allow for continued student processing for a student or group of students
Workgroup 3 – Student Processing Setup, con’t Setup is completed by FAO, ES Account mgr, PCCD IT, or if appropriate mainframe parameters exported/imported for other student processing functionality to allow for continued student processing for a student or group of students
Workgroup 4 - Student Processing FAOs verify student information as correct and correct data if incorrect, document requests are made for institution required documents as well as verification required documents. FAOs make the corrections, request the documents be printed/emailed (new) and send the correspondence to students. System functions are used to create the correspondence (as with correction files) and receipt of documents is monitored by FAOs. System updates are made upon receipt of documents (tracking)
Workgroup 4 – Student Processing, con’t Continue with other student processing once the correction, verification, and tracking process is completed for a student or group of students. FAOs can complete the functionality on demand or schedule/request batch jobs to be run in off hours. These scheduled jobs use system settings and student information to initiate the process.
Workgroup 4 - Student Processing, con’t Continue with other student processing once the correction, verification, and tracking process is completed for a student or group of students. FAOs would perform these tasks or request/schedule the jobs to be run at off times.
Workgroup 5 – Batch Processing(in Mainframe) Continue with other student processing once awards are packaged and payments are being made. FAOs or ES Account Manager would request/schedule these jobs to run at an off time (e.g. overnight for example) or run the process on demand. Changes will need to be made to the ISIR load process to provide for storage of all student ISIR transactions and to allow the FAO’s functionality to change the active ISIR in the database.
Workgroup 5 –Batch Processing(in Mainframe) Continue with other student processing once awards are packaged and payments are being made. FAOs or ES Account Manager would request/schedule these jobs to run at an off time (e.g. overnight for example) or run the process on demand. Changes will need to be made to the ISIR load process to provide for storage of all student ISIR transactions and to allow the FAO’s functionality to change the active ISIR in the database.
Workgroup 5 – Batch Processing(in Mainframe) FAOs or ES Account Manager would request/schedule these jobs to be run in off hours or will be able to process the data on demand.
Workgroup 5 - Batch Processing(in Mainframe) Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) system reporting. FAOs or ES Account Manager would request/schedule these jobs to be run in off hours or will be able to process the data on demand.
Workgroup 5 – Batch Processing in Mainframe, con’t FAOs or ES Account Manager would request/schedule these jobs to be run in off hours or will be able to process the data on demand.
Finishing Up • Takeaways • Action items