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Working in and around confined spaces

Working in and around confined spaces. 1. Working In and Around Confined Spaces. OSHA. 3. 3. OSHA. OSHA. OSHA. Employer. Employee. 5. OSHA. OSHA. 6. OSHA. OSHA. OSHA Exercise. Stump the class!

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Working in and around confined spaces

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Working in and around confined spaces 1

  2. Working In and Around Confined Spaces

  3. OSHA 3 3

  4. OSHA

  5. OSHA OSHA Employer Employee 5

  6. OSHA OSHA 6

  7. OSHA

  8. OSHA

  9. OSHA Exercise Stump the class! • With a partner, write two questions from this section (pages 4 to 9) that you believe the rest of the class will be challenged in answering correctly. (Questions must be reasonable! If your instructor can’t answer, it doesn’t count!)

  10. Terms – Adjacent Space

  11. Terms – Competent Person

  12. Terms – Enclosed Space

  13. Terms- Atmospheric Testing

  14. Terms - IDLH

  15. Terms - LEL

  16. Terms – Safe For Hot Work

  17. Defining Confined Spaces

  18. Recognizing a Confined Space

  19. Where Are They Found

  20. Why Go Into A Confined Space?

  21. General Hazards in Confined Spaces

  22. Hazards

  23. Physical and Atmospheric Hazards

  24. Physical Hazards

  25. Heat Stress and EntrapmentConfined Space Hazards

  26. Physical Hazards Exercise

  27. Atmospheric HazardsFire and Explosion

  28. Atmospheric HazardsToxic Fumes

  29. Atmospheric Hazards Exercise

  30. OSHA Asphyxiation Video

  31. Confined Space Fatal Facts

  32. Confined Space Exercise

  33. Safe Entry into a Confined Space

  34. Safe Entry into Confined Spaces

  35. Safe Entry into Double Bottom Confined Spaces

  36. Evaluating a Confined Space

  37. Visual Inspection

  38. Precautions and Testing

  39. Oxygen Testing

  40. What’s Wrong With This Picture?

  41. Confined Space Exercise

  42. Confined Spaces QUIZ! 42

  43. Inspection and Testing

  44. Oxygen Levels

  45. Oxygen Deficiency

  46. Oxygen Deficient Atmospheres

  47. Oxygen Enrichment

  48. Inerted Atmosphere

  49. OXYGEN LEVELS “HANGMAN” EXERCISE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ There is a significantly increased likelihood of a fire with this type of atmosphere. (2 words)

  50. Fire/Explosion

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