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Risk Management Workshop

Risk Management Workshop . Risk Management. Webster’s Dictionary defines: Risk “The chance of injury, damage, or loss; a hazard” and Management

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Risk Management Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Risk Management Workshop

  2. Risk Management Webster’s Dictionary defines: Risk “The chance of injury, damage, or loss; a hazard” and Management “The implementation of collaborative efforts to coordinate resources and planning that will establish the most effective climate for growth and development. It is not meant to be synonymous with control.”

  3. Key Point: Why Risk Management? “…collaborative efforts to coordinate resources and planning that will establish the most effective climate for growth and development…”

  4. Texas Law Senate Bill 2639 amends the Education Code to requires us to provide a risk management program and it sets out attendance requirements for members and advisors of student organizations. Any two of the following officers must attend: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, risk manager, new member educator, sergeant at arms, or recruitment chair. Failure to have completed the training by semester’s end will result in immediate suspension of the organization until the requirement is met. Suspended organizations lose recognition and all privileges associated thereof.

  5. Topics for the Workshop Student Organization Travel Event Planning / Risk Management Sexual Assault & Harassment Personal & Fire Safety on Campus Hazing Alcohol Awareness

  6. Personal & Fire Safety

  7. Safety and Security at the University of Texas – Pan American

  8. UTPA’s Primary Goal “ To ensure that you are just as healthy and safe when you leave UTPA as when you arrived”

  9. Department of Environmental Health and Safety Programs • Safety Training • Facilities and Fire Safety • Laboratory Safety • Occupational Health and Safety • Construction Safety • Environmental Protection • Insurance Programs • Emergency Response “Safety is in Everyone's Job Description”

  10. Students and Safety • Practice safety when on campus or participating in UTPA related activities or events (e.g. fire drills, food safety, laboratory safety, residence hall safety…..) • Notify the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (DEHS) in the event you discover a safety related issue • (956) 381-3690 • safety@utpa.edu

  11. UT Police Programs • Crime Prevention • Crime Awareness • Crime Stoppers • Parking Services • Police Assistance • Emergency Response (956)316-7151 or crimeline@utpa.edu.

  12. Emergency Response • Bomb Threats • Workplace Violence • Family Violence • Hostage/Barricaded Subject Situations • Fire Alarm Response • Major Incident Response Plan-Unusual Occurrences • Hazardous Material Response Procedures • Demonstrations on Campus • Robberies • *Response to An Active Shooter

  13. Initiatives • Counseling • Emergency Response • Everywhere • Cell phone paging/messaging • Outside • Siren • Inside • Computer monitors • Hallway monitors

  14. Security Around Campus • BE ALERT. Your safety depends mostly on your own attitude and actions. • AVOID WALKING ALONE AT NIGHT. • AVOID WALKING IN DARK PLACES • PROTECT YOUR PERSONAL PROPERTY. • Make a record of any valuable property which has unique serial numbers, such as computer, stereo or television equipment. Marking and recording your property in this way will aid in recovery in case of loss or theft. University Police can advise you on securing your bike and will help you select a sturdy lock. Bikes properly secured with good locks are rarely stolen. • Park your car in a well lit area and keep it locked at all times. Don't leave valuables where they can be seen in your vehicle; lock them in your trunk. The college assumes no responsibility for loss of or damage to personal property.REPORT CRIME

  15. Fire Safety, Emergency Evacuation &Fire Extinguisher Training University of Texas- Pan American Department of Environmental Health and Safety

  16. Fires at Academic Institutions • Campus Statistics • 1800 fires/8.1 million in property damage • Since January 2000, there have been 108 campus-related fire deaths across the country • 81% are on off campus housing • The causes 1 - Incendiary (Arson) 2 - Cooking 3 - Smoking 4 – Electrical Safety

  17. Electrical Safety • Surge Protectors are the only approved means of multiplying a receptacle. • All surge protectors and equipment must have a UL label. Extension cords and flexible cords cannot be a substitute for permanent wiring and are prohibited in residence halls. • These cords shall not be nailed, stapled, run under carpet, wrapped around furniture, run across the ceiling, or attached to any surface by any other creative means. • All cords should be in good condition.

  18. Before the Fire • Know how to use and location of fire extinguisher • Know the location of more than one exit • Know location and how to activate the alarm (usually located at exits) • Make sure exits are clearly marked • Make sure egress (EXITS) are not blocked! • Make sure fire doors are not open. • Recognize the sound of the alarm • Know the emergency number (911) • Participate in fire drills and know your plan

  19. If You Discover the Fire! • Survival is the First Priority • Make the decision to fight the fire ..if you don’t…. • Close all doors behind you • Sound verbal alarm (fire !fire!) • Proceed directly to safest exit (Do not use elevators) • Sound the alarm (if its on the way out) • Assemble 150 feet from the building (upwind of fire and away from emergency crews) • Assist disabled • Brief emergency personnel • Do not reenter the building!

  20. Fire Extinguisher Training

  21. Extinguisher Types

  22. Putting Out a Fire • Pull the pin Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire • Squeeze the lever Sweep side to side until fire is out

  23. How to Contact the DEHS... • Phone: 381-3690 • Fax: 381-2699 • Safety@panam.edu • Webpage: http://ehs.panam.edu • E-mail: Found on the DEHS webpage • Come Visit Us! Lamar campus (old gymnasium)

  24. Event Planning/ Travel

  25. Event Planning One of the most important parts of an organization’s activities or events is the planning process.

  26. A Five Step Plan for Assessing Risk Identification Evaluation Treatment Implementation Assessment

  27. Five Step Plan for Assessing Risk: Step 1 Identification

  28. Five Step Plan for Assessing Risk: Step 2 Evaluation

  29. Five Step Plan for Assessing Risk: Step 3 Treatment

  30. Five Step Plan for Assessing Risk: Step 4 Implementation

  31. Five Step Plan for Assessing Risk: Step 5 Assessment

  32. Issues to consider… The content you are presenting, ex. Might it cause a disturbance? Food, Make sure there is no cross contamination or safety violations being violated. Activity, is there going to be a big crowd, do you need to have security? Weather, is it going to rain, is there high winds that need to be taken into consideration? Lighting Parking

  33. Risk Management… It is important to follow all applicable university rules and regulations when planning/ having an event

  34. Reminder The Office of Student Development We’re here to help

  35. Please complete and return to the Office of the Dean of Students, University Center 104, at least seven business days before the trip. Incomplete forms may delay travel authorization. • Student Travel Forms • Authorization for Student Travel • Release & Indemnification Agreement • Attach a list with names and student identification numbers of all students who will be going on the trip

  36. Special Events Funds by the Student Government Association Available to fund up to 50% of the costs of approved requests.  Each organization or individual may receive a maximum of $2,000 per academic year.  On June 1, if Special Events funds are still available, organizations or individuals who have reached their $2,000 maximum may submit new requests for the summer. Funding is based on a reimbursement process only.

  37. Special Events Funds by the Student Government Association Obtain a Request for Funds Form online at the OSD, DOS, or SGA Websites. An Authorization for Student Travel Form, a Release of All Claims Form (Indemnification Agreement) for each member traveling and a list of the names and SID numbers of all students traveling must be on file with the Dean of Students office at least 10 days prior to the date of the trip. Once your completed paperwork is received, a representative from SGA will contact you inviting you to present your proposal at the next weekly SGA Senate meeting, where your request will be considered.

  38. After Your Travel To ensure accountability, after the event a Program Evaluation and original receipts must be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students within 15 calendar days following the funded activity.

  39. Sexual Harassment & Assault

  40. Disability Services • Substance Abuse Services • Student Judicial Services • Campus Assault Response Effort (CARE) • Ally Program • Bacchus & Gamma

  41. Sexual Harassment • Sexual misconduct includes inappropriate • Sexual advances • Requests for sexual favors • Verbal conduct of a sexual nature • Physical conduct of a sexual nature

  42. Sexual Harassment • When • Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment or education • Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for academic or employment decisions • Purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s academic or professional performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive employment, educational, or living environment.

  43. Sexual Harassment • Investigation • Student and student • Dean of Students Office • Student and faculty/staff • Dean of Students Office and Office of the President • Faculty/staff and faculty/staff • Office of the President

  44. Sexual Harassment • Empowerment Zone (Dean of Students Office) • Christine Stuart-Carruthers • UC 305 • 956-318-5375 • carruthers@utpa.edu • Office of the President • Esmeralda Guerra • SSB 6th floor • 956-381-2100 • engd5dc@utpa.edu

  45. Sexual Assault • Sexual assault is very serious topic and should be viewed as such • Sexual assault is perpetrated by males against females at a high rate, however sexual assault can happen in any gender combination. • There is no way to cover everything about sexual assault here today, this is just a brief overview

  46. Where We’re Headed • Ever think sexual assault doesn’t happen at college? • Think you know what is a crime and what is just normal ‘hooking up’ in college? • What can we do?

  47. Ever think sexual assault doesn’t happen at college? The myths and facts

  48. Myth • Sexual assaults don’t happen on college campuses

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