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Witnesses of the Resurrection. Isabel Correa . Description of session:.
Witnesses of the Resurrection Isabel Correa
Description of session: Young people today need models of faith; “Witnesses of the Resurrection” (Luke 24:33-35) that can concretely relate to their daily ordinary life experiences. Teens and young adults live in a media saturated world that continuously influences the building of their identity. They are presented with a multitude of images, models, values, paradigms and social structures that are often distorted or void of evangelical values, especially in the area of love, sexuality and relationships. This session aims at exploring what it means to be a “Witness of the Resurrection” in the lives of young people today. We will look at the elements which facilitate the building of these trusting spiritual relationships, necessary to encourage and accompany young people to discover the essence of being made in the image of God by proposing Jesus Christ as a relevant model for becoming good, honest Christian citizen; the Saints of the New Millennium.
Objective: • Exploring what it means to be a “Witness of the Resurrection” in the lives of young people today. • Identify elements which facilitate the building of trusting spiritual relationships, necessary to encourage and accompany young people to discover the essence of being made in the image of God by proposing Jesus Christ as a relevant model for becoming good, honest Christian citizen; the Saints of the New Millennium.
The Call to be Witnesses of the Resurrection • Where are we called to witness?
The challenges of the contemporary world • Complex Reality • Transformation of Time and Space
Framework for a critical reading of today • Parameters of the Youth World • The need for involvement • Parallel Lives – different ways of organizing Time • From Multi cultural to intercultural relationships • A new kind of communication – Virtual World • Resources and limits of multi-belonging • Uncertainty in choices – uncertainty regarding the Future • Openness o the desire for God – The Search for Spirituality
Openness o the desire for God – The Search for Spirituality
How do we help Young people become Witness of the Resurrection? • Becoming witness our selves. Disciples need other disciples.
The response of Youth Ministry Encountering the Risen Christ
The primary goal of the youth ministry is to lead young people to meet Jesus of Nazareth. • The humanity of Jesus is the point of reference for every interpersonal relationship. In him we see a shining example of relationships rich in interiority, mutuality and closeness that draw on the sources of his divine sonship.
Recognizing Jesus of Nazareth as a model for authentic relationships. – • With God as Father • A filial relationship
Jesus: source of new humanism • With Jesus as Master
With the Holy Spirit as guide • Relationship rich in interiority • Holy Spirit Master of the interior life • With others as brothers and sisters • Relating as neighbours
Critical approach to relationships • With things, with freedom • Caring relationships
Respectful relationships capable of wonder • EXPERIENCE as a school of life • Growing in Love • A family environment
Love and freedom • Service freely given • Education to self giving • Interiority and Prayer • Education to Interiority • Education to Chrisian Prayer • Sharing the WORD • The Word listened to, shared and proclaimed • Experience of the Paschal Mystery • Celebrating in Spirit and truth
The Gospel: A Light for Life • Mary, Mother and educator • The presence of Mary as Mother • Making Experiences MEANINGFUL • Experience of everyday Life
Strategies to prioritize • Form Ourselves and Work Together
Accompaniment of Young people • Networking through Movement of Groups working together • Promoting Youth Leadership • Missionaries of the New Millennium
Accompaniment of Young People • The relationship of Accompaniment
How to Accompany: Methodological Guidelines • Knowing Oneself and One’s History
Vocational Discernment • Jesus’ Way of Empowerment • Four Discipleship roles – Leadership styles • Instructor - Directing
Someone who has experienced for themselves an event, an experience,….and is able to give an account of what they experienced. They are able to go back and reread the experience and take note of how this experience has impacted their life.
When we look at his we need to define for ourselves what the Resurrection is. Or better said Who is the Resurrection?
If we think of the resurrection as an event that happened 2000 years ago only…..Who of us was there? Who can be a witness?
If we think of the resurrection as an event that is “perpetual” or as the experience of the Paschal Mystery such as what we experience in the Eucharist.
“Source and summit” of the Church’s life, the Eucharist is a “perpetual Pentecost” since every time we celebrate Mass we receive the Holy Spirit who unites us more deeply with Christ and transforms us into Him. My dear young friends, if you take part frequently in the eucharistic celebration, if you dedicate some of your time to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Source of love which is the Eucharist, you will acquire that joyful determination to dedicate your lives to following the Gospel. At the same time it will be your experience that whenever our strength is not enough, it is the Holy Spirit who transforms us, filling us with his strength and making us witnesses suffused by the missionary fervour of the risen Christ.
MESSAGE OF THE HOLY FATHER BENEDICT XVITO THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF THE WORLDON THE OCCASION OF THE XXIII WORLD YOUTH DAY, 2008 • The primary goal of the youth ministry is to lead young people to meet Jesus of Nazareth. • The humanity of Jesus is the point of reference for every interpersonal relationship. In him we see a shining example of relationships rich in interiority, mutuality and closeness that draw on the sources of his divine sonship.
The human person, created in the image of God, grows and matures in all its dimensions through the experience of relating. This helps one to unify cognitive, motivational and social potential around important values.
By offering diversified experiences we give the young people the possibility of interpreting everyday life, illuminating it and gradually acquiring a Gospel style of relating modelled on that of Jesus.
From Jesus and from his fundamental relations with his Father, with himself, with others and with creation, we can draw criteria to help young people to build positive relations that give quality to their lives.
“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses ” (Acts 1:8)
The human person, created in the image of God, grows and matures in all its dimensions through the experience of relating. This helps one to unify cognitive, motivational and social potential around important values.
By offering diversified experiences we give the young people the possibility of interpreting everyday life, illuminating it and gradually acquiring a Gospel style of relating modelled on that of Jesus. • 79. The evangelising dimension of youth ministry, in order to be stimulating and missionary, requires planning that gives pride of place to the proclamation of the Gospel as good news for the life of every young person, not just those who frequent our educational environments. • Our proposal, therefore, needs to offer individualised programmes capable of responding to the different sensitivities of the young people: those who still have to hear the Gospel for the first time or to begin living as Christians again, those who have already been socialised from a religious point of view or those who are marginalised and disadvantaged. • In this process, we commit ourselves to take on a planning mentality and to identify ways of reaching young people where they are, to educate them to the search for meaning. We commit ourselves to a ministry of presence that guides young people to mature gradually in their confession of faith in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.