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Daily Language Review. mr thompson him weared a hat gloves and a scarves Does you have a pen that i can borrow. Her lives around the korner from jessica. Fix the following run-on: We wanted to feed the monkeys the zookeeper told us not to feed the animals.
Daily Language Review
mr thompson him weared a hat gloves and a scarves • Does you have a pen that i can borrow. • Her lives around the korner from jessica. Fix the following run-on: We wanted to feed the monkeys the zookeeper told us not to feed the animals.
We went to the Candy Store and buyed lollipops gummy wormes and chocolate bares. • mrs williams baby is a girl it is due in may • Him don’t feel good today Combine the following sentences into one: I was tired after soccer practice. I went home and took a nap.
I has a freind her name is paige • Tom has broke the plant stand again • My Mom told me to where a raincoat but it werent rainning outside Fix the following run-on: The temperature dropped it began to snow.
i got a Kitten at the animal shelter but i named her tabby • him need an haircut badly • Africa are a continent that are East of north america Combine the following sentences into one: The car is making a clicking noise. It needs to be taken to the mechanic.
Nate are late for a meating it started at 815. • He wont be able to come too the surprise party at natalies house • Ben don’t have no games to play at him house Combine the following sentences into one: The glass is tall. The glass is blue. The glass is full of ice cream.
April gots her ears pierced she was inn therd grade. • Latisha have went to dr martinez because she aint feeling good. • Did you go too the partey at skate city last weakend. Fix the following run-on: Maddie loves pizza she eats it every Wednesday night.
Are family whent camping at joe pool lake last Month. • Do you no if steven has three brothers and tow sisters. • Jane and tommy will bee picked up form school by there grandparents today. Combine the following sentences into one: I didn’t study for my spelling test. I did not make a good grade on my spelling test.
josh and his dog ziggy enjoy explore the Woods together? • We eats are lunch at memorial park • Who winned the game when you played matt in monopoly Fix the following run-on: Michael loves studying reptiles he wants to be a scientist when he grows up.
Mrs. davidsons class are gonna visit the dallas science museum on wednesday • does you no what a quotation mark are for. • i’ll gladly give you a doller in exchange for your for quartars. Combine the following sentences into one: The tiger is hungry. It hasn’t eaten since breakfast.
will you ask the Waitress four another fork • My great-grandparents lives during the depression area and they said they didnt have no money. • Dad said that i must help it cleen the garage on saturday. Fix the following run-on: My dad grilled hamburgers and hot dogs last weekend he burned the hot dogs.
jared disagreed with him freind about who the best picture is on the texas Rangers. • Mrs. clemens said that she is excitement for Summer vacation? • Maci raced up the hill on her bike, and sended pebbles skiding behind him. Combine the following sentences into one: On Sunday we found a bird egg. We did not touch it.
Us need to find an blew shirt to wear for the Birthday Party. • She dad buyed her two knew puppys last saturday. • After the science experiment, the students desks was covered with dirt salt and sugar. Fix the following run-on: Jasmine went shopping with her cousin, Tierra they bought shorts they bought swimsuits they bought sunglasses.
He is sanging a solo in the musical at Church. • Marcie beged her Dad to go to the movies, and to take her shoping. • The dogs bark drived the nieghbors crazy Fix the following run-on: Last weekend Samuel played baseball last weekend Samuel went to the movies he also went to the batting cages.
Last weekend, ray and Drake decides to play tag with his friends at mesquite city park. • While camping, the boy’s made a fire taked a hike and swimmed in the lake. • jeff john and jack helpped coach johnson carry in the sports equipment Combine the following sentences into one: The Lady Jackrabbits softball team did awesome last year. They are doing even better this year.
The guard falled asleep and the theif carryed away the expensive jewels. • During softball practice, the Team ran bases played catch and tryed to slide into home plate. • Me and conner wants to play a game of football and we want to go out to dinner. Fix the following run-on: After playing in the soccer game, Danielle was very thirsty she went to the concession stand and bought herself aGatorade.
travis he has two cats a fish and three dogs • The parking meter expired while us was at the top of the empire state building. • Beth and Becky went to there Grandfathers farm and they learned how to ride horses. Combine the following sentences into one: My parents told me that I could pick where we were going to eat dinner. I chose to eat at Chili’s.
Bryan will ran home when his Mother calls him four dinner. • During the iron age, industry beginned to develop in asia egypt and europe. • The car need to be painted because it are rusty? Combine the following sentences into one: I like P.E. on Fridays. We get to play the game knock-out.
the hummingbird hovered above the flour in the wilsons garden. • Hayley said that she didnt forgett my homework. • The close we’re all over the floor in the womens dressing room Fix the following run-on: The weatherman predicted rain for this evening I hope it doesn’t rain because I have a baseball game.
My Dad asked joey if him cleaned the horses stalls. • I enjoys coloring eggs for easter, so my sister like getting candy at halloween. • Last saturday, grandpa fixed oatmeal eggs and juice for breakfast. Combine the following sentences into one: After school today, I have to do my homework. After school today, I have to clean my room. After school today, I have to go to softball practice.
charlie told his mom that he thinks the dryer ate won of him socks. • Dont forgot to pick up you’re report card on thursday. • The pianos keys were sticking because the littel boy spill his juice on them. Fix the following run-on: I enjoy working on the computer I get frustrated when the screen “freezes”.
My Teacher asked us what i did for memorial day weekend. • My best freind sam will moved to fort worth this Summer. • On the fourth of july, well watch the fireworks exploded in the sky. Fix the following run-on: My teacher makes coffee in her classroom every morning it makes our room smell delicious.
The plain will be landed within the our. • Their babysiting for my niece, alyse, tonight • At the kaufman county spelling bee, she knowed the correct spelling of the word. Combine the following sentences into one: Jake likes playing with his dog. Jake likes to take his dog for walks.
Dont forgot that youre library book is do next monday. • The toed hoped across the Street to the pond on the other side. • katie finded a lizard in the pond, so she caught it and keeped it. Fix the following run-on: When is your birthday my birthday is next week.
Dr. reddy has telled me to get more exercise? • We pick up our cat named pouncer from the vet at 5:30 last Tuesday. • Did you see that the bushes branchs need to be trimed. Combine the following sentences into one: Mrs. Pharis likes to go to Braum’s for ice cream. Mrs. Babitzke likes to go to Braum’s for ice cream.