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Order Carnivora Family Felidae. Large canines No diastema Claws retractile Flat face. Lynx rufus. Lynx rufus Bobcat. By: Natalie Hedlund. Lynx rufus. Identification:
Order CarnivoraFamily Felidae • Large canines • No diastema • Claws retractile • Flat face Lynx rufus
Lynx rufusBobcat By: Natalie Hedlund
Lynx rufus Identification: Reddish brown to grayish brown; irregular dark spots; venter whitish; tail tip black dorsally, white ventrally; black tuffs and white spot on ears Distribution: Statewide http://www.iowadnr.com/wildlife/files/bobcat.html
Lynx rufus Habitat: bottomland forests; live in underbrush, timber cover, rock outcroppings allow rivers and streams Diet: small mammals- mice, voles, squirrels, and rabbits; birds; sometimes a young deer; occasionally invertebrates http://pelotes.jea.com/bobcat.htm
Lynx rufus Reproduction: mating occurs around February to March; Gestation about 62 days; one litter of 1to 4 annually; young remain with mother for a year Conservation State: common Southwest Iowa, uncommon in all rest of Iowa 1977- Endangered 2001- Threatened August 2003- off threatened list http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/resources/david_behrens/1135327.Bobcat.jpg/view.html
Lynx rufus • Other: • Nocturnal • Lifespan: Wild 12-14 years • Captivity 32 years • Smallest native North American cat http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/resources/corel_cd/bobcat.jpg/view.html
References Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Bobcat. Available at http://www.iowadnr.com/wildlife/files/bobcat.html. November 2004. Jones, J.K, Jr. and E.C. Birney. 1988. Handbook of Mammals of the North-central States. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. Kays, R.W. and D.E. Wilson. 2002. The Mammals of North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Felis catusDomestic Cat By: Natalie Hedlund
Felis catus Identification: pelage varies in color; Total Length < 70cm; Long tail ( more than twice the length of hind foot); retractable claws (sometimes no claws); 30 different Breeds Distribution: Statewide Habitat: Homes, Buildings http://www.geocities.com/feliscatus_my/pgallery1.htm
Felis catus Diet: commercial food, rodents, birds Reproduction: Four litters of 1 to 4 kittens annually; gestation 63 days; born blind and deaf; lifespan 12 to 15 years Conservation Status: Abundant http://www.geocities.com/feliscatus_my/pgallery4.htm
Felis catus • Other: • Descendants of the wild cat (Felis silvestris libyca) • The wild cat originated in Africa and Southwest Asia • Domesticated in 1500 BC in ancient Egypt http://www.geocities.com/feliscatus_my/pgallery.htm
Felis catus • Have 30 spinal vertebrae ( five more than humans) • External ear can rotate up to 180 degrees • Heart beat 110 – 140 times/ minute • Body temperature is 101degrees Fahrenheit http://www.geocities.com/feliscatus_my/pgallery.htm
References Animal Planet. Cat Guide. Available at http://animal.discovery.com/guides/cats/cats.html. November 2004. Explorit Science Center. About Cats. Available at http://www.explorit.org/science/cats.html. November 2004. The Humane Society of the United States. Cat. Available at http://www.hsus.org/ace/12221. November 2004.
Felis concolor Mountain Lion By Mandie Riha http:/ www.vanishingspecies.net/animals/cougar/gallery/image-85.html
IdentificationFelis concolor • Large and slender with small head and very long tail • Light brown (can look gray or black) • 30 teeth http:/ www.vanishingspecies.net/animals/cougar/gallery/image-29.html
IdentificationFelis concolor • Body length: 3-4 ft (1800-2700mm) • Tail: 2.5-3 ft (750-900mm) • Height: 25-30 in • Weight: Male: 140-160Ib, Female: 90-110Ib • Hind Foot: 10.5-11in (260-280mm) www.av.gnet.com/~saddleup/cougarpictures.htm
DistributionFelis concolor • From Canada to South America • Once in all North America now western US, Western Canada and Mexico • South Florida • Iowa Loess Hills http://wwwmdc.mo.gov/nathis/mammals/milion.reference
HabitatFelis concolor • Dense cover or rocky, rugged terrain • Low human habitation • Dense swamps • Seek shelter in rocky crevices, hollow trees, bank holes, tall grass, or under brush • No bedding for nests http://www.av.gnet.com/~saddleup/cougarpictures.htm http://www.scottrose.com/cougars.php?bigpic=coug21.jpg&id=24&target=19
DietFelis concolor • Carnivores • Don’t eat large prey all at one setting • Avoid spoiled meats • Will feed on livestock and domestic dogs http://www.whitetails.com/ http://www.scs.k12.ar.us/2000texnathist/texasnathist/members/boyersm/default.htm http://www.desertusa.com/magnov97/nov_pap/du_collpecc.html
Mom gets food for kits till 2 months old Kits lose spots slowly Kits stay with mom 2yrs Kits may stay together after leave mom Breed after 2.5 to 3 years Have young 2yr intervals Young born any month (peak June) 1-6 kits/litter Kits born blind and weigh 1Ib Kits buff spotted with black with rings of brown on tail ReproductionFelis Concolor http:/ www.vanishingspecies.net/animals/cougar/gallery/ image-26.html
Conservation StatusFelis concolor • Not located in Iowa • Endangered in S. Florida • Endangered throughout their range
Other InformationFelis concolor • Climb trees • Can swim • Stalk prey 50ft away • Live in family units • Solitary except when mating • Nocturnal • Live 12 yr wild • Main enemy=man • Fur little value to man • Meat is edible http:/ www.vanishingspecies.net/animals/cougar/ gallery/image-48.html
Any Questions? http://www.scottrose.com/cougars.php?bigpic=cougar23.jpg&id=26&target=26
References • Jones,J.K, Jr. and E.C. Birney. 1988. Handbook of Mammals of the North-central States. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis • MDC.Online. Mountain Lion (Felis concolor). Available at http://mdc.mo.gov/nathis/mammals/milion/reference/. August 2004 • Texas Parks and Wildlife. Mountain Lion. Available at http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/wild/mammals/mountainlion/. February 2004
Order ArtiodactylaFamily Cervidae • Large bodies with hooves • Head not massive • Antlers (males – shed annually) Odocoileus virginianus
Odocoileus virginianusWhite-tailed Deer Patty Morgan www.enature.com
Odocoileus virginianus: White-tailed Deer • Identification: Reddish brown in summer, gray/brown in winter, white throat, eye and nose rings, white ventrally including tail Males 40-140 kg, antlered Females 30-90 kg, no antlers Young have white spots www.americazoo.com
Odocoileus virginianus: White-tailed Deer Mule Deer White-tailed Deer www.eco-online.qld.edu www.acriticaldecision.org White-tailed deer have smaller ears, larger tail with no black tip, antlers divided differently
Odocoileus virginianus: White-tailed Deer • Distribution: Southern Canada throughout U.S., except Southwest Found throughout Iowa • Habitat: Wooded areas near clearings http://sevilleta.umn.edu
Odocoileus virginianus: White-tailed Deer • Diet: Herbivores- green vegetation, nuts, corn, twigs and buds • Reproduction: Breed in November, 1-3 young, born after 6 months Female young stay with mother for 2 years www.enature.com
Odocoileus virginianus: White-tailed Deer In Iowa: half of female deer will breed within first year, most adults have two young, triplets becoming more common • Conservation Status: abundant, population increasing Two sub-species are endangered www.wildcaremarin.org
Odocoileus virginianus: White-tailed Deer • Other: Nation wide annually- 726,000 deer killed in car accidents 211 human fatalities $1 billion damage In Iowa annually- 13,000+accidents $27 million in damage www.ohdeer.net
Odocoileus virginianus: White-tailed Deer • Other cont’d: $76,848,482 annually from deer hunters 90% of population would survive w/out hunting Carry ticks-Lyme disease www.whitetailhunter.com
References eNature.com. National Wildlife Federation. Available at http://www.enature.com. October 2004. Jones, J.K, Jr. and E.C. Birney. 1998. Handbook of Mammals of the North-central States. University of Minnesota Press, Minneaopolis. Kays, R.W. and D.E. Wilson. 2002. The Mammals of North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. Natureworks. New Hampshire Public television. Available at http://www.nhptv.org/natureworks/whitetaileddeer.htm#3. November 2004. OhDeer.net. Oh Deer Inc. Available at http://www.ohdeer.net/html/ohdeer.html. November 2004. Suchy, Willie. “Evaluating the Results of the 2003/2004 deer season.” Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
Odocoileus hemionusMule deer By Kim Schaefer Order Artiodactyla Family Cervidae http://monstermuleys.com
Identification: dorsum reddish brown in new summer coat, but changes to pale brown and grayish in winter. Grayish white rump patch; venter whitish; long ears; small, black-tipped tail; white throat patch; dichotomously branching antlers Total length: 1.2-1.8m Tail: 13-22 cm Weight: 30-120 kg http://www.junglewalk.com/photos/Deer-pictures.asp Odocoileus hemionus White-tailed Deer Mule Deer
Odocoileus hemionus Distribution: western IA Habitat: forests, grasslands, mountains -prefers mixed habitat of open areas for feeding and brushy areas for protection Diet: herbivorous http://www.junglewalk.com/photos/Deer-pictures.asp
Reproduction: breed from Oct. to Dec. -200-208 days gestation -1 to 3 fawns born in spring -usually twins Conservation status: uncommon -most likely wanderers -currently no breeding populations in IA Odocoileus hemionus http://www.cattoorphotography.com
Odocoileus hemionus Other: -longevity 10-20 years in wild -crepuscular and nocturnal -run with stiff-legged gait (stotting) and tail down -prone to internal and external parasites -diseases such as Chronic Wasting Disease, foot-and-mouth disease, brucellosis among others http://www.ukans.edu/~mammals/odo-hemionus.html
References: Odocoileus hemionus Animal Diversity Web. Odocoileus hemionus. Availiable at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Odocoileus_hemionus.html. November 2004. Wildlife in Iowa. Availiable at http://www.iowadnr.com/education/wldresbs.html#status. November 2004. Wind Cave National Park. Mule Deer- Odocoileus hemionus. Availiable at http://www.nps.gov/wica/Mule_Deer.html. November 2004. Jones, J. K. Jr. and E.C. Birney. 1988. Handbook of Mammals of the North-central States. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. Kays, R.W. and D.E. Wilson. 2002. The Mammals of North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Order ArtiodactylaFamily Bovidae • Large body with hooves • Head massive • Horns in both sexes http://www.dlia.org Bison bison
Order Artiodactyla:Family Bovidae http://www.nps.gov/yell/nature/animals/bison/bison.html
Bison bison: American BisonKelly Redding • Identification: Large bovid (having hollow unbranched horns); massive forequarters; large head; distinctive hump; brown wooly pelage,; horns present in both sexes • Lifespan: 15-25 years http://www.montana.edu/~wwwcbs/
Bison bison • Distribution: captivity only • Habitat: mixed and short grass prairies, woodlands • Diet: green plants, drinks water once a day Black Walnut http://www.tallgrass.org/buffalo2.html
Bison bison • Reproduction: Single calf born in May or June • Conservation status: Extirpated from Iowa, only in captivity now • Other: Known to have calves at 30 years old; last Bison sighted in Iowa in Dickinson County in 1870; numbered an estimated 20 million to 30 millionapproximately 250,000 left today; 16,000 roam in the wild
References: Sciurus niger • Jones, J.K., Jr. and E.C. Birney. 1988. Handbook of Mammals of the North-Central States. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. • Kays, R.W. and D.E. Wilson. 2002. The Mammals of North America. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. • “North American Wildlife”, editor Susan J. Wernert. Reader’s Digest Association. Pleasantville, NY. 1982. • Dinsmore, James J. 1994. A Country So Full Of Game. University of Iowa Press. Iowa City, Iowa.
References cont. • Neal Smith Wildlife Refuge. Available at http://www.tallgrass.org/buffalo2.html. October 2004. • Kids Planet Available at http://www.kidsplanet.org/factsheets/bison.html • Montana State University. Available at http://www.montana.edu/~wwwcbs/ • Yellowstone National Park. Available at http://www.nps.gov/yell/nature/animals/bison/bison.html