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High Voltage Line Proximity Warning. Our company.
Our company • Engineering companycreated in 1991 to findtechnical solutions for EDF, Electricité de France. Based in Toulon, South of France, we are 35 people, mainlyengineers, and highlyskilledtechnicians. All ourproducts are designed and manufactured in France • In the 2000’s, severalconcretepump - power lines accidents happened, involvingfatalities. A consortium of groups, including EDF, SNPB (concrete union), and CRAM (health and Safety) decided to react and collaboratedwith Made to develop a power line detectiontool : SkyRadio.
Detection solution • SkyRadiogives a warning of the approachof any part of high-liftequipment (Crane, Nacelle, ConcretePump) to a live high voltage line startingfrom 10 KVolts. • Sensors are installed all along the arm. If one of thesesensorsdetects the proximity of a power line, information isimmediately sent to the central unit. • The machine arm istotallycovered to avoidanyblind area.
Whyitisused • The system is proposed by the some manufacturers as an operational aid. • It is obviously also intended to enhance operator safety and reduce the risk of damage to both the high-lift equipment and the electrical distribution network.
Exemples of use Firemen trucks Concrete pumps
Exemples of use Field machines Nacelle
How itworks • The multiple sensors are placedatstrategic points on the high-liftequipment, and continuously monitor the surroundingelectricfield. • Number of sensorsdepends on the size and number of arms of the machine. • This fieldincreases in strength on approaching a high voltage alternatingcurrent line. • The system records all operators actions.
Whatitdoes • Operatorscannotmodify the settings, but theycanrespond to an alert by changing to report mode whichenablesthem to continue workingwithfrequentreminders. • There are twothresholds, warning and danger. The equipmentownercanchoosedifferentlevels of audible and visual warning, from a beepingbuzzerto completelystopping the movement of the equipment.
How itworks • The sensors are continuallysignalling the strength of the electricfieldto the central controllerwhichcontrols the buzzer, the horn and two sets of contacts used for other warnings or to stop the equipmentmovement. • The sensors and controller are self testingten times per second to warn of anymalfunction.
Sensors & Central unit • Central unit : • Starts and Stops sensors • Manages the system in use • Receives and record all information • Sensors : • Detect power lines
Who use it • A total of 1.700 systems are currently in use (in mid-2012). • The biggestusers are concretepumpscompanies, wheremost accidents happen. Holcim, Cemex, Lafarge, Unibéton, Italcementi, are some of the users. • SkyRadiois in use in France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Italy, Romania, Switzerland, and Turkey.
Who use it • All the membercompanies of the French SNPB (National ConcretePumpers Association) have equippedtheirpumps,althoughthereis no legal obligation. It represent about 800 concretepumps. • The largest of themis Inter Service Pompe witha fleet of over 500 pumps, and they have hadneither incidents/accidents (see document available).
Whatusersthink • Weencountertwo types of pumpoperators. • Experienced. Suspicious of new gadgets, and convincedthattheirexperiencewillprotectthemfrom incident. Proud of theirfieldexperience. • Beginner. Aware of the benefits of modern technology, and keen to learn how a system can help them. Once accustomed to the system, both classes of operator are thankful for the effort made by the compnyto protectthem and the equipmentfrom the inaudible and invisible electricrisk.
A justifiedinvestment • The investmentin a SkyRadio system isclearlyjustified the first day the alarmsounds, even if thereisonly the possibility of an incident. • To simulateit, calculate the followingcosts : • Human life • Machine repairs, including tires change, electric system to redo, technical control … • Administrative tasks, lawsuits • Insurancecosts
Whatisgained • Peace of mindis a nebulous phrase whichnevertheless has a clear value. Bothowner and operatoracquireit once a SkyRadioisinstalled and properlyused. • Safety and professionalism brand image. • Operatorloyalty. Once accustomed to an ever vigilant protector, an operatorisreluctant to leave for anothercompanynot using the system. • Insurance premium possibility of negociation(dependinginsurance brand and country)