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LoCo Update GLASS Panel Meeting KNMI, De Bilt, NL June 24, 2008. Christa Peters-Lidard Joseph Santanello, Jr. Bart van den Hurk. LoCo. GSWP. 2 x 2 Matrix: Spatial scale vs. Land-atmosphere coupling strategy. LoCo. GSWP. Science questions. TOA Radiation. S ingle C olumn M odel.
LoCo UpdateGLASS Panel MeetingKNMI, De Bilt, NLJune 24, 2008 Christa Peters-Lidard Joseph Santanello, Jr. Bart van den Hurk
LoCo GSWP 2 x 2 Matrix: Spatial scale vs. Land-atmosphere coupling strategy
Science questions TOA Radiation Single Column Model Horizontal Flux Divergence Land Surface Model (www.arm.gov) A Single Column Model Christa Peters-Lidard and Bart vd Hurk • How are the results of PILPS, GSWP, or data assimilation experiments affected by the lack of land surface-atmosphere coupling? • Can we explain the physical mechanisms leading to the coupling strength differences found in GLACE or other coupled NWP/climate experiments? • Is there an observable diagnostic that quantifies the role of local land-atmosphere coupling?
The Local Coupled (LoCo) Action • What’s the problem? • Problem of Land-Atmosphere Coupling is difficult to conceptualize • Very site/model/climate specific • Complex infrastructure required • Difficult to define clean experiments with well defined BC’s • Communities of LSS’s and PBL’s are rather poorly mixed • Participants need to be familiar with relatively wide range of physics themes and code departments • Related issues have iterated already 20+ years (e.g. stable boundary layer parameterization)
LoCo Design per Joint GLASS/GABLS Workshop Christa Peters-Lidard and Bart vd Hurk • September 2005
LoCo Status Christa Peters-Lidard and Bart vd Hurk • Bottom up approach NL PhD project: land-atmosphere interaction contribution to dry European summer cond’s status: ???
LoCo Status Christa Peters-Lidard and Bart vd Hurk • Bottom up approach US NASA Energy and Water Cycle Study (NEWS)-funded project—LIS coupled to WRF PBL schemes Status: Proposed diagnostics based on two ongoing case studies—GABLS+IHOP
LSM Initial Conditions Land Information System (LIS)-Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) Infrastructure for LoCo Uncoupled or Analysis Mode Coupled or Forecast Mode Station Data WRF Global, Regional Forecasts and (Re-)Analyses ESMF MYJ, YSU, MRF PBL Schemes LSM Physics (Noah, CLM2, TESSEL) ( TBD: CLM3, Catchment, VIC, HySSiB) Satellite Products Kumar, Peters-Lidard et al, EMS, 2006.
LoCo Observational Diagnostics1. Mixing Diagrams • = YSU • = MYJ • = MRF bent bent Cp∙q J/kg Cp∙q J/kg bsfc bsfc Ale Ah Ale Ah L∙q (J/kg) L∙q (J/kg) Christa Peters-Lidard and Joseph Santanello, Jr.
LoCo Observational Diagnostics2. EF vs. PBL Height ● ○ ● YSU MYJ MRF ○ = Noah ● = CLM2 ○ Dry ● ○ YSU MYJ MRF x x x ● ● ○ ○ ● ● • = 5-lay ■ = RUC x = Noah □ = OBS ● ○ ○ ● ● ○ ○ Intermediate Wet Christa Peters-Lidard and Joseph Santanello, Jr.
LoCo Observational Diagnostics3. LE vs. H (LoCo plot) LoCo Christa Peters-Lidard and Joseph Santanello, Jr.
Recent LoCo Case Study: CABAUW (Joint w/KNMI) • = YSU • = MYJ • = MRF bent bsfc Ale Ah bent • = YSU • = MYJ • = MRF bsfc Ale Ah Joseph Santanello, Jr., Bart vd Hurk, Christa Peters-Lidard
Recent LoCo Case Study: CABAUW (Joint w/KNMI) Joseph Santanello, Jr., Bart vd Hurk, Christa Peters-Lidard
LoCo Needs: Integration w/GABLSLIS/WRF vs. GABLS 1999 Christa Peters-Lidard and Joseph Santanello, Jr. Christa Peters-Lidard and Joseph Santanello, Jr.
Latest De Bilt Workshop jointly with GABLS (sep 2005) Excellent surface temperature due to very high resolution soil model Christa Peters-Lidard and Bart vd Hurk • Bottom up approach GABLS CASES-99 study on stable BL’s status: NL group published paper exploring role of land surface model
Latest De Bilt Workshop jointly with GABLS (sep 2005) Cabauw values/times Christa Peters-Lidard and Bart vd Hurk • Bottom up approach dRH/dt New case study at Cabauw, following Ek & Holtslag’s diagnostics status: to initialize (by KNMI?)
Land models for LoCo • Noah • CLM2/3? • Catchment • SSIB • H-TESSEL` • Others??
Potential LoCo Participants • NCEP (Noah, MYJ) • NCAR (CLM2/3?, CAM BL scheme?) • GMAO (Catchment, GEOS-5 BL scheme?) • COLA (SSIB, bl scheme?) • KNMI/ECMWF (H-TESSEL, bl scheme?) • Others??