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Equity and Equality of Education. Names, Action Co-Chairs
Equity and Equality of Education Names, Action Co-Chairs Chris Garry, Oscar de la Torre, Ana Maria Jaraand Joe Quarles; Emily Bloomfield, Usha Brooks, Justine Browstone, Janine Browstone, Sebastian Cantero, Tony Collatos, Sharon Hall-Johnson, Aaron Hostepler, Ana G. Jara, Kristina Lizama, Jose Lopez, Kevin McKeown, Shane McLoud, Maureen Noble, Cheri Orgel, John Petz, Luis Ramirez
Outcomes • All students, especially those of low socio-economic status, students of color, students with disabilities and other students who have historically experienced marginalization, are taught and guided to attend and succeed at the university level upon completion of high school. • All students feel they are receiving the highest level of education and meet or exceed all standards. • There is an engaged, empowered, informed, supportive parent/mentor community that can effectively communicate and advocate for educational resources and opportunities at the pre-school, elementary, middle school and high school level. • Implement a training process in which parents/mentors community can effectively communicate and advocate for educational resources & opportunities at all school levels.
Strategies • Develop and implement a Master Plan for Equity and Equality in Education that will assess policies and programs geared towards eliminating institutionalized racism and will include an annual progress report of the Plans’ impact and effectiveness. • Develop an on-going, proactive learning assessment model that is not punitive, is culturally relevant and gives ample opportunity for students and parents to take corrective action. • Provide ongoing professional teacher and staff development geared towards eliminating institutionalized discrimination, i.e. racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism. • Implement a training process in which parents/mentors community can effectively communicate and advocate for educational resources & opportunities at all school levels.
Getting Started – Year 1 Master Plan • Assign a staff person from Education Services to gather data on achievement gaps and current programs related to academic achievement. (Possibly: Student Access Coordinator) • Appoint on-going committee within the district that uses the data gathered to assess the progress being made in achieving outcomes developed by E3. Organize an annual Summit on Equity and Equality in Education to inform and engage all stakeholders in developing and implementing the Master Plan. Expand Opportunities for Students • Develop a Survey to asses strengths and weaknesses of educational experience at SMMUSD. Administer survey one year after High School Graduation to all students who graduated. Have Educational Services report on data gathered to E3. • Explore the benefits and feasibility of using block scheduling, extended instructional time, and evening classes at the middle and high schools. • Make quality pre-school available for all students living in SMMUSD.
Getting Started – Year 1 Continues • Expand the existing Racial Harmony Program at SAMOHI to include parents as part of an anti-bias training via an Open House invitation to dialogue on race. Include parents, students and teachers at each school site. • Identify requirements necessary for entering kindergarten and communicate at school sites via focus forums. Offer 2-year kindergarten option if necessary requirements to enter kindergarten are not met. Professional Staff Development • Create a district-wide monetary incentive plan for staffs who complete multi-cultural course work and training. Include ethnic studies requirement or bi-cultural training as a preference in advertisement for new positions. • Hire, support and retain administrators, teachers, and staff that can effectively teach a diverse student population Parent Training • Implement a training process in which parent/mentor community can effectively communicate and advocate for educational resources & opportunities at all school levels. Utilize Non-Profit Organizations as resources and/or venue. Integrate Liaison Program to this training. • Inform parents of requirements for entering kindergarten, middle school promotion and high school graduation .
Quick Wins • Collaborate with non-profit agencies that offer academic related training for students to receive course credit by Summer 2002. To provide multiple non-traditional opportunities of learning. • Implement extension of AVID and Project Reach Programs by Summer 2002
Items for Consideration • Cost of implementing ideas outlined • Commitment in leadership from the top down to accomplish the goals outlined • How do we hold ourselves accountable for achieving Equity and Equality in Education?
Questions for the Audience • How do we reduce and/or eliminate the achievement gaps throughout the district? • What is the root cause of inequity and inequality in education?