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Fund for small business credit assistance of Moscow. Moscow Guarantee Fund for Small Businesses.
Fund for small business credit assistance of Moscow Moscow Guarantee Fund for Small Businesses
Regional Governments established 79 Guarantee Funds for Small and Medium Business with the Federal Government Support and assistance during past 4 years. Regional and Federal governments have provided 856.5 mio Euro to bolster their guarantee capacities Asof01.01.2013: • 79 regional guarantee funds carry on business. • Guarantee funds’ total capitalization amounts to more than 36.4 bln rubles (856.5 mln Euro). • Guarantee funds have issued 32 thousand guarantees to SME. • Overall credit exposure of the guarantee funds reached more than 87.5 bln. rubles (2 bln. Euro). • Total SME loans amount guaranteed -more than 185.1 bln rubles. (4,35 bln Euro).
The Moscow Guarantee Fund is the Largest in Russia • Guarantee capital of the Moscow Guarantee Fund is the largest and amounts to 21% of the capitalization of all Russian Guarantee Funds (as of 01.01.2013 – 7.49 bln rubles or 176.2 mln Euro). • From the beginning of its activity to 01.01.2013 the Moscow Guarantee Fund have granted guarantees in the amount of 25.79 bln rubles 606.82 mln Euro) that made 29.5% of the total amount of guarantees granted by all Guarantee Funds in Russia. • The guarantees of the Moscow Guarantee Fund enabled small and medium businesses to raise funds in the amount of 53.78 bln rubles (1.27 bln Euro) that made 29% of the total funding granted under the guarantee of all Guarantee Funds in Russia.
About the Moscow Guarantee Fund • Legal form: The Fund is a non-profit organization, i.e. profit is not the main purpose of its activities. • Administration: Board of Directors. Consists of 9 elected members. Executive Director. Sole executive body of the Fund. • Objective: - Enlarge SME access to lending and other financial resources for business development; - Development of lending to small and medium businesses in the Russian Federation. Presently, the Fund cooperates with 40 partner banks along the following lines: Provision of guarantees under loan agreements The maximum liability of the Fund is limited to 70% of the principal debt and interest amount, but not more than 70 mln rubles (1.79 mln Euro) Provision ofguarantees for contracts on bank guarantees The maximum liability of the Fund is limited to 70% of the principal debt and interest amount, but not more than 50 mln rubles (1.28 mln Euro)
About the Moscow Guarantee Fund From the beginning of its activity to 01.04.2013 the Moscow Guarantee Fund has concluded more than 5.5 thousand agreements in the amount 27.1 bln rubles Or 637.6 mln Euro.
Financial Scheme of the Moscow Guarantee Fund Operation Income Expenses Financing Cost of guarantees Expenses for the financial and economic activities of the Fund FUND Investments Payments under guarantee contracts Regress
Procedure for Obtaining the Guarantee of the Fund • Need a loan The Bank takes decision to grant a loan. Where the Borrower’s own collateral is not enough a guarantee of the Fund is engaged The Borrower and the Bank prepare application and documents to be submitted the Fund TRIPARTITE AGREEMENT In case of a positive decision a tripartite guarantee agreement is concluded and cost of guarantee is paid The borrower applies to the Bank cooperating with the Fund with regard to the guarantee program.
Assessment of an Application for a Guarantee Receipt of the application for guarantee Conclusion about the possibility of guarantee granting
Advantages of working with Fundfor commercial banks • Possibility to take part in the program of small business credit assistance, financed by Moscow budget; • Possibility of credit accommodation to a small business enterprise that does not have a necessary credit security; • Possibility to enlarge a customer base by small business enterprises addressing for getting state support directly to the Fund; • Possibility of creation of reserves on a given credit with respect to Fund's guarantee considered as the 2nd quality class provision; • Possibility of guaranteed getting monetary funds from the Fund on account of borrower's (or small business enterprise's) partial fulfillment of his obligations under credit agreement; • Possibility to use Fund's guarantee on different loan products.
Advantages of working with Fund for small business enterprises • Possibility of receiving a needed amount of credit without sufficient security for the credit; • Simplicity of getting a guarantee (preliminary appeals to the Fund are not required); • No need to collect documents for getting a guarantee (documents are provided to the Fund by the Bank); • Decisions are made quickly (time of guarantee provision is up to 3 working days); • While making a decision on providing a guarantee, the Fund uses the information received from the Bank;
Advantages of working with Fund for small business enterprises • While providing a guarantee there are no meaningful constraints on sphere of activity, purpose of credit, Crediting period, amount and currency of credit and region of financing of small business enterprise; • Advantages in getting the guarantee of the Fund for organizations employed in sphere of innovations and Production, including construction, architecture, researching, as well as in health, social services, education and crafts; • Flexible approach to the Borrower (taken any security in an amount not less than 30% of the amount of credit (bank guarantee) and interest for their use).
Bank-partners • OJSC Bank of Moscow • OJSC URALSIB • OJSC Alfa-Bank • Credit-Moscow (OJSC) • Sudostroitelny Bank (LLC) • Moscow Industrial Bank (OJSC) • ROSBANK (OJSC) • OJSC MDM • NOMOS Bank (OJSC) • UNIASTRUM BANK (LLC) • NEFTYANOY ALLIANCE (OJSC) • Investment Trade Bank (CJSC) • ROSPROMBANK (LLC) • CJSC SBERBANK • ROSENERGOBANK (CJSC) • OJSC Promsvyazbank • Bank Vozrozhdeniye (OJSC) • Obrazovanie (CJSC) • Bank Zenit (OJSC) • "DERZHAVA" (OJSC) • Bank "BCC-Moscow"(LLC) • OJSC Russian Bank for Small and Medium Enterprises Support • PERESVET (CJSC) • "TRANSCAPITALBANK " (CJSC) • OJSC RosDorBank • " Greenfield" (CJSC) • OJSC FundServiceBank • Credit Bank of Moscow (OJSC) • Bank VTB 24 (CJSC) • Unicredit Bank (CJSC) • SDM-BANK (OJSC) • OJSC "MTS Bank" • LLC "Commercial Bank Rosavtobank " • LLC "OgniMoskvy" • Bank "Kuznetsky most" (OJSC) • Transportny Commercial Bank (LLC) • J&T Bank (CJSC) • INVESTBANK (OJSC) • Commercial Bank "SOYUZNY“ (LLC) • "Lanta-Bank" (CJSC) • OJSC "SevernyMorskoy Put" • OJSC Bank "ROST" • CJSC "Bank Intesa" • Mezhtopenergobank (CJSC) • OJSC B&N Bank
Contact Information Address: 117105, 5th floor, 35, River - Plaza Office Centre, Varshavskoye highway, Moscow, Russia. Telephone/fax: +7 (495) 967-19-49 Web-site: www.fs-credit.ru E-mail: mosfund@mail.ru