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Who Pays the Party Wall Surveyor Fee Costs

If you are looking for the party wall surveyors then visit Arun associates.

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Who Pays the Party Wall Surveyor Fee Costs

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  1. Who Pays the Party Wall Surveyor Fee Costs?

  2. The owner of a property is legally allowed to carry out certain works under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996 that may otherwise constitute nuisance or trespass. The Act also help in protecting the interests of the adjacent owners from damages or any adverse effect of these works. This is done by making it necessary for the adjacent owners to give a prior notice to the adjacent owners. Additionally, the act also has a provision for mandatory procedure for dispute resolution mediated by a surveyor or surveyors statutorily appointed for the purpose. This is done when the adjacent owners have concerns regarding the notified proposal implementation.

  3. When the question of who pays the party wall surveyor fee costs come up, it is important to note that when a building owner requires an agreement on a Party Wall Award, the cost of the appointed surveyor or surveyors is borne by the building owner. • It is because the building owner is undertaking the works thus there is no need for the adjoining owner to pay for the fee of a party wall surveyor. The fee of the party wall surveyor includes the cost of both surveyors undertaking the procedure leading to the Party Wall Award agreement.

  4. Usually, a fixed fee is paid by the owner as the Party Wall Surveyor of the building owner. At the same time, the Party Wall Surveyor of the adjoining owner applied an hourly rate for the time spent on this matter. The fee as per Section 10 of the Party Wall etc., Act 1996 includes- • Obtaining or making award as per this section; • Any matter arising due to dispute; • Reasonable work inspections related to the award.

  5. The role of a party wall surveyor includes services like setting up a file for correspondence, Schedule of Condition Inspections, Drawing Reviews, and agreeing the Party Wall Award. • In some rare cases, the adjoining owner may have to pay for the surveyor’s fees. It happens when work is carried out while exercising the right mentioned in Section 2(2)(a) with the work being necessary due to defect or requiring structural repair of the concerned wall.

  6. In such a case, the expenses are defrayed by the owner of the building and the adjoining owner as per the respective use of wall by the owners and responsibility for the want of repair or defect concerned. • When looking for A Party Wall Surveyor services, contact us at Arun Associates, the best building surveyors in London and enquire about the costs.

  7. Thank You

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