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“Forming the Formers”

“Forming the Formers”. - Fr. Robert Welsh, SJ. A Jesuit school without Jesuits?. - from “1964”, a research blog by Dr. Mark M. Gray (Georgetown University). A Jesuit school without Jesuits?. - from “1964”, a research blog by Dr. Mark M. Gray (Georgetown University).

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“Forming the Formers”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Forming the Formers” - Fr. Robert Welsh, SJ

  2. A Jesuit school without Jesuits? - from “1964”, a research blog by Dr. Mark M. Gray (Georgetown University)

  3. A Jesuit school without Jesuits? - from “1964”, a research blog by Dr. Mark M. Gray (Georgetown University)

  4. A Jesuit school without Jesuits? - from “1964”, a research blog by Dr. Mark M. Gray (Georgetown University)

  5. Jesuit Formation (for priests) • Jesuit formation typically lasts 10-12 years: • Novitiate (2 years) • First Studies, or Philosophy (2-3 years) • Regency (2-3 years) • Theology & Ordination (3 years) • Tertianship (6 months -1 year) • Final Vows

  6. Lay Teacher Formation

  7. Priority #1: Formation • An understanding of Jesuit heritage and the Jesuit charism. • An experience of Ignatian spirituality that develops: • a desire to know, love and serve Jesus Christ obtained from the Spiritual Exercises; • a faith that leads to justice and service to the Church. - adapted from JSEA Board / PASE Joint Priorities (May 2012)

  8. 1st Year Formation • Theme: All Things Jesuit • New Employee Orientation Retreat (3 days) • First Principle & Foundation • Profile of an Ignatian Educator • Ignatian Identity • Jesuit Spirituality • Community Orientation

  9. 1st Year Formation cont. • New Teacher Workshop (1 day) • assigned mentor teacher (observations) • nuts and bolts

  10. 1st Year Formation cont. • First Year Teacher Meetings (2x per month) • History of the school • Catholicism 101 • Autobiography of St. Ignatius Loyola • Spiritual Exercises • Contemplative Prayer & Retreats • Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm • CuraPersonalis • “Men & Women for Others”, Pedro Arrupe, SJ • Contemporary Society of Jesus

  11. 1st Year Formation cont. • Ignatian Themes Workshop (summer after 1st year) • Credit from John Carroll University

  12. 2nd Year Formation • Theme: Community Immersion • Prayer Group sponsored by SPA • Praying the Examen • Preparation for Spiritual Exercises • Peer Observations (1x per quarter) • Attend Principal’s Committee meetings • Curriculum Committee • Professional Development Committee • Student Support Team • Introduction to Service/Justice Activities • C.A.T. (Christian Action Team) • C.S.P.J. (Catholic Schools for Peace and Justice)

  13. 3rd – 5th Years • Theme: Rinse & Repeat • During years 3-5 the teacher reflects on what God is asking of them and discerns how they can best be present to the school community. • Prayer Group sponsored by SPA • variations of the Spiritual Exercises offered: • 4 Week, 19th Annotation, 8 Week etc.

  14. Formation Beyond Year 5 • participation in the spiritual life of the community • on-going professional development: • Content Area • Pedagogy • Spirituality

  15. The Goal • ``The numbers (of Jesuits) are not as important as the communication and collaboration that takes place. What Jesuit vision is, goes beyond being a Jesuit. One can share that and not be a Jesuit, and it doesn`t make it any less Jesuit.`` • Bernard Bouillette, Vice President JSEA • ``There has been a shift in focus from teaching in a Jesuit high school as a job to teaching in a Jesuit high school as a ministry. I don`t see it as a watering down. I see it as an enrichment.`` • Fr. Vincent Duminuco, SJ, former President JSEA and International Secretary for Jesuit Education

  16. Bibliography • Autobiography of St. Ignatius Loyola (free iBook) • The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola (free PDF download) • http://www.ccel.org/ccel/ignatius/exercises.html • “What Distinguishes the Jesuits?”, Avery Dulles, SJ • http://americamagazine.org/issue/599/article/what-distinguishes-jesuits • “The Jesuit Mission”, Ryan Maher, SJ (free printable PDF) • http://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-voices/education-arts-and-sciences/ • A Jesuit Education Reader, George Traub, SJ ($19.05 new on Amazon) • Reflections on the Educational Principles of the Spiritual Exercises, Robert R. Newton • Précis of Ignatian Pedagogy: A Practical Approach, Sharon J. Korth • Messianic or Bourgeois?, Timothy Hanchin • Do You Speak Ignatian?, Appendix I • “The Curriculum Carries the Mission”, Claude Pavur, SJ (free printable PDF) • http://epublications.marquette.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1168&context=conversations

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