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Discover the history, initiatives, and impact of the Southern Rensselaer County Rotary Club, committed to local aid and global support. Join us in making positive changes worldwide.
Southern Rensselaer County Rotary Club TITLE “It’s All About Us”
From the SRC Rotary Website Our club was chartered on March 2, 1960, as the East Greenbush Rotary Club. The name was changed in the 1990s to reflect the expansion of its area of membership and service.
About Our Club Locally, we regularly provide assistance in the categories of youth scholarships, leadership training, and foreign exchange study; aid to military veterans and families; curriculum and supplies for schools; food pantries; holiday adoptions of children and families in need; recycling and conservation; athletes with disabilities, and organizations such as Circles of Mercy, Ronald McDonald House, the YMCA, and Scouting, plus many more initiatives.
Globally, we support lifesaving pediatric cardiac surgeries through the Gift of Life program; aid to victims of natural and other disasters through the ShelterBox relief program; ongoing vaccination efforts through PolioPlus that have nearly eradicated the once-prevalent disease from the planet; hygiene and medical training programs for women in African nations through the Freedom From Fistula Foundation, plus other initiatives.
East Greenbush – March 2, 1960 Sponsored by the Albany Rotary Club Charter Members James Calamaras John J. Carpinello William J. Chappe Fredrick T. Comstock Jr. Robert Decker Dr. Richard Drumm Charles J. Gebron Robert Goss Edward Heeder J. Michel Hippick Roland C. Holmes Sidney Kirshon Fred Laier Donald J. Langley George Leonard William Lyons William G. Malloy Stanley J. Moore James B. Northrop Allen C. Pearce Henry Rivers John C. Rogers Dr. S. M. Van Buren The Last Chartered Club for 7 years
Chartered March 24, 1960 Charter presented at the Crooked Lake Hotel Roland C. Holmes – President Henry Rivet - Vice President Donald J. Langley – Secretary Robert A. Decker – Treasurer George Leonard – Sargent at Arms Robert E. Goss – Director Stanly J. Moore _ Director John J. Carpinello – Director Charles J. Gebron - Director
1960 42nd Club Charted in District 7190 District Governor A. Gardner (Doc) Barrett stated, “The most noteworthy District News of the month is the arrival of the Rotary stork with the new baby East Greenbush. Chairman George Moore credits special representative Carol Snyder of the Albany Club as the top obstetrician with Hereford Smith, of the Troy Club as able assistant.”
Past District President Hereford Smith 1976 - 1977 Nominated by the East Greenbush Rotary Club • Born and raised in Jefferson, NY • Graduated from SUNY Albany • An educator • Received honors from the American Association of School Administrators, the National Education Association, and served as chairman of the District Superintendents Association • Joined the Troy Club in 1958 and became president in 1964 • Licensed pilot, enjoyed hunting, fishing and public speaking The District Conference was held at the Gideon Putnam Hotel in Saratoga Springs, NY, on April 29 – May 30, 1977
1977 Membership 24 Members Tony Biano – President Martin Corman Dory Wilber – Vice President Otto Bergen Dan Daniels – Secretary Fred Guile Joe Ring – Treasurer Doc van Buren Howard Heyer – Director Joe DiBella Fred Guile – Director Rory Weisman Jerry Friends – Director Charlie Foote Bill Keveissel – Director Bill Wyld Greg Smead Russ Edberg Henry M. ? Mike Hippick Walt? Frank P.? Annual International Dinner – October 27
1980 Membership Doctor Van Buren – President Howard Heyer Al Jensen – Vice President Ray Knight Dan Daniels – Secretary Ray Wolfe Bill Kneisel - Treasurer Walt Demhill Dr. Jim Leyhane – Director Dr. Dick Drumm Joe Dibella – Director Otto Berggren Jerry Friends – Director Tony Bianco Carl Eppelmann – Director Russ Edberg Herford Smith Charlie Foote Ed Knauf Bill Wyld Dory Wilber
1987-1988 • The Rotary Club of Corinth inducted the first woman Rotarian in District 719. • Marline Harppinger was installed by George Comings at their installation of officers night on June 30, 1988. • The SRC Rotary Club inducted its first woman member, Debbie Brown (1988).
1999 – 2000 November 1999 The East Greenbush Club became the first with its own WorldWideWeb site sitesitesite. Bill Dowd, then club vice president, created the site under the auspices of the Times Union Community Publishing project that provides web homes for nonprofit organizations.
Club Banners First banner given out on July 15, 1965. We were the East Greenbush Club at that time. Our ‘infamous’ misspelled banner under our new name.
Meeting Places Quigley’s 2013 - Present Spare Time Bowling Center 2012 Comfort Inn 2012 Holiday Inn Express 2012 Evergreen Country Club Scarnato’s Reagan’s – Burned (now site of Alexis Diner) Ground Round (now site of Panera in Walmart Plaza) Howard Johnson (became the Weathervane, later torn down) February 20, 1970 – price of dinner increases to $3 February 10, 1980 – price of dinner increases to $4.50
Ground Breaking Initiatives August 12, 1983, mention of the Rotary Run at Goff School
International Dinner March 19, 1987, a profit of $600 was made.
Did You Know? • Sponsor of the most Rotary Youth Exchange students: the Browns (5) • The October 4, 1987, pancake breakfast at Maple Hill was cancelled due to a freak snowstorm that paralyzed the region. • President Charlie Foote attended the 1987 Rotary International Convention in Munich, Germany, with Dory Wilber and Howard Heyer.
New Logo 2017 Later modified to include the SRCrotary.org website address.
Ground Breaking Initiatives 2017 The video “Making Polio History: A Pioneer’s Story” made its debut at the District 7190 Conference in Lake George. Dr. Martha LePow, circa 1950s The video was created through a cooperative effort of the Southern Rensselaer County Rotary Club, Rotary District 7190, CASDA: The Capital Area School Development Association, and the UAlbany School of Public Health.
Next Steps Check attics, garages, basements, etc. What is the most important? What else? Pictures, awards … ? Preservation - Scanning documents? Slides Storage Display