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Empowering Youth: Resisting Peer Pressure Effectively

Learn how to differentiate between right and wrong, recognize influences, say 'No' firmly, and stand up to negative peer pressure with proven strategies. Explore how to resist unhealthy choices and encourage positive friendships.

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Empowering Youth: Resisting Peer Pressure Effectively

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Know the facts. • Look at what might happen if actions are taken. • Know the difference between what is “right” and what is “wrong.” • Recognize the positive and negative influences that pressure you. • Stand up to negative peer pressure. • Have a group of friends who encourage you to resist unhealthy choices.

  2. Scenario #3 • Say a direct “No.” - “No, that doesn’t sound good to me.” • Suggest another activity. - “Let’s just keep walking over to your house like we planned to do.” • Walk away. - “If you’re going to stop and drink that beer, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  3. 1. What do you think the student did that worked to help him or her refuse my pressure to use drugs? 2. Was there one strategy he or she used that worked better than the others did? If so, which one and why? 3. Is there anything the student could have done to improve resisting the offer of drug use?

  4. 1. What makes resisting peer pressure hard to do? 2. Do you think one of the strategies is more difficult than the others? If so, why? 3. Which refusal strategy would be the easiest for you to use? For what reasons?

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