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Cosmology with the CBI EE Power Spectrum. Jonathan Sievers (CITA). The CBI Collaboration.
Cosmology with the CBIEE Power Spectrum Jonathan Sievers (CITA)
The CBI Collaboration Caltech Team: Tony Readhead (Principal Investigator), John Cartwright, Clive Dickinson, Alison Farmer, Russ Keeney, Brian Mason, Steve Miller, Steve Padin (Project Scientist), Tim Pearson, Walter Schaal, Martin Shepherd, Jonathan Sievers, Pat Udomprasert, John Yamasaki. Operations in Chile: Pablo Altamirano, Ricardo Bustos, Cristobal Achermann, Tomislav Vucina, Juan Pablo Jacob, José Cortes, Wilson Araya. Collaborators: Dick Bond (CITA), Leonardo Bronfman (University of Chile), John Carlstrom (University of Chicago), Simon Casassus (University of Chile), Carlo Contaldi (CITA), Nils Halverson (University of California, Berkeley), Bill Holzapfel (University of California, Berkeley), Marshall Joy (NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center), John Kovac (University of Chicago), Erik Leitch (University of Chicago), Jorge May (University of Chile), Steven Myers (National Radio Astronomy Observatory), Angel Otarola (European Southern Observatory), Ue-Li Pen (CITA), Dmitry Pogosyan (University of Alberta), Simon Prunet (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris), Clem Pryke (University of Chicago). The CBI Project is a collaboration between the California Institute of Technology, the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, the University of Chicago, and the Universidad de Chile. The project has been supported by funds from the National Science Foundation, the California Institute of Technology, Maxine and Ronald Linde, Cecil and Sally Drinkward, Barbara and Stanley Rawn Jr., the Kavli Institute,and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.
EE – A Separate View Excellent check on consistency of stan- dard cosmological model. One example: path- ological primordial spectra with very different params can mimic TT. However, EE changes dra- matically.
Shaped Cl Fit • Use WMAP’03 best-fit Cl in signal covariance matrix • bandpower relative to fiducial PS • compute for single band encompassing all ls • Results for CBI data (sources projected from TT only) • qB = 1.22 ± 0.21 (68%) • EE likelihood vs. zero : equivalent significance 8.9 σ • Conservative - project source subset out in polarization also • qB = 1.18 ± 0.24 (68%) • significance 7.0 σ
CBI Polarization Power Spectra • 7-band fits (Dl = 150 for 600<l<1200) • 7-band spectra consistent with model – χ2EE=3.77 for 7 dof • narrower bins (Dl = 75) for cosmology – increased scatter from F-1 • fine bins give better cosmological constraints
f = 0°: EE prediction f = 180°: aligned with TT New: CBI EE Polz’n Phase • Parameterization 1: envelope plus shiftable sinusoid • fit to “WMAP+ext” fiducial spectrum using rational functions
CBI EE Polarization Phase • Peaks in EE should be offset one-half cycle vs. TT • allow amplitude a and phase to vary best fit: a=0.94 =24°±33° (Dc2=1) Dc2(1,0°)=0.56
θ/θ0 • Angular size of sound horizon at LSS should be same for TT and EE. • CBI only has multiple solutions (shift spectrum by one peak). • DASI removes degeneracy, but less sensitive. • CBI+DASI give scale vs. TT of 1.02 +/- 0.03.
New: DASI EE Polz’n Phase • Use DASI EE 5-bin bandpowers (Leitch et al. 2004) • bin-bin covariance matrix plus approximate window functions
CBI a=0.67 overtone island: suppressed by DASI data CBI+DASI phase lock: θ/θ0=1.02±0.03 a=0.78±0.15 (low DASI) New: CBI + DASI EE Phase • Combined constraints on θmodel: • DASI (Leitch et al. 2004) & CBI (Readhead et al. 2004)
2006 Forecast July 2004 (Readhead et al.) CBI Projections 2 • EE phase: July 2004 vs. 2006
CBI Projections • Will BB (lensing) be foreground limited?
Consistency w/ WMAP • Spectra consistent with the cosmological model from WMAPext dataset • χ2 = 7.98 TT, 3.77 EE, 4.33 BB (vs. 0), and 5.80 TE for 7 dof.