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Victims of Trafficking International and Norwegian perspectives on how to identify, assist and register. Oslo, 09-10 September 2009. The situation of TIP in Perú. RETA System: a challenging experience in the identification and registering of VOTs – Presentation of www.reta-pnp.com
Victims of Trafficking International and Norwegian perspectives on how to identify, assist and register. Oslo, 09-10 September 2009 The situation of TIP in Perú. RETA System: a challenging experience in the identification and registering of VOTs – Presentation of www.reta-pnp.com Luis Vásquez Cordero CHS Alternativo
Magnitude of the problem • In the U.S. State Department´s Annual Trafficking in Persons Report (June 2006) the number of victims of sexual slavery estimated globally range from 2 to 4 million women and children (sexual exploitation, slavery, or marriage). • Of these 4 million, at least 1.3 million are in Latin America and the Caribean • According to a report published by the IPEC, ILO, more than 50,000 children and adolescents work in the artesanal exploitation of gold in different departments of Peru- Puno (particularly in the Rinconada), Madre de Dios, and Arequipa • According to the Comercio (A Peruvian national newspaper, 12/13/06), approximately 100,000 children and adolescents work as domestic laborers and are subjected to exploitation and mistreatment by their employers (or possible traffickers), in addition to evidence that these children are more vulnerable to becoming victims of sexual abuse (many cases have been reported in this sector). • The human rights organization, APRODEH, indicates that in Ayacucho (Lucanas, Sancos), Arequipa (Mollehuaca, Caraveli), Ica, and Huancavelica, there are more than one thousand children working in the informal gold mining industry. • In Peru, even though the Peruvian National Police System RETA is relatively new, it has registered 227 cases including 570 victims.
¿Why this Magnitude? • Clandestine and dynamic nature: the traffickers act alone or in networks, changing routes and modes. • It is a crime that is highly profitable. • Corruption/ weak Justice System • Fragile state institutions • Social Tolerance: Social phenomenon whose tolerance dates back to the acceptance of slavery until the present-day servitude. • “Objectification” of children- Poor awareness of the rights of children • Sexual Discrimination/ gender stereotypes: power relations that are intergenerational (vulnerability) • Cultural Aspects- myths • Freeing and globalizing communication methods.
Role of the Civil Society when facing Human Trafficking • Raise Awareness about the problem • Be an active part of its prevention, intervention and attention to the victims • - Support the State entities responsible, in its actions against human trafficking by providing advisory services, training and monitoring.
Historical Background January 2004 - Creation of Department of Investigation against Human Trafficking and Special Investigations- Kidnapping Investigative Division- DIRINCRI PNP February 2004 - Creation of Permanent Multi-sector Work Group against Human Trafficking (06-002-2004-IN-febrero 2004), presided over by the Interior Ministry July 2006-Present - Implementation of the RETA-PNP System in DIRINCRI and the PNP Territorial Bureaus of following provinces: Lima/Callao, Chiclayo, Ayacucho (and Ica), Cusco, Madre de Dios, Puno, Huancayo (and Huanuco), Pucallpa. In this last stage of implementation of the System (2008-2009) training took place in the following cities: Tumbes, Piura, Arequipa, Moquegua, Tacna, Cajamarca, Tarapoto, Lima, and Huancayo. October 2006 - Installation of the RETA PNP System Server in the PNP headquarters of the DIRINCRI December 2006 - Institutionalization of the RETA- System in the MININTER and PNP (RM 2570-2006-IN/0105-diciembre 2006). January 2007 - Law Nº 28950 Against Human Trafficking and the Illicit Transfer of Migrants is passed. March 28, 2008 - Creation of the Division of Investigation against human trafficking- DIVINTRAP (R.D: 277-2008-DIRGEN/EMG)
Missing Persons 2005-2009 10,810 people have gone missing in Lima, 1 person every hour • 5 out of every 10 of those people missing are minors. • 6 out of every 10 people missing, in other words 60%, are from Lima, Lambayeque, Puno and Junín. • From 2007 to 2009 the number of minors that go missing each year has increased (12-17 years of age).
The peruvian justice system response to TIP The peruvian national court system and the Public Ministry (Prosecutors) don’t have a database containing specific information about human trafficking in Perú. Since 2004 we have been able to identify seven convictions for the crime of human trafficking. All of which were for the mode of sexual exploitation. Two cases received 30 years in prison. The following sentences have been achieved 12, 10, 9, 5 and 3 years in prison. Indemnizations for the victims ranged from S/. 1,000 to S/. 8,000.
Foto X. Arbex Child forced labour in informal mining camps
Statistical system of Trafficking in persons and other crimes – RETA System
CHS Alternativo works in the field of human rights with special focus on TIP INITIAL CONTEXT- 2005 PERÚ • Absence of national statistics about TIP offenses. • Those individuals and institutions that should have been involved, were not aware or even interested in the problem. Peruvian National Police had a recently established Trafficking Division as part of the Kidnapping Department, with very limited resources. • There was no legislation regarding TIP. This was only enacted in January 2007 in accordance with the Palermo protocol. • The public authorities, not only in Peru, but in the entire region, lacked the technological tools to handle missing, exploited, trafficked and smuggled persons.
A multidisciplinary team with special expertise in Human Rights and close links to the Ministry of the Interior and the National Police. Faced with this situation, CHS Alternativo was sponsored by an international organization in order to develop a system of statistical registry and to initiate a preliminary study on the situation of person smuggling and trafficking in Peru. To this end, CHS Alternativo had the following keys for success • Ample experience in the design and use of specialized software. • Involvement in the development of the RLD (Network of Missing Latin-Americans: www.latinoamericanosdesaparecidos.org ), operating today in 14 Central and Latin-American countries and including a registry of more than 28,000 active cases of officially missing reported persons
2. That the Police CAN use it: - User-friendly software - The system requires very elementary knowledge of the law - Public internet booths replace lack of connectivity in police stations - Hard copies of the registry form are available for mailing where there is no internet During six months of coordinated work with the Trafficking Division of the Peruvian National Police and the Ministry of the Interior we designed a system based on three principles Design principles • That the Police WANTS to use it: • - The forms are fast to complete and follow the procedures they already used • 3. That the Police MUSTuse it: • - Mandatory use of the RETA system due to a ministerial resolution
Properties of the System As a result, our final product, the System for Registration and Statistics of trafficking in persons and related crimes(RETA System), was adopted by the National Police due to its advantageous properties for the user and administration For the USER For the ADMINISTRATOR • It is accessible and user-friendly • Effective and efficient • Classifies reported claims according to purpose, means and acts. • Provides qualitative and quantitative information on claims, police operations and investigations of the purpose of the trafficking offense • Generates immediate alerts which are transmitted to the specialized units • Provides statistical and historical information on cases and claims • Gives authorized police members web access from anywhere in the country • SCALEABILITY- Can increase the number of simultaneous operations processed without requiring a redesign (of the software). • MANAGEABILITY – It is updated permanently allowing a dynamic growth of contents • FREE SOFTWARE- the entire service is cost-free • CENTRALIZED CONTROL & SECURITY-the information is stored in a central server • CONVERGENCE - Designed to allow access from mobile devices or telephone exchanges • INTEGRATION - Its architecture allows the integration of other software
To further facilitate the adoption of the RETA system we managed a process that included three components The RETA Process AWARENESS RAISING TRAINING SUSTAINABILITY Top levels at the Ministry of the Interior and the PNP(Peruvian National Police) regarding TIP and information management (RETA system) Staff of the PNP responsible for investigation of offenses (Police stations and specialized units) -Training of teaching staff -Insertion of material on TIP and the RETA system in the curriculum of the educational institutions of the PNP
The RETA system has two main tools for the Police Claim Process RETA SYSTEM Investigation Process
The claim process permits the registration of claims of possible cases of TIP generating a direct alert regarding trafficking in persons in any of its variants / purposes and related offenses Claim Form ALERT ! Claims by Civil Society Includes data on victim, suspected author, nature - offense, acts, and means Police Station Toll free line claims 0800-2-3232 Claims www.peruanosdesaparecidos.org Department of Police Investigation – Offenses Section Claim Process Specialized Units
The system’s initial page permits access to either • the administration format which amongst multiple functions permits • The allocation of users and passwords • Audits of all page changes • Development of master charts (the possibility of adding or eliminating places or police stations) • Different reports from the police stations and registries or the unit of Registry and Investigation, which opens the form in order to record the claim and the police investigation of possible cases of trafficking
The registration form reflects the first communication on the notitia criminis or offense, allowing the entry of basic information on the victim, possible author and the facts. • The registration form has been developed in accordance with the 2000 Palermo protocol and Peruvian legislation, i.e. nature- purpose, acts and means • Several options can be checked in each section Person trafficking and user-client. behaviour at reception,uprooting, locking-up, enforcement of sexual activities and transfer. The means used are threats, deceit, loss of liberty and retention of income Nature/Purpose Acts Means Once the data has been entered, an alert is generated and the information can no longer be modified
The resulting alert is an excellent way to share information because it can be seen in the regional and national specialized units
This tab allows a selective search of information based on all the claims registered in a given police unit The user can enter different criteria for the search, like type of crime, location, victim, means used, etc.
The RETA system has two main tools for the Police Claim Process RETA SYSTEM Investigation Process
The investigation process registers detailed information on the claim and follow-up for solving the case Investigation Police Statement on status of guilt or innocence Location, nature, victim, author, complainant and crime 24 Specialized units Prosecutor’s Office Search Reports Investigation Process
Statistical reports and cross-check of information on type of offense, police unit, victim, accused person, location, etc. The RETA system is leveraging the fight against TIP in several ways • More effective police investigation and worthful information transfered to the judicial system
The RETA system is leveraging the fight against TIP in several ways • The implementation of the RETA PNP System and training of the Peruvian National Police about human trafficking and the database had taken place over the course of four phases since 2005, all of which are described in the map
The RETA system is leveraging the fight against TIP in several ways • Statistical reports and Qualitative information on TIP in Peru (modus operandi, routes, means and frequency, etc.) .
THANK YOU! www.chs-peru.com Luis Vásquez Cordero luis.vasquez@chs-peru.com