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Mini-Symposium on Hadrons and hadron Interaction in QCD 2015 YITP, 2015.3.18. Maximum Mass of Neutron Stars with Hadron-Quark Transient Core. T. Takatsuka ( RIKEN; Prof. Emeritus Iwate Univ.). □ Introduction □ Universal 3-body force □ Approach by 3-Window Model
Mini-Symposium on Hadrons and hadron Interaction in QCD 2015 YITP, 2015.3.18 Maximum Mass of Neutron Stars with Hadron-Quark Transient Core T. Takatsuka (RIKEN; Prof. Emeritus Iwate Univ.) □Introduction □Universal 3-body force □Approach by 3-Window Model □Some results --------------------------------------------- In collaboration with T. Hatsuda and K. Masuda
Introduction ○Recent observation of 2-solar mass NSs *is providing a challenging problem how to reconcile the conflict between observations and theory. ・Massive NSs stiff EOS ! ・Dense matter theory (including phase transition ) Soft EOS ! #This contradiction is serious when we include the Y-mixing in NS cores ---- inndeed , “Hyperon Crisis”----- Fig. ○There are two viewpoints (frameworks)of approach : ① pure hadron(H) matter with hadron interactions (assuming that the point-like picture of hadrons is valid) ② hadron(H)+deconfined quark(Q) ( explicitly taking account of quark degrees of freedom) ○ As to the framework ① , Universal 3-body force ○ ② 3-window model for H-Q trans. * Demorist et al., Nature 467 (2010) .Antoniadis et al., Science 340 (2013) .
2 1.5 1 TNI3 NO Y TNI2 Y-mixing with Y (1) Strong Softening of the EOS × ● × ● 5 10 15
But with Y ? Y Y A. Akmal, V.R. Pandharipande and D.G. Ravenhall, PR C58 (1998) 1804. R.B. Wiringa, V. Fiks and A. Fabrocini, PR C38 (1988) 1010.
Efects of Universal 3-body force repulsion ①It is natural to consider that the 3-body force should be operative not only among NNN but also NNY, YYN and YYY. make an extended use of the 3-body force of Illinoi-Group type also to {N+Y}-matter.Then it is found that strong softening is remarkably moderated.This is , however, a phenomenological way of approach. ②What is the origin? We make a step forward to microscopic description as Univ.3-body force =Short range part + Medium- long range part 3-body repulsion from String-junction model (SJM) : Flavor- independent ! 2π-exchange via Isobar⊿(1232) excitation(Fujita-Miyazawa type) : extended to {N+Y} system
Dramatic softening of EOS Necessity of “Extra Repulsion” Mass EOS 1500 1000 2 1.5 1 TNI3(NO Y) P TNI3 (NO Y) TNI3u(Y) TNI3u (Y) Universal 3body force Y-mixing 500 TNI3(Y) 0 5 10 15 5 10 As a review T.Takatsuka, Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl.No.156 (2004) 84.
Extended 2πΔ-Type 3-body Force ; not universal B* ;T.Kasahara,Y.Akaishi and H.Tanaka,PTP Suppl.No.56(1974)96
EOS of Neutron Star Matter 400 300 200 100 0 (MeV) Y-mixing 5 10
Repulsion from SJM-----flavor independent (a) 2B come in short distance (b) Deformation (resistance) (c) Fusion into 6-quark state (by R. Tamagaki) Prog. Theor. Phys. 119 (2008) 965. ○ Energy barrier (~2GeV) corresponds to repulsive core of BB interactions
Mass v.s. Central Density T.Takatsuka,S.Nishizaki and R.Tamagaki, AIP Conference Proceedings 1011 (2008) 209.
② hadron(H)+deconfined quark(Q) ○Hadrons are not a point-like particle but are composed of quarks ( gluons) and tend to loose their identity as the matter density increases ------- deconfinement effects ○Quark matter gets to have strong correlations and eventually quarks are confined Into hadrons as the density decreases. ○H-Q transition region is very uncertain due to the confine-deconfine effects ○Our way of approach is to sandwitch the very uncertain HQ –EOS in between the H- and Q- EOSs relatively “well-known” ----- 3-window model. ○Here our aim is, though phenomenological , to seek whether Q-matter is existent or Q-degrees of freedom is revealed in NS cores in the light of massive NS observations ,just by using the fact that HQ-EOS shoud meet the H-EOS somewhere in low density side and the Q-EOS at high density side.
3-Window Model uncertain “known” unknown “known” P(x) H HQ Q (G-matrix) (NJL) (interpolation) Deconfinement and confinement are concerned
○ ○ ○ ○ /
□ Approach by 3-window model □ Some results
“H-Q crossover model” ・K. Masuda, T. Hatsuda and T. Takatsuka, ApJ. 794 (2013) 12; PTEP 073D01 (2013).
Summary (1) Hadron-Quark transition in NS cores generates a stiff EOS compatible with massive NSs(2-solar-mass NSs), as far as q-degrees of freedom sets in at rather low density(e.g. due to percolation) and the Q-EOS is stiff(e.g. due to vector interractions) (2) So possible candidates to resolve a so-called “ two-solar- mass problem”: ○ pure hadronic scheme Universal 3-body force ○ hadron+quark scheme NSs with HQ transition core