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Warm up 1-10-2013

Question:. Did you Know? Wild Scottish Tigers

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Warm up 1-10-2013

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  1. Question: Did you Know? Wild Scottish Tigers Great Britain's last large predator is the Scottish wildcat. Though not much bigger than a housecat, it's a fierce creature distinguished by its thick, ringed tail. Only about 400 remain -- making "the Tiger of the Highlands" even rarer than its endangered big-cat cousins. Warm up 1-10-2013 Any trace of an ancient organism that have been preserved in rock is called a a)Fossil b) continent c) landmass d) landform

  2. Performance Matters Question Analysis The lid of a drinking cup is made of plastic. The use of plastic reduces the transfer of thermal energy into and out of the cup. How is thermal energy transferred into and out of the cup? Answers: a)transferred by conduction b) transferred by convection c) transferred by friction d) transferred by radiation a) 36% b) 37% c) 9% d) 19% a) 44% b) 35% c) 3% d) 18%

  3. Question: Hooray for Dragonflies! Dragonflies are incredible fliers that can hover, fly side to side, and even go backward. But they can't walk on the ground, and they only catch prey while flying; they grab it with their feet. One dragonfly can eat hundreds of mosquitoes in a day! Warm up 1-17-2013 Old oceanic crust is more dense than new oceanic crust because it is Closer to the mid-ocean ridge Cool Hot moving toward a deep-ocean trench

  4. Performance Matters Question Analysis • What is the name of the outer layer of the Earth that contains both the crust and the upper mantle? Answers: a) 20% b) 6% c) 2% d) 73% a) 28% b) 27 % c) 35 % d) 10% a) asthenosphere b) core c) cryosphere d) lithosphere

  5. Question: Did you Know? Lunar Volcanoes Io, the third largest moon of Jupiter, is the most volcanically active body in our solar system. Picture a moon that's just a little larger than Earth's moon -- but with more than 400 active volcanoes! Warm up 1-24-2013 What is Pangaea? Another name for continental drift the name of an ancient fossil the name of a German scientist or the name of the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago

  6. Performance Matters Question Analysis • Which statement is best supported by the fossil record? Answers: a) Fossils are found in nearly all rocks. b) Fossils are found only in areas that were once under water. c) Most early life forms that left fossil remains are now extinct. d) Most early life forms that left fossil remains still exist today. a) 6% b) 3% c) 83% d) 9%

  7. Question: Did you Know? Feeling Dizzy? Vertigo is a weird feeling that the room is spinning when it's actually standing still. It happens when your brain gets confused by conflicting input from different senses. You might get vertigo from a fever, an inner-ear problem, or even certain medications. Warm up 1-25-2013 • What is the age of an intrusion of igneous rock in relation to the sedimentary rock layers through which it passes? • The same age as the other rock layer • always older • Sometimes younger, sometimes older • always younger

  8. Performance Matters Question Analysis Termites eat wood but cannot digest it. Protozoans live in the termites' stomachs and use enzymes to break down the wood. The digested wood provides nutrition for both the termites and the protozoans. Which type of relationship is this? Answers: a) 21% b) 29 % c) 41% d) 6% a) commensalism b) mutualism c) parasitism d) predation

  9. Question: Did you Know? Super Dangerous Storms A supercell is a thunderstorm with a powerful, rotating updraft that swirls air vertically through the clouds. It's the rarest type of storm but also the most dangerous, because it can create heavy rain, flash floods, and even tornadoes. Warm up 1-28-2013 Geologists use radioactive dating to a)tell where one soil horizon ends and the next one begins. b)Determine the relative ages of rock layers c)Tell the difference between molds and casts. d)Determine the absolute ages of rocks

  10. Performance Matters Question Analysis • Which of these is the best indication of the relative age of a rock layer? Answers: a) position of the layer compared to other layers b) distance the layer extends over the crust c) thickness of the layer d) chemical makeup of the layer a) 13% b) 16% c) 51% d) 20%

  11. Question: Did you Know? Big Blue Neptune The only spacecraft to visit the ice giant Neptune was Voyager 2 in 1989, when it discovered six of the planet's 13 known moons. Neptune is bright blue thanks to the methane in its atmosphere, and it orbits the sun only once every 165 years. The relative age of a rock is a)Less that the age of the fossils the rock contains. b) Its age compared with the ages of other rocks. c) Its age based on how much carbon-14 the rock contains. d) The number of years since the rock formed Warm up 1-29-2013

  12. Performance Matters Question Analysis • In the rock cycle, which of these is a chemical change involved with the formation of igneous rocks? Answers: a) 3% b) 27 % c)29% d) 40% a) 8% b) 22 % c) 23% d) 47% a) subduction of plates b) formation of minerals c) compression of sediments d) heat loss from lava

  13. Question: Did you Know? Leonardo's Contact Lenses Leonardo da Vinci had the idea for contact lenses around 1508! But the first glass contact lenses that corrected nearsightedness weren't made until 1889, by Germany's August Müller. California optician Kevin Tuohy created the first plastic contacts in 1948. Of the following methods, which led scientists to infer that Earth is about 4.6 billion years old? a)Studying index fossils b) applying the law of superposition c) Studying fault lines d) using radioactive dating on moon rocks Warm up 1-31-2013

  14. Performance Matters Question Analysis • How does a volcanic eruption affect the atmosphere? Answers: a) adding large quantities of gases, such as sulfur dioxide, to the atmosphere b) increasing the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere due to escaping gases c) clearing away nearby clouds, increasing the amount of sunshine d) reducing the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere a) 78% b) 11% c) 2% d) 9%

  15. Question: Did you Know? A Real Robot Suit The X1 robotic exoskeleton is an "Iron Man"-like suit that NASA is developing as a wearable exercise machine for astronauts, who need to do regular workouts while in space. On Earth, the X1 could help people walk again, or take steps on their own for the first time. A fossil formed when minerals replace all or part of an organism is called a Petrified fossil cast Mold Trace fossil Warm up 2-4-2013

  16. Performance Matters Question Analysis Some osprey eat fish that contain chemicals from polluted rivers and lakes. Some types of chemicals cause bird eggs to have thin shells that break easily. Which of the following is most likely to happen to osprey that live near polluted water? Answers: a) The osprey eat other foods instead of fish. b) Most ospreys will migrate south. c) The osprey will move to areas that do not have water. d) Fewer osprey eggs will successfully hatch. a) 10% b) 10 % c) 5% d) 76% a) 5% b) 8 % c) 3% d) 84%

  17. Question: Did you Know? The Rundown on Ribs You have three types of ribs. "True" ribs, the top seven pairs, are joined to your sternum (the bone in the middle of your chest). "False" ribs, the next three pairs, all attach to your bottom true ribs. Lastly, two pairs of "floating" ribs connect only to your spine. Warm up 2-5-2013 The time it takes for half the radioactive atoms in a sample of a radioactive element to decay is the element’s Potassium-argon date half-life c) Relative age d) absolute age

  18. Performance Matters Question Analysis • Why do volcanoes and ridges form when the sea floor spreads apart? Answers: a) ocean water pushes down on the surrounding sea floor, pushing up ridges b) as the plates pull apart, magma moves to the surface, building ridges c) sediments are deposited where the floor spreads, building ridges d) underwater earthquakes lift the sea floor into long ridges a) 18% b) 43 % c) 18 % d) 21%

  19. Question: Did you Know? Snow Doughnuts Snow rollers, or snow doughnuts, are rare snowballs made by wind. They can form on icy slopes when the snow is wet and loose, if the wind is strong enough to roll the snow but not blowing too fast. Snow rollers get bigger as they move, sometimes up to two feet wide! Warm up 2-7-2013 Radioactive decay occurs when atoms of some elements a) Become part of a fossil b) Are exposed to chemical weathering c)join with atoms of another element d)break down to form atoms of another element

  20. Performance Matters Question Analysis • In the 1930s, Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were introduced as a successful replacement for hazardous materials used as coolants in refrigerators and as propellants for many aerosol products. Most of the countries in the world, including the United States, have banned CFCs. The reason for the ban is because CFSs have been found to damage the ozone layer in Earth's atmosphere. What does the introduction and then subsequent ban of CFCs represent? Answers: a) 9% b) 7 % c) 78 % d) 6% a) scientific advances are influenced by the costs and benefits b) scientific knowledge stays the same over time c) scientific knowledge can change over time d) scientific knowledge does not provide benefits to society

  21. Question: Did you Know? One Giant Leap Skydiver Felix Baumgartner leaped from a balloon 24 miles above sea level, becoming the first person to break the speed of sound without an aircraft. His 2012 stunt, the highest freefall ever, helped scientists research how astronauts might survive bailing out from high up. Warm up 2-11-2013 • In sea-floor spreading, molten material rises from the mantle and erupts • At the north and south poles • along the edges of all the continents • In deep-ocean trenches • along mid-ocean ridges

  22. Performance Matters Question Analysis If you take your cold ice cream outside on a warm day, which of the following will occur? Answers: a) energy from the air will transfer to the ice cream, causing the ice cream to melt b) energy will transfer equally between the ice cream and the air, causing no change c) cold is transferred from the ice cream to the air, causing the air to cool d) cold from the ice cream will transfer to the air, causing the ice cream to melt a) 79% b) 2 % c) 2% d) 18%

  23. Question: Did you Know? She Changed Valentine's Day! Esther A. Howland is called the "mother of the American Valentine." In 1848, when Americans still made their cards or bought imported ones, she got the idea to mass-produce them through her dad's stationery company. She expected about 200 orders -- but got 5,000! Warm up 2-14-2013 • The process by which the ocean floor sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle is known as • Subduction • Conduction • c) continental drift • d) convection

  24. Performance Matters Question Analysis • A group of students investigate the effect of carbon dioxide onplant height. The students grow plants in several closed containers. All the plants receive the same amounts of water • and light, but the air in each container has a different amount of carbon dioxide. What is the test variable (independent variable) in this experiment? Answers: a) height of each plant after a period of time b) amount of carbon dioxide in each container c) amount of air in each container d) amount of water provided to the plants a) 21% b) 56% c) 15% d) 8%

  25. Question: Did you Know? Catch an Earth Wave An earthquake creates two major types of seismic waves that travel through the ground. Body waves move through the planet's inner layers and are the first ones you feel. Then come surface waves, which only travel on the surface but cause the most damage. Warm up 2-15-2013 The place where two continental plates come together is known as Rift valley convergent boundary transform boundary divergent boundary

  26. Performance Matters Question Analysis • Overgrazing is when livestock such as cattle, eat so much ofthe plant life that the grazing area cannot recover without replanting. How does overgrazing likely affect the environment? Answers: a) 28% b) 27 % c) 12 % d) 32% a) Overgrazing causes deforestation. b) Overgrazing leads to desertification. c) Overgrazing reduces the water available. d) Overgrazing causes soil erosion.

  27. Question: Did you Know? The Moon in Color During a total lunar eclipse, the moon may look red! When the Earth passes between our moon and sun, at one point its shadow totally covers the moon. Sunlight filtering through Earth's atmosphere can briefly turn that dark shadow red, brown, orange, or yellow. Warm up 2-19-2013 A collision between two pieces of continental crust at a converging boundary produces a Mountain range rift valley deep-ocean trench mid-ocean trench

  28. Performance Matters Question Analysis • A fossil found in a surface rock layer is of the same species as a fossil found in a deeper rock layer. However, the two fossils differ slightly in structure. What do differences in the structures of the fossils indicate? Answers: a) 17% b) 15 % c) 66% d) 3% a) the life span of this species changed b) the life span of this species changed c) this species changed over time d) this species had many predators

  29. Question: Did you Know? Ice Bugs The tiny snow scorpionfly is not a fly or scorpion, but a type of insect found mostly at high altitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. These hopping bugs -- ancient relatives of the flea -- are so adapted to being in the cold that even the heat from a human hand could kill one. Warm up 2-20-2013 According to Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift The continents were once joined together by a single landmass Earth is slowly cooling and shrinking the continents do not move Earth’s surface is made up of seven major landmasses.

  30. Performance Matters Question Analysis • Which of the following events is best explained by tectonic plate movement? Answers: a) 3% b) 3 % c) 10 % d) 84% a) torando b) hurricane c) cyclone d) tsunami

  31. Question: Did you Know? Ancient Quake Detectors In 132 AD, Chinese astronomer Zhang Heng created a seismometer, a device that detects the ground's movement during an earthquake. It couldn't predict quakes but did show what direction they were coming from -- even hundreds of miles away! Warm up 2-22-2013 Most geologists think that the movement of Earth’s plates is caused by Convection currents in the mantle Earthquakes Earth’s magnetic field Conduction

  32. Performance Matters Question Analysis • What is the relationship between a flower and a bee that eats the flower's pollen? Answers: a) mutualism because the flower provides the bee with food and the bee pollinates the flower b) commensalism because the bee lives off the pollen but the flower does not benefit c) parasitism because the bee harms the flower by removing the pollen d) predation because the bee feeds on the flower and the flower dies a) 74% b) 18 % c) 7 % d) 2 %

  33. Question: Did you Know? Inventing Silly Putty Engineer James Wright created Silly Putty during World War II, while trying to make an inexpensive substitute for synthetic rubber. A few years later, businessman Peter Hodgson noticed the "nutty putty" was a hit during a party and decided to market it as a toy. Warm up 2-25-2013 The huge hole left by the collapse of a volcanic mountain is called a Shield volcano lava plateau cinder cone caldera

  34. Performance Matters Question Analysis • What property of light waves can be observed as light waves pass from one medium to • another and change speed? Answers: a) 11% b) 14% c) 65% d) 10% a) diffraction b) absorption c) refraction d) reflection

  35. Question: Did you Know? Highest Lake on Earth Ojos del Salado is the world's highest active volcano, but it hasn't erupted for centuries. This mountain on the border of Chile and Argentina is also home to Earth's highest known lake -- a small crater lake that sits almost four miles above sea level! Warm up 2-26-2013 When ash, cinders, and bombs build up in a steep pile around a volcano’s vent the result is Composite volcano shield volcano dormant volcano cinder cone volcano

  36. Performance Matters Question Analysis • Gilbert designs an experiment to determine how the shape of an object affects the amount of force needed to move the object 5 meters. What is the test variable (independent variable) of this experiment? Answers: a) 38% b) 41 % c) 13 % d) 8% a) force needed to move the object b) shape of the object used c) size of object used d) type of surface used

  37. Question: Did you Know? Groovy Geckos Geckos live in most of the world's warmer areas. They have sticky toes that make them great climbers, and they make a chirping sound unlike other lizards. Most geckos can't blink: They have a clear membrane over their eyes, which they lick to keep clean. Warm up 2-27-2013 Tall, cone-shaped mountains in which layers of lava alternate with layers of ash are called Cinder cone volcanoes shield volcanoes composite volcanoes lava plateaus

  38. Performance Matters Question Analysis • Which of the following must happen for the sea floor to spread apart? Answers: a) 7% b) 5 % c) 86 % d) 1% a) tsunami b) volcani eruption c) plate movement d) tidal wave

  39. Question: Did you Know? Weak in the Knees Babies don't have kneecaps -- at least, not the bony kind that older kids and adults have. At birth, human kneecaps are still cartilage (soft connective tissue) and they don't start to harden until sometime between ages three and five. Warm up 2-28-2013 When many layers of thin, runny lava build up a high, level area the result is a cinder cone volcano composite volcano lava plateau shield volcano

  40. Performance Matters Question Analysis • A scientist develops a hypothesis, designs an experiment, and obtains data that support her hypothesis. Which of the following best describes when a hypothesis becomes a theory? Answers: a) when a website is created to display the theory b) when it is supported by consistent data from many experimental trials c) when one good set of scientific data is discussed and shared d) when the official scientific method is followed a) 4% b) 70% c) 12% d) 14%

  41. Question: Did you Know? Green Freeloaders An epiphyte is a plant that attaches itself to another plant for support, but does not feed off its host. Often called "air plants," epiphytes such as orchids and Spanish moss have no roots. Instead, they draw water and nutrients from rain and debris on their hosts. Warm up 3-4-2013 If Geologists detect many small earthquakes in the area near a volcano, what can they infer about the volcano? It is extinct it is dormant it is probably about to erupt it is a good source of geothermal energy.

  42. Performance Matters Question Analysis • How does a volcanic eruption most directly affect the biosphere? Answers: a) ncreasing the amount of ash and dust in the air, blocking the sun b) reducing the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere c) adding lava to the biosphere, immediately increasing plant growth d) increasing the amount of oxygen due to escaping gase a) 55% b) 20% c) 8% d) 18%

  43. Question: Did you Know? Spring Forward! New Zealand scientist George V. Hudson proposed the idea of Daylight Saving Time in 1895. An expert on insects, he valued the hours after work, when it was light enough to collect specimens. That gave him the idea to turn clocks forward and create more after-work daylight. Warm up 3-11-2013 The main factor that accounts for the difference between quiet and explosive volcanic eruptions is the iron content of the magma the silica content of the magma the age of the volcano the size of the volcano’s magma chamber.

  44. Performance Matters Question Analysis • Which of the following data describes a scientific law but NOT a scientific theory? Answers: a) In any undisturbed sequence of rocks deposited in layers, the youngest layer is on top and the oldest on bottom, each layer being younger than the one beneath it and older than the one above it. b) The Earth has two cores, inner and outer. The inner core is solid, very dense, and very hot. c) All matter is made of atoms. All atoms of an element have the same mass and properties. d) A cell is the smallest form of life and new cells only come from pre-existing cells. a) 31% b) 20 % c) 35 % d) 15%

  45. Question: Did you Know? Long-Distance Lightning When conditions are right, you may see lightning flashes from storms up to 100 miles away! Often called "heat lightning" because it happens on warm nights and you hear no thunder, it's the same as regular lightning -- just farther away. (Thunder's sound fades with distance.) Warm up 3-12-2013 Before lava reaches the surface, the molten material is called Magma liquid fire volcanic ash rock

  46. Performance Matters Question Analysis • Which interval represents one full wavelength? Answers: a) 23% b) 35 % c) 10 % d) 32% a) Point B to Point D b) Point B to Point F c) Point A to Point G d) Point A to Point C

  47. Question: Did you Know? Awesome Possums Possums may look like rodents, but they are marsupials that carry their young in pouches, like kangaroos. They have 50 teeth, the most of any North American land mammal, and are also the only non-primates with opposable thumbs -- on their hind feet, to help them climb. Warm up 3-18-2013 In which location would you most likely find volcanoes? where two continental plates collide along mid-ocean ridges and where a plate is subducted far from plate boundaries along transform boundaries

  48. Question: Did you Know? Who Needs a Boat? The Amphicar was the only mass-produced civilian passenger car that could be driven on land or in water. Just under 4,000 were made in the 1960s. President Lyndon B. Johnson liked to play a joke on guests by pretending to accidentally crash his Amphicar into a lake! Warm up 3-19-2013 In a strike-slip fault, the rock on either side of the fault slip past each other sideways with little up-or-down motion Noise Shaking movement.

  49. Question: Did you Know? Fake Mission, Real Results The Mars500 mission sent six international astronauts on a pretend Mars mission, locking them in a small "spaceship" for a year and a half! By studying how humans handle long-term spaceflight, the experiment showed we might have problems with sleep and staying active. Warm up 3-20-2013 Compared to P waves and S waves, surface waves move Faster Slower at the same rate farther from the epicenter

  50. Question: Did you Know? Getting Geomorphology In the late 1800s, U.S. geographer William Morris Davis developed his "cycle of erosion" theory, holding that features like valleys and plains were shaped by physical forces such as water. The idea sparked the modern science of geomorphology, or the study of Earth's landforms. Warm up 3-21-2013 How many seismograph data points are required to locate an earthquakes epicenter? 2 1 3 4

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