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Steps to Respect –. Learning Social Values Using The Bible -- with Charlotte's Web, and Other Great Literature!. Bonnie Walker.
Steps to Respect – Learning Social ValuesUsing The Bible -- with Charlotte's Web, and Other Great Literature! Bonnie Walker
Children learn best when they feel safe and secure, respected and cared for. Cooperative learning is one of the best ways to develop core virtues such as respect, responsibility, altruism, integrity, conflict management, and friendship. It is a vehicle that the educator can employ to foster a classroom environment where social skills are practiced and nurtured daily, thus ensuring a safe and positive learning environment for all students. Unit Overview The Research
Unit Overview • The goal of the Steps to Respect Literature Unit will meet both social-emotional elements as well as language arts and reading objectives. Successfully applied, the literature unit will give students an opportunity to apply the skills they have learned through the Steps to Respect Skill Unit, thus creating a safe, secure, and positive learning environment with the inclusion of all students as an integral element. The Goal
Unit Overview • The unit will begin the first day of school and continue through the first quarter. It will help students to begin fostering citizenship and social skills in order to function productively in our room and outside of our room. For the first few days, lessons will focus around the central theme of creating a community. • The unit will act as a catalyst for the entire school year. The unit will introduce many social skills, but only through explicit and implicit instruction, constant review, and relentless practice will the social skills learned be developed. Strategies will be reinforced and built upon throughout the year to ensure that children always feel successful and appreciative of their own uniqueness and that of others. The Implementation
Objectives • Students will learn: • Courtesy and cooperation and recognize the concept of mutual interdependence with others resulting in polite treatment and respect for them. • Compassion, kindness and generosity by showing concern for the suffering or distress of their classmates and respond to their feelings and needs. • Emotional skills, such as understanding how to deal with anger, handle rejection, and manage emotions. • Friendship skills that include how to make friends, join group activities, manage conflicts, and communicate effectively and confidently. • To recognize, refuse, and report bullying when it happens to them or someone else. • How to use the learned positive values as a guide for their behavior. Social Skills
L.A. & Reading Objectives • Students will learn: • An appreciation for poetry • Reading comprehension strategies • Writing and grammar skills Reading & L.A.
PA Standards • 5.1.3.C. Define the principles and ideals shaping government. • Justice • Diversity of people and ideas • Common good • Rule of law • Citizenship • 5.2.3.A Identify examples of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. • Personal rights • Personal responsibilities • Civic responsibilities • 5.2.3.B Identify personal rights and responsibilities. • 5.2.3.C Identify sources of conflict and disagreement and different ways conflicts can be resolved. Civics & Citizenship
Old Testament Unit Motto “He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8 (NIV)
New Testament Unit Motto “So in everything do to others what you would have them do to you. For this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12 (NIV)
You Are Specialby Max Lucado (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1997) Anticipatory Set Introduction to Poetry in the Classroom Shel Silverstein "Whatif" Echo Poem Reading I Speak, I Say, I Talk Who Am I Guessing Game A bulletin board activity for getting to know each other better Anticipation Guide Teacher Input & Modeling Guided Reading "You Are Special" Anticipation Guide Lesson 1: I Am SpecialGod cherishes us just the way we are – Celebrating students' strengths, uniqueness, and achievements. Continued …
Student Guided Practice You Can Rely on Eli Acronym Brainstorming the qualities and strengths of Eli. Student Independent Practice Compile Class Book Creating "You Can Rely on Me" acronym highlighting cultural background, a personal strength, quality, hobby, and/or etc. Across the Content Narrative Writing Beginning of the Year Autobiography Differentiated Modification: Auto-Bio Poem Homework Who's Who in Fourth Grade 8 ½ x 11 divided sleeves compiled with pictures of students depicting their favorite items, people,. and etc. Pages are put into a photo album and displayed throughout the year. Lesson 1: I Am Special(Continued) Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
What Makes Me Happyby Catherine and Laurence Anholt (NY: Harper Collins, 2003) Anticipatory Set Poem for the Lesson Color My Mood by Mary Sullivan / Choral Reading Teacher Input & Modeling Introducing Vocabulary that Describes Emotion Vocabulary written on a giant colored pencil shapes. Students discover synonyms for different emotions. Additional emotions will be added throughout the unit. What Makes Me Happy by C. Anholt and L. Anholt I Feel Orange Today by Patricia Godwin, if time permits. Lesson 2: Fabulous Folks & Marvelous Me!Celebrating students' strengths and uniqueness. Recognizing the special qualities in other people. Understanding the diversity of emotions felt by all. Continued …
Student Guided Practice Recognizing and Celebrating Individuality Reiteration and discussion with students that their feelings are unique to them, and that not feeling what everyone else feels is okay. Reading poem, Incredible Me! By Kathi Appelt and reviewing previous stories/poems to discover our unique talents and those of our friends. Student Independent Practice Special People, Special Qualities Students determine and write down four special qualities for a friend, the teacher, his or her parent, and a relative. Homework Ace Reporter Students interview an adult to discover his/her special qualities as well as discover things about their special person that they find difficult, useful, and etc. Lesson 2: Fabulous Folks & Marvelous Me(Continued) Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Charlotte's Web by E.B. White (Harper Trophy , 2004) Anticipatory Set Poem for the Lesson Could We Be Friends? by Bobbi Katz / Paired Repeated Reading Pre-Test: How I Feel About My Friendship Skills A series of five questions meant to help students and me know their feelings and opinions about their own friendship skills. Charlotte's Web / Accessing prior knowledge Students complete a series of sentence stems (or draw friendship scenes) from the book addressing the emotions and feelings of the characters from Charlotte's Web. Students look through the book and find examples of people or animals being good friends to others. Students review the Scripture passage and find the examples of friendship and neighborly actions. Lesson 3: Friends & NeighborsDeveloping empathy for others. Understanding why God wants us to have friends and be a good neighbor to others. Continued …
The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister (NY: North South Books, 1992) Teacher Input and Modeling Read Aloud / The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister Empathy building activity. Students contrast characters and infer their feelings, particularly those feelings that relate to friendships. Student Guided Practice Literature Circles Students choose from a number of fairy tales to read and share in their groups. IE. Goldilocks, Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, etc. Students infer the characters' feelings and emotions then share with the class how the characters felt by using body language and facial expressions. Lesson 3: Friends & Neighbors(Continued) Continued …
Student Independent Practice Collage of Feelings In groups, students create an "I Know What You're Feeling" collage using pictures from magazines, flyers, and old calendars. Students find as many examples of different emotions and label the appropriate feeling on the bottom of the collage. Students also add to our "Feelings Word List". L.A. Component: Students discover/point out synonyms, antonyms, vivid verbs, nouns and etc. Across the Content Writing Poetry: Building writing skills and a sense of community within the classroom Students write an acrostic poem about friendship. Polished poems are attached to a fish pattern and decorated with sequins. Finished poems are posted on a bulletin board entitled "Fishing for Friendship". Lesson 3: Friends & Neighbors(Continued) Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Many Luscious Lollipops by Ruth Heller (Harper Trophy , 2004) Anticipatory Set Poem for the Lesson I Am Poem by Bonnie Walker / Creating individual I Am Poems Introduce Vocabulary / Charlotte's Web Templeton's Crossword Puzzle. Students are introduced to character traits found in a friend. Teacher Input and Modeling Introducing Adjectives The definition of adjectives is examined. As a whole group, students practice identifying adjectives with the book, Many Luscious Lollipops: A Book About Adjectives by Ruth Heller. Use Hairy, Scary, Ordinary and R. Heller, if time permits. See http://www.trumpetclub.com/primary/activities/hairy_scary.htm for a lesson plan. Lesson 4: The Character of a FriendDetermining the characteristics of a friend.Allowing children to explore and practice relationship skills. Continued …
Charlotte's Web by E.B. White (Harper Trophy , 2004) Student Guided Practice "To Be" Sentence Patterns / Charlotte's Web Brainstorming together to identify the character traits of Charlotte. Students refer back to Templeton's Crossword Puzzle and the Adjectives and Character Traits handout we worked on previously. Student Independent Practice Literature Circles / Shared Reading Using 'social skill' orientated picture books, students fill out their own Identifying Character Traits Worksheets. Suggested books, Spud: Tails from the Pantry, Tacky the Penguin, The Grouchy Ladybug, and Crickwing. Students use thesauruses and Sample Character Traits Chart. Students explore the connections between the characters and the actions that the character(s) take or do not take. Lesson 4: The Character of a Friend(Continued)
Charlotte's Web by E.B. White (Harper Trophy , 2004) Anticipatory Set Poem for the Lesson I'm Not Scared by Karen Baicker / Students answer journal prompts that encourage them to identify disrespectful behavior and how they feel about it. Teacher Input and Modeling Defining Respect Using a "Y" chart, students answer what respect looks like, what it sounds like, and what it feels like. Students record their examples of respectful behavior that people do everyday (IE. being helpful, smiling, etc). Lesson 5: Friendship & RespectUnderstanding respectful behavior. Treating people the way you wantto be treated. Being courteous, polite, kind, and giving. Continued …
Student Guided Practice Susan's First Bus Ride Steps to Respect Story Identifying respectful behaviors Shhh! I'm Your Secret Pal Doing good deeds Ticket-Out-The-Door Reflections Students fill out the tickets in order to leave for recess or lunch. Student Independent Practice Group Activity / Practicing respectful behavior Role playing situations. Across the Content Area Writing / Changed Stories Using Charlotte's Web, students rewrite a section of the story decreasing Charlotte's use of respectful behaviors and discover how the story events would be changed. Lesson 5: Friendship & Respect(Continued) Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Making Friends by Sarah Levete (Cooper Beech Books , 1998) Anticipatory Set Poem for the Lesson With A Friend by Vivian Gouled / Students discover how we respect friends and take care of them. How Do I Feel About Making Friends? Students share friendly behaviors that they have seen or done in the past few days. Students practice approaching a person as if he or she were a new friend. Teacher Input and Modeling Reaching Out and Joining In Students brainstorm and organize thoughts on a graphic organizer on strategies for meeting new people. Students practice using friendly body language and other positive strategies. Lesson 6: Making & Keeping FriendsDeveloping basic interaction skills and entry/approach strategies.Allowing children to explore and practice relationship skills. Continued …
Student Guided Practice Making Conversation Role Play In paired groups, students practice making conversation skills. Partners change throughout the role play by a ring of my bell. Exclusive and Inclusive Behaviors Reviewing empathy and how that helps to create a healthy classroom environment. Students use a graphic organizer brainstorming ways to join a group. Ticket-Out-The-Door Reflections Students fill out the tickets in order to leave for recess or lunch. Student Independent Practice Book Talks Students practice conversation skills in small-group talks. Across the Content Area Personal Narrative: Making Friends Create an anthology Lesson 6: Making & Keeping Friends(Continued) Complete Lesson Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
Hooway For Wodney Watby Helen Lester (Houghton Mifflin/Walter Lorraine Books, 1999) Anticipatory Set Poem for the Lesson Why Am I A Bully? (North West Primary Winner, Bethany Shaw (Age 11) / Students discover how we respect friends and take care of them, especially in cases of bullying. Guided Reading / Hooway for Wodney Wat Students fill out a Problem/Solution graphic organizer as an after-read strategy noting bullying behaviors. Teacher Input and Modeling Defining and Categorizing Bully Behavior Students brainstorm together using the Four Main Types of Bullying Chart and come up with a definition of bullying. Students give examples from the book of behaviors that fall into the four types of bullying. Lesson 7: What is Bullying?Defining and identifying bullying and bullying behaviors. Continued …
Student Guided Practice Bullying Detectives Students read four situations and decide whether each situation is an example of bullying. They use the Steps to Respect posters to help them decide. Student Independent Practice Video of Bullying / Taking Notes Students use the Informational Note-taking system used in our class to record events and bullying actions shown in the video. Discussion follows the video viewing while students use their notes to answer questions about power, feelings, fairness, and etc. Homework Identifying Bullying on TV Students watch their favorite TV shows and record examples of bullying behavior on the Four Main Types of Bullying Chart. Lesson 7: What is Bullying?(Continued) Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
I Want It!by Elizabeth Crary (Parenting Press; 2nd edition, July 1996) Anticipatory Set Poem for the Lesson Two Little Kittens / Echo Reading Introducing the Concept of Conflict Brainstorming and recording findings in blank coat of arms graphic organizers. Teacher Input and Modeling Guided Reading on the Overhead / I Want It! Students make visualizations, predictions and justifications during and after the guided reading. Lesson 8: Bullying & Conflict ResolutionGaining skills and confidence needed to face social challenges. Gaining skills to peacefully settle arguments with peers. Continued …
Student Guided Practice Coat of Arms Graphic Organizer Students continue to use Coat of Arms graphic organizers to identify conflict, learn its definition, and discover how characters solved their conflict problems. Flow Chart Students use an interactive flow chart to highlight cause and effect as well as identify climax and resolution. T-Chart Compare and Contrast Students discover and discuss the distinctions between bullying and conflict. Previous lessons and children's literature are used to aid in the discussions. Student Independent Practice Literature Circles Students put into practice their newly honed social skills. Students create their own flow charts with favorite bullying/conflict books brought in. Lesson 8: Bullying & Conflict(Continued) Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
The ground work has been laid. To help children continue to grow socially and emotionally throughout the year I will teach the social skills with a systematic approach, just like I teach academic skills. Introduce the Fruit of the Spirit for the Month. Discuss the need for the social skill. Teach the skill. Practice the skill. Pause and reflect. Review and reflect. Teaching Social Skills – The Framework for the Rest of the Year
The Fruit of the Spirit (FOS) Character Traits of the Month Continued …
The Fruit of the Spirit (FOS) Character Traits of the Month Continued …
The Fruit of the Spirit (FOS) Character Traits of the Month • Adapted from http://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/teachers/Dept%20of%20curr&instruc/Character%20Educ/traits.htm