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Exploring Particle Physics: Principles, Interactions, and Forces

Understand the fundamental principles of particle physics, symmetries, quantum mechanics, and interactions. Explore the Standard Model, gauge symmetries, and elementary particles. Learn about forces such as electromagnetism, weak force, and gravitational force.

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Exploring Particle Physics: Principles, Interactions, and Forces

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fundamental principles of particle physics G.Ross, CERN, July08

  2. Fundamental principles of particle physics G.Ross, CERN, July07 Outline Introduction -Fundamental particles and interactions Symmetries I -Relativity Quantum field theory - Quantum Mechanics + relativity Theory confronts experiment - Cross sections and decay rates Symmetries II – Gauge symmetries, the Standard Model Fermions and the weak interactions http://www.physics.ox.ac.uk/users/ross/cern_lectures.htm

  3. Fundamental principles of particle physics G.Ross, CERN, July07 Fundamental Interactions

  4. Fundamental principles of particle physics G.Ross, CERN, July07 Fundamental Particles Fundamental Interactions

  5. Fundamental principles of particle physics G.Ross, CERN, July07 Fundamental Particles Fundamental Interactions

  6. Size Strength Fundamental principles of particle physics G.Ross, CERN, July07 Fundamental Particles Fundamental Interactions

  7. r E

  8. Units Length : L Time : T Energy : E or Mass : m Natural Units Choose units such that : 1 unit left : choose

  9. Natural Units Dimensionless- same in any units

  10. Fundamental Interactions and sizes Atomic binding : Nuclear binding :

  11. Isador Rabi 1937 “Who ordered the muon?” Elementary particles Leptons : Quarks :

  12. Elementary particles Leptons : Quarks : Hadrons : 3 strong “colour” charges

  13. Elementary forces

  14. Feynman diagram Exchange forces Electromagnetism The strength of the force    Experiments conducted in momentum space : Photon “propagator”

  15. Exchange forces Electromagnetism    Experiments conducted in momentum space :

  16. Application to a scattering processes Feynman diagram

  17.   Exchange forces Strong interactions g (Q2) In momentum space :

  18.   Exchange forces Weak force Z (Q2) Yukawa interaction In momentum space :

  19. Exchange forces Gravitational force  G (Q2) 

  20. Exchange forces Gravitational force  G (Q2) 

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