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Asbestos is a dangerous substance if its not control of properties. Long exposure to it is very dangerous for health and in some cases it causes cancer. Asbestos removal Melbourne, Assess Control Assure can conduct the purpose of which is to identify Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACM) within buildings. Call us today on (03)94160774 or visit our site for more information.
WHAT ISASBESTOS Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fibre that was mined for generation for use in an array of products. Three main asbestos types were mined for commercial use Chrysotile (White Asbestos), Amosite (Brown Asbestos)and Crocidolite (BlueAsbestos). UNDERSTANDING ASBESTOS
ASBESTOS HAS VARIETYOF PROPERTIES PROPERTIES Fireproof Greatinsulator Ithas a largenumberofpropertieswhich madeitanexcellentchoiceforusein productssuchasroofing,cementsheeting, textiles, friction products etc.The same Proprieties generate laterproblems. Resistance tocorrosion Tensilestrength
INDUSTRYUSES POPULAR IN AUSTRLIA FROM 1940S TO 1987 It'sresistancetohightemperaturesandfireandmake effectiveinsulatorsandsowerepopularinbuilding products in Australia.Asbestos-containingmaterials include:incementpipes,,floortile,roofing,textiles, etc.
Asbestosand cancer ASBESTOS IS ACARCINOGENIC Long Time of Exposure of asbestos fiber is causeLungcancerbecausetinyfiberstrapin lung that over time that cause cancer. Risk from asbestos varies, depending upon the number of factors. Most exposed to asbestos is asbestos miners , worker, builders, plumbers, electricians,mechanics. ACAAUSTRALIA
Workingsafelywithasbestoscanbeconducted,some Statebasedregulatorsprovideexamplesofhowyou cansafelyworkwithasbestos. WHYYOU NEED ASBESTOS REMOVAL WITHUS ACCESS TO PROFESSIONALSOLUTION ACM should always be determined bysomeonethat hashadthenecessarytrainingtobeabletoundertake theseassessments. CHECK YOUR ASBESTOS INPROPERTIES REGULATORY UPDATES ABOUTYOUR PROPETIES Topreventasbestosexposureintheworkplace.You, asthePersonincontroloftheworkplaceorthePCBU havecertainobligationstomeetunderthe Regulations. ACAAUSTRALIA
Suite 3,79-83High St,Kew, VIC 3101 ADDRESS KEEPIN TOUCH EMAILADDRESS info@acaaus.com.au PHONENUMBER (03) 94160774 WEBSITE https://www.acaaus.com.au ACAAUSTRALIA