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Optoboards requirements

Optoboards requirements. D. Giugni / INFN Milano. Optoboard requirements doc.

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Optoboards requirements

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  1. Optoboards requirements D. Giugni / INFN Milano nSQP weekly. 2011-02-24

  2. Optoboard requirements doc • SuningXie;   Herrick, R.W.;   Chamberlin, D.;   Rosner, S.J.;   McHugo, S.;   Girolami, G.;   Mayonte, M.;   Seongsin Kim;   Widjaja, W.;   Fiber Opt. Products Div., Agilent Technol., San Jose, CA, USA  • This paper appears in:Lightwave Technology, Journal ofIssue Date: April 2003 Volume: 21 Issue:4On page(s): 1013 - 1019 ISSN: 0733-8724 INSPEC Accession Number: 7681153 Digital Object Identifier:10.1109/JLT.2003.809546Date of Current Version: 25 June 2003 Sponsored by:Optical Society of AmericaIEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems SocietyIEEE Communications SocietyIEEE Electron Devices SocietyIEEE Instrumentation and Measurement SocietyIEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques SocietyIEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control SocietyIEEE Photonics Society • Abstract • High-speed fiber-optic transceiver modules using parallel optics require that oxide-confined vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) be moisture resistant in a non-hermetic package. We have found that the conventional storage 85/85 (85°C/85% relative humidity) test does not adequately characterize oxide VCSELs moisture resistance. We have identified three failure modes in the oxide VCSELs under operating conditions in high humidity. In this paper, we discuss the failure mechanisms including dislocation growth, semiconductor cracks, and aperture surface degradation, all associated with operation under high relative humidity. Understanding of these failure modes has led to more appropriate qualification standards and environmentally robust oxide VCSELs. • It now time to write up an optoboard requirement doc. There are several issues that have been risen that need to be collected systematically. • The template of the doc (with a draft skeleton) is on EDMS: [ATL-IP-ES-0154] • The doc covers the “requirements”. It sets “what” the board must do and NOT “how” • The main editors will not be the ones developing the boards, but who will mount them is a wider assembly. • Issues addressed: • Working Environment The RH will not be controlled. Clearly they will seat in air, above the dew point (no moisture). Mitigation action can be (and will be) taken to reduce the RH but the max RH cannot be set. • Qualification Standards (85%/85C ?) • Electrical and Optical requirements • Mechanics nSQP weekly. 2011-02-24

  3. Module-Fiber mapping • Documentation The connectivity of the entire detector is covered in several spreadsheets stored on the EDMS. • ATL-IP-ES-0092_Module_PPO • ATL-IP-ES-0093_PP0-PP1 • ATL-IP-ES-0094_PP1-PP2 • ATL-IP-ES-0132 Type 3 Cable Connectivity • ATL-IP-ES-0104 v.2 Type 4 Connectivity • ATL-IP-ES-0133 v.1 Type 5 Cables • ATL-IP-ES-0102_Opto_Connectivity The tables are difficult to read. There are a lot of information in but the reader must know what look at. Often there is a word document that explains how to read the table. nSQP weekly. 2011-02-24

  4. Module-Fiber mapping[ATL-IP-ES-0102] ATL-IP-ES-0102 word file nSQP weekly. 2011-02-24

  5. Number of outboard flavours • The base line is as follow: • 1 type B-boards (modules interleaved in the ribbon) • 2 type D-board Tall D-Board Short D-Board nSQP weekly. 2011-02-24

  6. CMD/CLK LVDS on board Issue to be discussed today: • Do we need an LVDS chip for the cmd/clk lines on the Optoboard? • In case we do, this must not cost extra power lines! nSQP weekly. 2011-02-24

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