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Importance of Pre-start Inspections in Equipment Safety

Performing pre-start inspections ensures equipment safety, compliance with regulations, and prevents potential hazards, injuries, and equipment damage. Regular inspections help maintain efficiency, productivity, and reduce incidents. Learn about the importance of pre-start inspections and how to conduct them effectively.

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Importance of Pre-start Inspections in Equipment Safety

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  1. Equipment Pre-startInspections Kim Barney, Safety Supervisor J.S. Redpath Limited Brigus Black Fox Mine

  2. Why Perform a Pre-start? • To verify that the machine you are about to use is mechanically safe and will perform within the machines operating parameters. • It’s the law! “A procedure for the testing, maintenance and inspection of each motor vehicle shall be adopted…” [Reg.854 for Mines and Mining plants, s.105 (7)] • Not performing a “pre-start” inspection or doing a poor job of checking equipment, may have devastating results!

  3. Why Perform a Pre-start? • Each employee that uses a piece of equipment must perform a pre-start on that piece of equipment. • Don’t be complacent in thinking that the previous operator did a proper pre-start inspection.

  4. WHAT-IF… • the previous operator did not perform a pre-start? • the previous operator performed a poor pre-start and missed something like performing a brake test on the unit? • the machine was somehow damaged while in use and the operator did not notice or report it? Without a pre-start of your own, you would now be responsible. • it caught fire because tire pressure was too low?

  5. WHAT-IF… • it ran out of oil, fuel and you ended up stranded in a remote location? • there was a fire and the fire extinguisher was defective/empty/missing? • a MOL inspector found something defective with the equipment, and it wasn’t noted on the card? • by not performing a proper pre-start you were responsible for injuring yourself or someone else? • What if they were fatally injured?

  6. Importance of Performing a Pre-start • A well performed pre-start reduces the possibility of these “What-if’s” • While not every situation can be accounted for, a proper pre-start, mid-shift inspection, post activity inspection and constant vigilance will help reduce the possibility of an incident or injury and also help productivity.

  7. Importance of Performing a Pre-start • Timely observations of equipment anomalies help the maintenance department address concerns or to make arrangements for equipment repair through a planned maintenance program. • This keeps the equipment operating at its optimum efficiency and maintains high availability numbers.

  8. Performing a Pre-start • 10 to 15 minutes depending on equipment • Operator must be trained or in training to understand what is required to be checked on the equipment.

  9. Performing a Pre-start • Check area for hazards: • tripping hazards • overhead hazards (i.e. loose rock) • Ensure wheel chocks are in place • Stop and correct hazards • If hazards cannot be corrected it must be somehow controlled and noted on your 5 point safety card

  10. Performing a Pre-start • Visual Circle Check Walk around the unit, check for: • damaged or worn parts/wires • wheel chocks • seat belts • housekeeping • tire wear/pressure (visually) • fire hazards, and • overall condition of the unit.

  11. Performing a Pre-start 1. Check to make sure everything is in place, and that nothing has come loose • wheel nuts • hoses • electrical connections • fire extinguisher • fire suppression

  12. Performing a Pre-start 2. Check oil, coolant, grease and fuel levels • 3. Start the equipment, check: • all lights • horns • temperatures/pressure gauges, and • other information systems

  13. Performing a Pre-start Record the hour meter reading on your pre-start checklist

  14. Performing a Pre-start 4. Do another circle check while equipment is running; look for: • leaking hoses • leaking fuel lines • burnt out lights

  15. Performing a Pre-start 5. Test all operating systems: • back-up alarms • braking systems • steering • hoisting or hydraulic systems • etc.

  16. So now we have done a good pre-start, are we finished? NO • As with any good program, there must be follow-up.

  17. Vigilance During the Shift • Use your senses and be aware of any changes: SIGHT: Have you seen any conditions change, have you struck something or has something struck your equipment? SOUND: Has the sound of your equipment changed, do you hear a different sound than when you started, do you hear the machine start to labour when operating? SMELL: Is there an odour that may indicate something has changed? TOUCH: Is there a vibration that wasn’t there at the beginning of the shift or do you feel a temperature change in the equipment?

  18. Mid-Shift Inspection • Take a couple of minutes at the mid-point of your shift and do a quick walk around of your equipment. • Check for damage, leaks, loss of tire pressure, or any other changes. • If the equipment has a small fuel tank, or won’t last the duration of the shift, refuel your machine.

  19. Post-Shift Inspection • At the end of the shift or when you are finished operating the equipment: • Check the equipment for damage and any changes that may have happened during your shift*.Record changes/damages on your pre-start sheet and report it to your supervisor. • Record the hour meter reading on your pre-start sheet, next to the hour meter reading taken at the start of the shift**

  20. Post-Shift Inspection • Has anything been missed in the pre-shift check, such as connections that may be required to be taken apart to check for buildup of material in the hoses, (shotcrete nozzles etc)? • Notify your Supervisor, these could be added to the pre-start sheet or training module. • Maintain good housekeeping of your equipment by removing any material that may have accumulated during your shift.

  21. Due Diligence. • Job observations by a supervisor or competent worker may be performed periodically on the pre-start of equipment, for the following reasons: • As a refresher for experienced workers to show competency and familiarity with the equipment. • On a new trainee to confirm that they know how to perform a pre-start on the equipment they have just been trained on. • As a result of an incident/injury where equipment is involved.

  22. Flammable Refuse Near Engines • Flammable materials near engine components create a high potential for fire, jeopardizing the safety of our workforce, loss to process and damage to equipment. • Examples: • dirty rags • lunch bags • paper • grease cartridges • sample bags • clothing

  23. Learning From Others… Incident: • A paint can improperly stored on a two boom jumbo rolled off the top of the jumbo and into the engine compartment. The can exploded causing wiring and the fire suppression line to burn resulting in a small fire. The fire was extinguished with a hand held extinguisher and stench gas was released. • Full underground emergency procedures were implemented; 19 Mine Rescue Personnel were put into action. • No injuries and only minor damage occurred to the jumbo.

  24. Learning From Others… Action Items: • Review Hazard Alert with all U/G crews. • Crews are to inspect all areas of the equipment during the pre-op checks, removing all flammable refuse material before the equipment is put into operation. • Maintenance personnel to inspect all equipment before being put back into service. • Supervision must perform routine circle checks on equipment to ensure there are no accumulations of flammable material.

  25. Learning From Others… Incident: • Operator's pre-op checklist fell into the engine compartment. It came to rest on the exhaust manifold beside the cylinder head. The piece of paper ignited and was quickly extinguished with the on-board extinguisher. Preventative Measures: • Workers are to ensure that checklists are stored in holders provided.

  26. Learning From Others… Incident: • Underground haulage truck operator was proceeding down ramp when he noticed his lights were blinking. He stopped the truck and observed the battery compartment glowing orange. He opened the battery compartment and saw flames. The operator extinguished the fire using a hand-held fire extinguisher.

  27. Learning From Others… Cause: • The battery moved and ground faulted causing cable to burn. Preventative Measures: • Mechanical Dept. has work orders to check all trucks on the ramp. They will ensure that the batteries are held in a stable position so that they do not move. • Operators to check the battery compartment when they are doing their pre-op checks.

  28. Learning From Others… Incident: • Truck operator noticed while on a scale that he had a problem with the #5 wheel. He thought it was a rock stuck between the dual wheel so he finished weighing the load with the intention to assess the situation once he was off the scale. When he drove ahead and pulled off the roadway, the #5 outside wheel separated from the truck. • Further investigation revealed the wheel studs had broken off. A mechanic repaired the damaged wheel studs and the wheel was installed on site. The truck was brought to the shop for an inspection of all wheels and no further defects were found.

  29. Learning From Others… Cause: • It was confirmed that the operator did not check the wheels for tightness. • It is believed that the wheel was loose for an indefinite period of time.

  30. Learning From Others… Preventative Measures: • All tandem trucks were inspected at the shop for loose wheel nuts or any indication that a wheel was loose. • All drivers were educated to tighten wheels at the beginning of their shifts as a part of their pre-operational inspection. • Auditing system is being implemented where supervisors will be randomly inspecting drivers' wheels as well as their pre-operational inspection checklists to ensure that they are complying with the follow-up action involved when a wheel has been installed.

  31. Learning From Others… Incident: • Kubota operator noticed smoke coming from the right hand side of the unit while driving. He lifted his seat and noticed a small flame. A 20 pound fire extinguisher was used to extinguish the fire. Cause: • A leaking hose caused the disc brakes to apply while traveling, overheating them. Preventative Measures: • Hydraulic hose was replaced and the brakes repaired. • Hoses are to be checked during regular pre-op inspections and regular services.

  32. Learning From Others… Incident: • Operator noticed sparks coming from the engine bay area of the ROCMEC UC01 situated at the side of the machine. He stopped the machine and noticed a small fire. • He activated the AFFF system and isolated the machine, using the main isolator. • He walked to a nearby truck to use the radio to report the fire. He then took the fire extinguisher and proceeded back to check the unit and found the fire already extinguished.

  33. Learning From Others… Causes: • Rag was left on engine by someone after conducting a service or inspection on the previous nightshift. • Rag missed during the pre-start check. • Rag caught fire while travelling between levels.

  34. Learning From Others… Preventative Measures: • Discuss with maintenance service operator the importance of a thorough clean-up after service. • Communication with operator with regards to performing thorough pre-start checks. • Maintenance Coordinator to advise all maintenance crew leaders of this incident and preventative measures. • All maintenance service sheets to state: “All rags and material must be removed after servicing equipment”.

  35. Learning From Others… Preventative Measures: • Crew leaders must ensure all pre-starts are thoroughly completed and documentation is filled in correctly. • Reiterate to all crews the importance of conducting a thorough pre-start. • Address the importance of housekeeping to all crews.

  36. Importance of performing a Pre-start Unbelievable Safety Moment

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