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Conrad Hilton …

Delve into profound insights on decision-making, strategy, and culture from industry leaders like Conrad Hilton, Aaron Sorkin, and Richard Branson. Explore the transformative power of small changes in technology design and the impact of employee satisfaction on business success. Discover the essence of conscious capitalism, personalized customer service, and the game-changing potential of company culture. Uncover the keys to unlocking human potential and achieving excellence in service to others.

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Conrad Hilton …

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  1. 18

  2. Conrad Hilton …

  3. ConradHilton, at a gala celebrating his career, was called to the podium and asked,“What were the most important lessons you learned in your long and distinguished career?”His answer …


  5. “Decisions are made by those who show up.” —Aaron Sorkin (+Mark McCormack’s 3K/5M “rule”)

  6. 2X

  7. 2X: “When Friedman slightly curved the right angle of an entrance corridor to one property, he was ‘amazed at the magnitude of change in pedestrians’ behavior’—the percentage who entered increased from one-third to nearly two-thirds.”—Natasha Dow Schull, Addiction By Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas

  8. Machine Gambling “Pleasing” odor #1 vs. “pleasing” odor #2: +45% revenue Source:“Effects of Ambient Odors on Slot-Machine Useage in Las Vegas Casinos,” reported inNatasha Dow Schull, Addiction By Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas (66% revenue, 85% profit)

  9. Glaring Eyes: -62% Source: PLOS ONE (via The Atlantic CITIES /0429.13)

  10. “Flash! When I work with experimental digital gadgets, I am always reminded of how small changes in the details of a digital design can have profound unforeseen effects on the experiences of the people who are playing with it. The slightest change in something as seemingly trivial as the ease of use of a button can sometimes alter behavior patterns. For instance, Stanford University researcher Jeremy Bailinson has demonstrated that changing the height of one’s avatars in immersive virtual reality transforms self-esteem and social self-perception. Technologies are extensions of ourselves, and, like the avatars in Jeremy’s lab, our identities can be shifted by the quirks of gadgets. It is impossible to work with information technology without also engaging in social engineering.”—Jaron Lanier, You Are Not a Gadget

  11. “You get a sense of the scale and intricacy of the task by considering the sound effects alone: The game contains 54,000 pieces of audio and 40,000 lines of dialogue.There are 2,700 different noises for footsteps alone depending on whose foot is stepping on what.” —Sam Leithon Halo 3, from Jane McGonigal, Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World

  12. Big carts = 1.5X Source: Wal*Mart

  13. 120-oz container to ketchup-bottle size laundry-detergentconcentrate (100% conversion):1/4th packaging; 1/4th weight; 1/4th cost to ship; 1/4th space on ships, trucks, shelves. 3 years: 95M #s plastic resin saved, 125M #s cardboard conserved, 400Mless gallons of water shipped, 500K gallons less diesel fuel, 11M less #s CO2 released)Source: Force of Nature: The Unlikely Story of Walmart’s Green Revolution, Edward Humes

  14. LITTLE = BIG

  15. <TGWand …>TGR[Things Gone WRONG- Things Gone RIGHT.]

  16. “… IT IS THE GAME.”

  17. “crack the code on how your company can develop and live its unique story”

  18. Press Ganey Assoc:139,380 former patients from 225 hospitals:NONEof THE top 15 factors determining Patient Satisfaction referred to patient’s health outcomeP.S.directly related to StaffInteractionP.P.S.directly correlated with Employee SatisfactionSource: Putting Patients First, Susan Frampton, Laura Gilpin, Patrick Charmel

  19. WSJ/0910.13: “What matters most to a company over time? Strategy or culture? Dominic Barton, MD, Mc Kinsey & Co.:“Culture.”

  20. B(I) > B(O)

  21. “If I could have chosen not to tackle the IBM culture head-on, I probably wouldn’t have. My bias coming in was toward strategy, analysis and measurement. In comparison, changing the attitude and behaviors of hundreds of thousands of people is very, very hard.[Yet] I came to see in my time at IBM that culture isn’t just one aspect of the game—IT IS THE GAME.”—Lou Gerstner, Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance

  22. “Why in the World did you go to Siberia?”

  23. Enterprise* (*at its best):An emotional, vital, innovative, joyful, creative, entrepreneurial endeavor that elicits maximum concerted human potential in the wholehearted pursuit of EXCELLENCE in service of others.****Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Communities, Owners, Temporary partners

  24. Hard is Soft. Soft is Hard.


  26. “In a world where customers wake up every morning asking, ‘What’s new, what’s different, what’s amazing?’ success depends on a company’s ability to unleash initiative, imagination and passion of employees at all levels —and this can only happen if all those folks are connected heart and soul to their work [their ‘calling’], their company and their mission.”—John Mackey and Raj Sisoda, Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business

  27. “You have to treat your employees like customers.”—Herb Kelleher, upon being asked his “secret to success”Source: Joe Nocera, NYT, “Parting Words of an Airline Pioneer,” on the occasion of Herb Kelleher’s retirement after 37 years at Southwest Airlines (SWA’s pilots union took out a full-page ad in USA Today thanking HK for all he had done) ; across the way in Dallas, American Airlines’ pilots were picketingAA’s Annual Meeting)

  28. "When I hire someone, that's when I go to work for them.”—John DiJulius, "What's the Secret to Providing a World-class Customer Experience"

  29. “Employees who don't feel significant rarely make significant contributions.”—Mark Sanborn

  30. "If you want staff to give great service, give great service to staff."—Ari Weinzweig, Zingerman's

  31. If you want to WOW your customers then you must firstWOW those who WOW the customers!

  32. “The path to a hostmanshipculture paradoxically does not go through the guest. In fact it wouldn’t be totally wrong to say that the guest has nothing to do with it. True hostmanship leaders focus on their employees. What drives exceptionalism is finding the right people and getting them to love their work and see it as a passion. ... The guest comes into the picture only when you are ready to ask, ‘Would you prefer to stay at a hotel where the staff love their work or where management has made customers its highest priority?’”“We went through the hotel and made a ... ‘consideration renovation.’Instead of redoing bathrooms, dining rooms, and guest rooms, we gave employees new uniforms, bought flowers and fruit, and changed colors.Our focus was totally on the staff.They were the ones we wanted to make happy.We wanted them to wake up every morning excited about a new day at work.” —Jan Gunnarsson and Olle Blohm, Hostmanship: The Art of Making People Feel Welcome.

  33. “We are a ‘LifeSuccess’ Company.”Dave Liniger, founder, RE/MAX

  34. “The organization would ultimately win not because it gave agents more money,but because it gave them a chance for better lives.”—Phil Harkins & Keith Hollihan, Everybody Wins, onRE/MAX

  35. “The role of the Director is to create a space where the actors and actresses canBECOME MORE THAN THEY’VE EVER BEEN BEFORE, MORE THAN THEY’VE DREAMED OF BEING.” —Robert Altman, Oscar acceptance speech




  39. Oath of Office: Managers/Servant Leaders Our goal is to serve our customers brilliantly and profitably over the long haul. Serving our customers brilliantly and profitably over the long haul is a product of brilliantly serving, over the long haul, the people who serve the customer. Hence, our job as leaders—the alpha and the omega and everything in between—is abetting the sustained growth and success and engagement and enthusiasm and commitment to Excellence of those, one at a time, who directly or indirectly serve the ultimate customer. We—leaders of every stripe—are in the “Human Growth and Development and Success and Aspiration to Excellence business.” “We” [leaders] only grow when “they” [each and every one of our colleagues] are growing. “We” [leaders] only succeed when “they” [each and every one of our colleagues] are succeeding. “We” [leaders] only energetically march toward Excellence when “they” [each and every one of our colleagues] are energetically marching toward Excellence. Period.

  40. A 15-Point Human Capital Development Manifesto • “Corporate social responsibility” starts at home—i.e., inside the enterprise! MAXIMIZING GDD/Gross Domestic Development of the workforce is the primary source of mid-term and beyond growth and profitability—and maximizes national productivity and wealth. • 2. Regardless of the transient external situation, development of “human capital” is always the #1 priority. This is true in general, in particular in difficult times which demand resilience—and uniquely true in this age in which IMAGINATIVE brainwork is de facto the only plausible survival strategy for higher wage nations. (Generic “brainwork,” traditional and dominant “white-collar activities, is increasingly beingperformed by exponentially enhanced artificial intelligence.)

  41. The Memories That Matter The people you developed who went on to stellar accomplishments inside or outside the company. The (no more than) two or three people you developed who went on to create stellar institutions of their own. The long shots (people with “a certain something”) you bet on who surprised themselves—and your peers. The people of all stripes who 2/5/10/20 years later say “You made a difference in my life,” “Your belief in me changed everything.” The sort of/character of people you hired in general. (And the bad apples you chucked out despite some stellar traits.) A handful of projects (a half dozen at most) you doggedly pursued that still make you smile and which fundamentally changed the way things are done inside or outside the company/industry. The supercharged camaraderie of a handful of Great Teams aiming to “change the world.”

  42. “life and death decisions”

  43. Promotion Decisions“life and death decisions”Source: Peter Drucker, The Practice of Management

  44. 2/YEAR = LEGACY.

  45. “A man should never be promoted to a managerial position if his vision focuses on people’s weaknessesrather than on their strengths.”—Peter Drucker,The Practice of Management

  46. Les Wexner:From sweaters to people!* *Limited Brands founder Les Wexner queried on astounding long-term success—said, in effect, it happened because he got as excited about developing people as he had been about predicting fashion trends in his early years

  47. 53 = 53

  48. “The key difference between checkers and chess is that in checkers the pieces all move the same way, whereas in chess all the pieces move differently. …DISCOVER WHAT IS UNIQUE ABOUT EACH PERSON AND CAPITALIZE ON IT.”—Marcus Buckingham, The One Thing You Need to Know

  49. 70 CENTS

  50. “Development can help great people be even BETTER—BUT IF I HAD A DOLLAR TO SPEND, I’D SPEND 70 CENTS GETTING THE RIGHT PERSON IN THE DOOR.”—Paul Russell, Director, Leadership and Development, Google

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