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NSF Directorate for Engineering | Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems ( CBET ) Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Cluster Environmental Sustainability ( 7643 ) Program Director - Bruce Hamilton - bhamilto@nsf.gov. Trends Program
NSF Directorate for Engineering|Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Cluster Environmental Sustainability (7643) Program Director - Bruce Hamilton -bhamilto@nsf.gov Trends Program Research 1
Environmental Sustainability Program Slide 1 of 2 This program funds engineering research with the goal of advancing sustainable engineered systems that support human well-being and that are also compatible with sustaining natural (environmental) systems. 2
All proposed research should be driven by engineering principles, and be presented explicitly in an environmental sustainability context. Proposals should include involvement in engineering research of at least one graduate student, as well as undergraduates. Proposals emphasizing enhancement of American Competitiveness are encouraged. Incorporation of aspects of social, behavioral, and economic sciences is welcomed. The duration of unsolicited awards is generally one to three years.The average annual award size for the program is $100,000 Environmental Sustainability Program Slide 2 of 2 3
Short-term Priority Areas Biofuels Sustainability The Water-Energy Nexus Dynamic LCA (including direct and indirect land use factors) Electronics Component Materials Recycle-Reuse-Sustainability Sustainable IT (“Green IT”) 4
Long-term Priority Areas Complex Systems and Global Environmental Environmental Problems (includes climate change) Scale Effects in the Analysis of Sustainability of Complex Environmental Systems(“Earth Systems Engineering”) Sustainable Water Resources in a Changing Environment(includes the water-energy nexus) 5
Industrial Ecology Green Engineering Ecological Engineering Earth Systems Engineering Current Areas of Support 6
includes advancements in modeling such as: life cycle assessment (LCA) materials flow analysis (MFA) economic input/output (I/O) models novel metrics for measuring sustainable systems. Industrial Ecology . . . 7
Industrial Ecology Research Example #1 Biofuels and the Hydrologic Cycle Robert Anex, PI (Environmental Engineer) Raymond Arritt, co-PI (Hydrometeorologist) Phillip Gassman, co-PI (Environmental Scientist) Brian Gelder, co-PI (Agricultural Engineer) Manoj Jha, co-PI (Environmental Engineer) Iowa State University $300,000 over 2 years (co-funded with $100K by “Energy for Sustainability”) Understanding the role of biofuels in the water cycle is key to understanding many of the environmental impacts of biofuels. This research is addressing impacts of alterations in the hydrologic cycle driven by biomass feedstock production. Water-driven environmental impacts of biofuel production scenarios will be assessed using a set of interconnected models. 8
Industrial Ecology Research Example #2 CAREER: Creation of a Predictive and Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment Tool Shelie Miller (Environmental Engineer) Clemson University $400,000 over 5 years Anticipate transformational advances in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), including the ability to forecast the stochastic nature of developing systems,incorporating spatial(e.g.,land use)and temporal (non-stationary) considerations currently lacking in LCA. Case study: lignocellulosic biofuel from switchgrass in Tennessee area 9
research is encouraged to advance the sustainability of chemical processes, manufacturing processes, green buildings, and infrastructure. Green Engineering . . . 10
Green Engineering includes . . . • Green manufacturing processes • Green buildings • (with CMMI, SBE) • Green IT • (with CISE, SBE, HP) • Sustainable infrastructure • (with CMMI, SBE) 11
Green Engineering Research Example #1 SGER: The Production of Fuel Hydrocarbons by Gliocladium sp. Gary Strobel, PI, Biologist | Montana State University $229,248 over 2 years – co-funded by CBET Catalysis and Biocatalysis program and follow-up project awarded by EFRI/HyBi SGER Results: published in peer-reviewed Microbiology, November 2008. NSF Press Release: November 6, 2008 Strobel has teamed with engineers (for HyBi) ~$35K GRS-like supplement to SGER for a woman engineering Ph.D. student to do engineering laboratory research on creating a process 12
Green Engineering Research Example #2 Sustainability and Capital Project Portfolios: Modeling the Emergent Properties of Total Cost of Ownership Annie Pearce (Virginia Tech) Kristen Bernhardt (Lafayette College) $305,000 over 3 years First round IDR grant:CBET Environmental Sustainability program and 5 CMMI programs 13
Green Engineering Research Example #3 Integrating Green Roofs and Photovoltaic Arrays for Energy Management and Optimization of Multiple Functionalities Carl Wamser (Chemistry) Todd Rosenstiel (Biology) David Sailor (Engineering) Portland State University $300,000 over 3 years Co-funded by 8 programs in CBET &CMMI 14
Includes: Sustainable water resources Sustainable engineered ecosystems Topics should focus on the engineering aspects of restoring ecological function to natural systems, including stream restoration, revitalization of urban rivers, and wetlands rehabilitation. What is the fundamental engineering knowledge that is necessary for ecological engineering to function in a sustainable way? Ecological Engineering . . . 15
Ecological Engineering Research Example #1 Slide 1 of 2 Collaborative Research: Evaluating Nutrient Reductions to Control Cyanobacteria and Ensure Large Lake Sustainability: Lake Taihu (China) as a Model for North American Systems Hans Paerl, PI (UNC-Chapel Hill) Steven Wilhelm (University of Tennessee - Knoxville) $288,000 over 3 years (co-funded by OISE) (IREE-like REU supplements recently added) 16
Ecological Engineering Research Example #1 Slide 2 of 2 Photographs are of blue-green algal (cyanobacterial) blooms on Lake Taihu, China being sampled and examined (using bioassays) for nutrient limitation. This sampling is part of a project designed to quantify nutrient input reductions that will be needed to control cyanobacterial blooms that adversely affect water quality and safe use of lake water for drinking and irrigational purposes. 17
Ecological Engineering Research Example #2 Toward Integration of Industrial Ecology and Ecological Engineering Bhavik Bakshi (Chemical Engineering) William Mitsch (Environmental Biology) Ohio State University $300,000 over 3 years Co-funded by CNH (SBE/BIO/GEO) Will expand LCA to include the role of ecosystems Will create a software tool: ECO-LCA Includes economic input-output analysis at the national level Includes industrial partners (e.g., Owens-Corning) 18
Earth Systems Engineering . . . • includes: • Electronics global reverse supply chain • Mitigating global warming (with GEO) considers aspects of large scale engineering research that involve: • mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions • adaptation to climate change • other global scale concerns 19
Earth Systems Engineering Research Example #1 Slide 1 of 2 Assessing and Managing the Sustainability of Global Reverse Supply Chains: The Case of Personal Computers Eric Williams, PI | Brad Allenby, co-PI | Yongsheng Chen, co-PI Arizona State University $300,000 over 3 years (initial publication in ES&T 2008 - see next slide) The main goal for this work is to develop the intellectual framework necessary for engineering and managing an international reverse supply chain from a sustainability perspective. A case study approach using the reverse supply chain for personal computers in the U.S. is employed. The research consists of three components: A material flows analysis to understand the global reach of the end-of-life computers from the U.S. An analysis of the environmental and developmental aspects of different paths for this reverse supply chain. Articulation of an earth systems engineering perspective of technology systems incorporating both engineering and social/policy contexts. 20
Earth Systems Engineering Research Example #1 (continued) Slide 2 of 2 Environmental Science & Technology 2008, 42, 6446-6454 21
Earth Systems Engineering Research Example #2 CDI-Type II: Understanding Water-HumanDynamics with Intelligent Digital Watersheds Jerry Schnoor, PI (Environmental Engineering) Andrew Kusiak, co-PI (Industrial Engineering) David Bennett, co-PI (Geography) Marian Muste, co-PI (Hydrology) Silvia Secchi, co-PI (Economics) University of Iowa $900,000 over 3 years (co-funded by CBET, CMMI, and GEO) 22