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Wanda Bamberg, Ed. D., Superintendent of Schools February 1, 2010

Lessons From the Field Aldine ISD. Wanda Bamberg, Ed. D., Superintendent of Schools February 1, 2010. Aldine’s Vision. To Produce the Nation’s Best!. The District. District organization. 5 Vertical Areas Organized by Feeder Patterns 1 Magnet Strand. High Schools.

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Wanda Bamberg, Ed. D., Superintendent of Schools February 1, 2010

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  1. Lessons From the Field Aldine ISD Wanda Bamberg, Ed. D., Superintendent of Schools February 1, 2010

  2. Aldine’s Vision To Produce the Nation’s Best!

  3. The District

  4. District organization • 5 Vertical Areas • Organized by Feeder Patterns • 1 Magnet Strand High Schools 9th Grade Schools Middle Schools Intermediate Schools Elementary Schools EC/Pre-K Centers

  5. Student Demographics • 67.08% Hispanic • 28.09% African American • 1.70% Asian • 3.05% White • 0.07% Native American 62,055 Students All the data above, except mobility rate, is from fall PEIMS, 2008-2009 (enrollment as of the last Friday of October)

  6. Student Demographics • 84.3% Economically Disadvantaged • 69.9% At-risk • 31.7% LEP • 7.4% Special Education • 24.7% Mobility Rate • District wide Title Program

  7. English Language Learners • Over 20,000 ELL students, PK-12 • Transitional Bilingual Program-Students receive instruction in their primary language and gradually transition to an all English environment. • English as a Second Language (ESL) Program-Students in PK-6th grade who speak a language other than Spanish receive specialized instruction through ESL. All English instruction with linguistic support from ESL teacher. • Vietnamese Academy one EC/PK and elementary campuses • One Two-Way Immersion program under vision at this time

  8. Transitional Bilingual Program • Teachers follow a pacing chart at each grade level which takes into consideration length of time in US and data entering US/Aldine schools • Transition as early as possible-3rd and 4th grade if student arrived in PK or K • Students can take one test in English and one in Spanish if appropriate (Grade 4 Math in English and Writing in Spanish • Bilingual offered through 6th grade if needed • ESL support provided after exit from bilingual program • Bilingual program under study for possible revisions

  9. English Language Learners • English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) • Sheltered Instruction • Gradual Release

  10. Specific Support for ELL Students at Aldine 9 • English Language Institute (ELI) classes-1st year arrivals • English Language Learner (ELL) classes for 2nd and 3rd year arrivals • ELL students are scheduled in one professional learning community • ELI students are assigned an 8 period core subject (after school) in the spring and summer to gain credit because they are double-blocked during the day in English Language Arts

  11. Comparison of state and district demographics

  12. TAKS Mathematics Comparison State of Texas and Aldine ISD – All Students Tested in English Spring 2009 * Grade 3, 5, and 8 are First Administration Only

  13. Aldine’s Hispanic students achieved higher average proficiency rates than their state counterparts in reading and math at all grade levels.

  14. Aldine’s Economically Disadvantaged students achieved higher average proficiency rates than their state counterparts in reading and math at all grade levels.

  15. Between 2005 and 2008, Average SAT Scores Increased by 13 points Between 2005 and 2008, SAT participation rates for Hispanic Students increased by 11 percent

  16. District Recognitions • BROAD Finalists 2004, 2005, 2008 • BROAD Prize Winner, 2009 • National Center for Educational Accountability • Education Trust • Research StudiesDana Center, Learning First Alliance, Harvard Business School • Texas Awards Performance Excellence, 2006 • HEB Large District Award, 2008

  17. Domain I – Teaching and Learning Aldine Objective I: Student Achievement • Curriculum Journey • Instructional Model • Alignment • Assessment

  18. The Aldine Plan • Identification of Skill • Strategy for Instruction of Skill • Assessment of Mastery of Skill • Adjustment to ensure mastery

  19. District Practices • Developed Benchmark Targets • Developed Benchmark Target Assessments • Worked with Triand to develop a comprehensive Instructional Management System that includes TEKS, Benchmarks, Assessments, Lesson Plans, Resources, and a data analysis system • Planned professional development to train teachers in scope and sequence, instructional strategies and assessment.

  20. Model of Instruction-Based on Fenwick English

  21. If We Believe All Students Can Learn… • What is it we expect them to learn? • How will we know when they have learned it? • How will we respond when they don’t learn? • How will we respond when they do learn? (Dufour, Dufour, Eaker)

  22. A System Wide Curriculum Management Plan • A system wide curriculum philosophy – also in board policy • System wide expectations • Scope and sequence for the system • Consistent curriculum guide format which is user friendly – establishes a reasonable work load • Coordinated central functions including assessments • Connected system wide data collation, feedback, and use in the schools (Fenwick English)

  23. District Alignment • District Guidelines, Scope and Sequence, Resources, Professional development, Assessments Based on Data • Campus Level Implementation based on Specific Campus Needs including Professional Development and additional Assessments • Teacher Level Implementation based on Specific Student Needs • Tighter District Implementation in Times of Crisis

  24. Algebra Plan-Campus Pilot/District Implementation • Professional Development-one week of paid training • Instructional Materials-purchased for implementation • Administrator Support-Input and Training • Daily/Weekly Plans • Follow-up and Support

  25. Objective 8 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and uses of measurement and similarity. 8.8 Measurement. The student uses procedures to determine measures of three-dimensional figures. The student is expected to (A) find lateral and total surface area of prisms, pyramids, and cylinders using [concrete] models and nets (two-dimensional models); (B) connect models of prisms, cylinders, pyramids, spheres, and cones to formulas for volume of these objects; and (C) estimate measurements and use formulas to solve application problems involving lateral and total surface area and volume. 8.9 Measurement. The student uses indirect measurement to solve problems. The student is expected to (A) use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve real-life problems; and (B) use proportional relationships in similar two-dimensional figures or similar three-dimensional figures to find missing measurements. 8.10 Measurement. The student describes how changes in dimensions affect linear, area, and volume measures. The student is expected to (A) describe the resulting effects on perimeter and area when dimensions of a shape are changed proportionally; and (B) describe the resulting effect on volume when dimensions of a solid are changed proportionally.

  26. Lesson 12 (TAKS Obj. 8) In this lesson, students will find surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders in a variety of problem situations. Students will begin by matching problem situations, figures, and formulas from the TAKS Mathematics Chart to find the surface area or volume of prisms and cylinders. Students will also measure the net of a prism and cylinder in order to determine its surface area and volume. Pass out a net to each group and ask them to draw a giant picture of the net on the grid paper. Give each group a different net and 3D model (3 minutes). Ask students to think and write down possible questions that could be asked about the net or the corresponding 3D model (2 minutes). Ask them to write down 1 question for total surface area, lateral surface area and volume (4 minutes). (i.e. How would you calculate the amount of water that fits in the cylinder?) Ask groups to share questions. Discuss the difference between total surface area, lateral surface area and volume for 3D figures. Use the TAKS charts and review the formulas on the document. Use the matching cards to review the properties.

  27. District Scope & Sequence

  28. Algebra Syllabus

  29. Sample Lesson Plan

  30. Grading Policies:Late WorkReteach / ReassessMake-Up WorkNo Grade Policy

  31. Credit Denied Due to Excessive Absences (NG)* * classes in which semester average is 70 or higher; 2007-08 data from 6/12/2008 CHS records; 2008-09 data from 6/22/2009 CHS records

  32. Drop Out / Attendance Plan • Re-organization and additional staff to monitor attendance and student withdrawals • Weekly reports • Focus on attendance at elementary • Elementary absentees become secondary drop-outs • New NG policy

  33. District Professional Development • Aligned to district goals and district plan • Address the acquisition, mastery, and application of academic skills • Common Sessions for All Teachers • Principals Trained First! • Numerous additional opportunities for professional development on afternoons, Saturdays, and summers.

  34. Vertical Professional Development • The Model Classroom Project – John Samara • Three part objectives • Questioning strategies • Rubrics and student products • Quality Lessons and Instructional Alignment – Dr. Shirley Johnson • Customer Service Training

  35. District Practices as Only Administrative Actions… • Do not ensure sustainability • Do not reflect a district framework for instruction or for performance • Do not provide a model to build capacity

  36. Domain II – District Leadership • Board Governance • Building Capacity • Policy

  37. Alignment at All Levels • Leadership is the Key • Board • Superintendent • Deputy Superintendent • Cabinet – 6 Assistant Superintendents 5 Area Superintendents • District Department Heads • Building Principal • Campus Staff

  38. The Board’s Role • Governance vs. Management • Policy Development to Guide District Improvements • Policy Development to Reform the District

  39. Theory of Action Managed InstructionWe have a framework for what we teach and when… for every grade level and subject. We identify the skills every child should master at every grade level. We train teachers how to work in this framework. We monitor student progress. We help students who need help. Managed PerformanceWe don’t leave performance to chance – we manage it. We set measurable goals. We keep score and evaluate. We make changes when needed.

  40. Building Capacity in Aldine • Leadership Academies • Teachers to Assistant Principals (AIP) • Academy for New Assistant Principals • Project LEAD-Experienced Assistant Principals to Principals • Academy for New Principals • Paras to Teachers-Homegrown Program • A+ Interns

  41. Domain III – Operation and Support • Data • Assessments • Recognitions, Interventions, Adjustments • Processes/Resources to Support Alignment

  42. Using Data for All Decisions Processes Programs Policies Structure Curricula Instruction Resources(HR & Stakeholder) Positive Change In Outcomes Data /Goals Planned Change

  43. Monitoring Systems and Using Data: Common Assessments • District-wide in core subjects each six weeks • District-wide – 3 week assessments in science and math • Campus-based assessments more frequently • Provides leading data • Provides 1st indication of need for intervention byteacher and student

  44. Teacher Screen – Benchmark Exam

  45. Team Approach Principal AP(s) Skill Specialist(s) Department / Grade Chair Teachers Program Director(s) Area Superintendent

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