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Post-study caffeine administration enhances memory consolidation in humans Qiujing Hu

Post-study caffeine administration enhances memory consolidation in humans Qiujing Hu. Contents. 1. introduction/background. 2. rationale. 3. methods. 4. results. 5. Discussion/Conclusions. Introduction/Background.

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Post-study caffeine administration enhances memory consolidation in humans Qiujing Hu

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  1. Post-study caffeine administration enhances memory consolidation in humansQiujing Hu

  2. Contents 1 introduction/background 2 rationale 3 methods 4 results 5 Discussion/Conclusions

  3. Introduction/Background Many previous studies have documented the effects of caffeine as a cognitive enhancer for the brain However, its effects on long-term memory on human have not been investigated in detail Caffeine has been always administered before learning therefore effects on memory are impossible to dissociate from other effects caused by it, such as increased arousal, vigilance, attention and processing speed etc. This is the first study of caffien on effects of human long term memory

  4. Rationale purpose of the study: To find out the effect of caffien on consolidation of long-term memories in humans hypothesis: Caffeine enhanced consolidation of long-term memories in humans Diagram 2 Diagram 2

  5. Medthods randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in caffeine - naive participants 1. 2. 3. 160 healthy, caffeine-naive subjects between the ages of 18 and 30 participated in the study.Participantsincidentally studied images of objects, then given either 200 mg of caffeine or placebo. Afteradministration, Salivary samples were collected at the baseline and 1 h, 3 h and 24 h after. 24 hours after the study session, participants' being eveluated by their recognition performance using some items they saw the previous day, some new items and some items that were similar but not identical to ones they saw before. repeated the experiment with a placebo and different doses of caffeine (100 mg, 200 mg and 300 mg) to determine whether there is an optimal dose range

  6. Results

  7. Results Results shows that the caffeine group had asignificant increase in caffeine metabolites at the 1 h and 3 h time points, however, returned to baseline amount at hour 24. Participants who received caffeine were more likely to call lure items 'similar' rather than 'old' compared to participants who received the placebo No significant differences in recongnition rates of target hits or foil rejectionamong groups, hence basic recognition memory was not altered. A lure discrimination index (LDI) was calculated and found a significant difference between groups. The numnbers suggestthat caffeine enhanced consolidation of the initial study session such that discrimination during retrieval was improved. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed, the data showed a significant main effect of similarity and a significant main effect of caffeine with a nonsignificant interaction. Dta from the repeated dose change experiments shows that a dose of at least 200 mg is required to observe the enhancing effect of caffeine on consolidation of memory.

  8. disscusion/cnclusion In conclusion, caffeine enhanced consolidation of long-term memories in humansspecific to consolidation. Caffeine is somthing so common widly used, futhur studies should be conducted to understand the mechanisms of how faffeine can ptentiate memory, and detailed relationship between caffeine and human brain.

  9. Thank you

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