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THE GRETAs (ministry of national Education). GRETAs network. 212 Gretas (grouping of public educational schools) in France, 5 in Poitou-Charentes. Pooling their skills ans technical means providing adult continuous training. 212 GRETA in France (2008) = 6.500 training center
GRETAs network • 212 Gretas (grouping of public educational schools) in France, 5 in Poitou-Charentes. • Pooling their skills ans technical means • providing adult continuous training
212 GRETA in France (2008) • = 6.500 training center • among them 200 language centres • and 170 skills audits centres • 1.335 adult training advisors • 36.000 trainers 439.000 trainees/year 423.000 millions Euros turnover GRETA are spread on the whole territory
Skills and professionnal analysis/audit • Training counselling • Pedagogical and training engineering • Training of trainers and tutors • Training • Evaluation • Guidance • Accreditation of life experience (Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience) The main services of the GRETAsTraining … but also counselling and guidance for qualification and employment
Target • Mainly employees • Trainings leading to diplomas from the ‘CAP’ (after the lower secondary level) to the ‘BTS’ (2 years after the Baccalaureate), and sometimes vocational post-secondary degrees. • Customized training : considering individual needs and projects, achievements, ways of learning…
The training offer in the field of Alzheimer care • Initial training: • Diplomas from the Ministry of national education: vocational qualification (community care worker; health and human services); different levels of qualification • Diplomas from the Ministry of agriculture: vocational qualification (home services) • State diplomas from the Ministry of health and social affairs(auxiliary nurse, special needs workers) • Continuous training of « gerontological assistant » : training unit of 140 hours proposed to some medical and social workers (nursing auxiliary and special needs workers) – voluntary basis –
Training units: progression during 20 days • General information about the Alzheimer disease • Support of the ill person (the adapted communication, the specificities of the support , the cognitive activities; the mobility activities; the creative activities; the sensory activities) • Relation with the family (the adapted communication; the specificities of the support) • Context of intervention (rights of the person; rights and duties of the professional; the structures, the helping service;home care services and the admission in a medical institution; the observation approach of a situation for the assistant gerontologist ...)
Training needs indentified in our region * Training needs : thesector of the « human services / caring professions » offers more and more jobs in our region. This sector is more dynamic at regional than at national level (+4.7% per year on average in the region instead of +2.3 %national average). The combination of the high rate of retirements and of the jobs growth shows a tendencyof massive recruitments in the health and social action sector until 2020. In 2010, the French employment agency registered 5 991 job offers corresponding to this sector * Needs of training trainers: 1/3 of the employed persons in this sector have a diploma linked with their current job. • Almost 40 % of the labour force working in the field of the human services do not have a diploma. • The continuous training effort in this sector clearly increased: 44 % of the employed persons attended a training session in 2008 (34,4 % in 2006)
Our main partners > The professional organizations of the health sector : ANFH (national association for the permanent training of the hospital staff, Unifaf / Forma HP (accredited collecting fund for training of the health public/private sector) > Local partners: La région Poitou-Charentes (regional authority), Pôle Emploi (national employment agency), la DIRECCTE (regional work direction ), the district Alzheimer association, borough social action centre, district authority (service of social affairs), health regional agency, university of Poitiers (research centre for human sciences and society and studies) > Other training centres: vocational college (for the adult training of auxiliary nurse)