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The HSB-JSP-Chalmers pavilion for user-centred and sustainable innovations in real- time. HSB Living lab. A unique demonstration centre for sustainable student living
The HSB-JSP-Chalmers pavilion for user-centred and sustainable innovations in real-time
HSB Living lab • A unique demonstration centre for sustainable student living • Based on a user-centredlivinglabconceptwhere the change in flowsofenergyare accessed through the Chalmers energydatabase • Measurements recorded down to 10s to the circuitbreaker (and whererequiredsub) level • Developmentof and intervention with new techologies and design based on the Chalmers energydatabase and brower
Chalmers energydatabase browser screenshot 1 • Breakfast kitchen activity (28th May 2012) in a detached family home • Exemplified is data for energy at circuit breakers • Further more detailed data for energy use through appliances is available • Only limited information from the extensive Chalmers energy database is shown here
Chalmers suslabenergydatabase browser screenshot 2 • Dinner kitchen activity (28th May 2012) in a detached family home • Different patterns from breakfast are noted for the appliance energy use