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Processo Q&P (Quenching and Partitioning) Estudo de caso completo. Fernando Rizzo. Projeto de Cooperação Internacional. NSF-CNPq (CIAM) , NSF-EPSRC. J.G. Speer, D.K. Matlock , A. Streicher – Colorado School of Mines, USA. F. Rizzo, A. R. Aguiar – PUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Processo Q&P (Quenching and Partitioning)Estudo de caso completo Fernando Rizzo
Projeto de Cooperação Internacional NSF-CNPq (CIAM) , NSF-EPSRC J.G. Speer, D.K. Matlock , A. Streicher – Colorado School of Mines, USA F. Rizzo, A. R. Aguiar – PUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil D.V. Edmonds, Kejian He – University of Leeds, UK
Quenching and Partitioning: - Background - Fundamental Issues - Recent Results • J.G. Speer, D.K. Matlock, B.C. De Cooman and J.G. Schroth, Acta Mater., 51 (2003) 2611-2622. • J.G. Speer, A.M. Streicher, D.K. Matlock, F.C. Rizzo and G. Krauss, Austenite Formation and Decomposition, ed. E.B. Damm and M. Merwin, TMS/ISS, Warrendale, PA, USA, 2003, pp. 505-522. • John G. Speer, David V. Edmonds, Fernando C. Rizzo, David K. Matlock, Current Opinion in Solid-State and Materials Science, 8 (2004) 219-237
C = C g i g g g Ac 3 Temperature g g B + “Conventional” Processing of Steels with g M S M F Time CC and Isothermal Transformations TRIP Steels
The “Q&P” Process Quenching and Partitioning Provisional US Patent Application: September, 2003
The “Q&P” Process Step 1. Austenitize or Intercritically Anneal g g a g g g • more austenite • lower Cg • - higher Ms • less austenite • higher Cg • - lower Ms
Austenitize + QuenchIntercritical Anneal + Quench g g a g g g Step 2. Cool (quench?) below Ms • Ms -TQ controls martensite formation • intercritical annealing has more stable austenite • and higher carbon martensite
g g g g g g Step 3. Diffuse Carbon from Supersaturated Martensite • Phase compositions change • Phase boundaries stationary
New Processing Concept (Sheet, Bar,…etc) Use carbon partitioning intentionally… from partially transformed martensite to untransformed austenite. Usually precluded because carbide precipitation occurs during tempering of martensite. Result: carbon-enriched austenite
Important Questions How much can we enrich the austenite? That is…what are the “equilibrium” martensite and austenite compositions? Or…when does partitioning stop?
“True” Metastable Equilibrium g g + Fe3C g + a a Temperature a + Fe3C % Carbon
“True” Metastable Equilibrium CANNOT Apply!! g g + Fe3C g + a a Temperature a + Fe3C Xa Xalloy Xg % Carbon • The equilibrium phase fractions are fixed by the lever rule • The actual phase fractions were fixed by cooling below Ms!
A New Equilibrium Condition was Hypothesized • “Constrained Carbon Equilibrium” (CCE) • Iron atoms are completely immobile (the phase boundaries are stationary). • Carbon atoms are completely mobile. • Carbon diffuses until its chemical potential (activity) is equal in ferrite and austenite. • Assume…competing reactions are precluded by Si/Al
Properties of “Constrained Carbon Equilibrium” • Not a unique condition at any temperature! • Depends on initial phase fractions/compositions
Properties of “Constrained Carbon Equilibrium” T0 A3 - Austenite may be more enriched or less enriched than ortho- or para- equilibrium
Properties of “Constrained Carbon Equilibrium” Mass balance: Carbon Constrained Equilibrium:
Key Characteristics of CCE (Fe-0.5C) - Almost all of the carbon should partition to austenite - Enrichment levels are potentially very high
g a a We have all the pieces to predictmicrostructure… Example Steel Composition: C=0.15 Mn=1.0 Si=1.5 Ms(oC)=539-423(%C)-30.4(%Mn)-12.1(%Cr)-17.7(%Ni)-7.5(%Mo) Ms=445oC (Steel) Intercritical Annealing T=810oC fg~ 22% Cg~ 0.68 wt. % Ms~222oC fa~ 78% TIA=810oC
g a a g a a Quench T = 150 oC Fraction of Martensite (Koistinen and Marburger) Final Microstructure fg~ 10% fM~ 12% fa~ 78% Phase Compositions After 450oC Partitioning Cg~ 1.5% CM~ .0019% Tq=150oC Tp=450oC
Q&P Process Design Methodology • ASSUME: • - Complete partitioning of carbon to austenite • No competing reactions (carbide formation)
Example of DICTRA Simulation Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials 2005 Edited by J. Howe TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), 2005 CARBON ENRICHMENT OF AUSTENITE AND CARBIDE PRECIPITATION DURING THE QUENCHING AND PARTITIONING (Q&P) PROCESS F.C. Rizzo 1, D.V. Edmonds2, K. He 2, J.G. Speer3, D.K. Matlock3and A. Clarke 3 1Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy; Pontifícia Universidade Católica-Rio de Janeiro; RJ 22453-900, Brazil 2School of Process, Environmental and Materials Engineering; University of Leeds; Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom 3Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Center; Colorado School of Mines; Golden, CO 80401, USA
Simulation Conditions • Steel composition: • 0.19C-1.59Mn-1.63Si wt% • Heat treatment: • Fully austenitized at 900oC, quenched to 293oC to produce 68% martensite and partitioned at 400oC. The thickness of the ferrite and austenite plates used in the simulation were 0.30 and 0.14 microns, respectively (obtained by TEM).
Carbon concentration profiles in a and g during partitioning under CCE at 400C, for a 0.19C-1.59Mn-1.63Si steel
Average carbon concentration as a function of time for a (0.30m) and g (0.14m) plates during partitioning at 400oC
Variation of (a) carbon flux and (b) carbon activity at the interface during partitioning. Time plotted in a log scale
Carbon concentration (wt%) at a and g interfaces as a function of time during partitioning at 400 oC
Carbon flux and concentration in the center of (a) ferrite and (b) austenite plates as a function of time
CONCLUSIONS For the scale of microstructure investigated, carbon depletion from the ferrite during partitioning at 400C occurs quite rapidly, around 10-1 seconds, while the austenite takes much longer, around 10 seconds, to achieve a uniform concentration. Due to its rapid depletion, the carbon concentration in the center of the ferrite plate starts to decrease after 10-3 seconds. After this time the driving force for carbide precipitation is gradually reduced. Carbon enrichment of the austenite will promote, initially, a substantial increase in the carbon concentration at the interface and a progressive stabilization of the plate, advancing from the interface to the center. Full stabilization is achieved when the composition of the central region reaches a carbon concentration corresponding to room temperature Ms.
TEM micrographs of the Q&P microstructure produced in a 0.19%C-1.59%Mn-1.63%Si TRIP steel composition (a) (b) Quenching to 260°C and partitioning at 400°C for 100 s: (a) bright-field image and (b) dark-field image using a (200) austenite reflection.
Total elongation vs. ultimate tensile strength for TRIP, Dual phase (DP), martensitic (M), and Q&P sheet steel products