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SONY’S EVOLVING HUMAN RESOURCE CHALLENGES. Sony. Sony w as established in 1946 in Tokya by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita . Originally called Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Company ). Sony employs 168.000 people worldwide .
Sony • Sony wasestablished in 1946 in TokyabyMasaru Ibuka and Akio Morita. • Originally called Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Company). • Sony employs 168.000 peopleworldwide. • Sony is producingand marketing PlayStation (home video gamesystem), TV, digitaland video cameras, computersandmusicplayers.
Sony had a managerial problem in 2005. • Sony hiredsirHowardStringerwholeadstoclose 11 plants, cutsmorethan 10,000 jobsandshiftscomponentmanufacturingtolowcostlocations as a chairmanand CEO. • Sony operates in manycountries, sonationalenvironment of sony is differssharply in terms of culture, legal system, economicconditions, technologylevelsandinfrastructure.
Sony’sHumanResourcePhilosophy • Themainaim of Sony is to be progressive in internationalhumanresourcemanagement. • Criterias of Sony areentrepreneurialspirit, thinkingcreativelyandstrongcommunicationskillswhen Sony is recruitingnewemployees. • HR managers of Sony arespendingmuch time withemployees,linkingfirm’sobjectivesandstrategies in ordertoachieveimportanttasks.
TrainingAndTalentDevelopment • Sony offersmanagementtraineeprogramsforitsmostpromisingrecruits. • Traineesare on dutytofindwaystousetheirtalentstoadvancethecompany. • Sony uses online systemfor a reasonthattomakeeasythedevelopment of personnelsallaroudtheworld.
TheManufacturingWorkforce • In 2001, thejapaneseyen’sappreciationagainstthedollar an euroleadshighcostforsonyand it decreasedprofitability of thecompanyand Sony closed 16 plants. • Because of thisresult Sony facedproblemswithemployees in somecountries. • As a resultsonytookspaintoreduceworkforce.
CorporateSocialResponsibility • Sony follows an “integrityapproach” toforeignmanufacturingoperationsandattemptstomaintainworkplacestandartsthatexceedlocalrequirements. • Sony is attemptingtoestablish a universialstandard of employement, offeringsuperiorworkingconditionsandlocallyrelevantwagesandbenefits at alllocations.
What is yourview of Sony’sefforts at coporatesocialresponsibiliy(CSR) in internationaloperating? Whatsteps can Sony taketoimprove CSR in organizingandmanagingitsoperationsaroundtheworldparticularly in developingcountriesandemergingmarkets?
At thecorporatesocialresponsiblity, sony is focusing on creating link betweenitsbusinessandtheenvironment. • Sony has code of conductwhichsetsthe basic internal standards to be observed by all directors, officers and employeesin ordertomakestrongthecorporategovernance, businessethics. • Sony’sbasicpoliciesare concerning ethical business practices and activities, including respect for human rights
Sony has enoughcapacitytosuccesscorporatesocialresponsibility. • Managersareresearchingthestandards of allcountriesthat it operatesand it givesvalueitsemployeesaccordingtothestandards. • Sony is doingthisjobperfectand it collectsitsfruitswithhighmotivation of employeesandefficiency.
Sony can takeaction on social, environmentalandfinancialperformance. • At thesociallevel, Sony can improvethequality of life standardsbyprovidingbettereducationalsystems. • At theenvironmentallevel, Sony can avoidairpollutionbyusinglessharmfullrowmaterials. • At thefinanciallevel, sony can providebetterwagesandsalariestoitsemployees.