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ITU-T Study Group 15 Update for IEEE 802.1

ITU-T Study Group 15 Update for IEEE 802.1. Glenn Parsons gparsons@nortelnetworks.com. Three Liaisons to IEEE 802.1 from ITU-T Study Group 15. Ethernet Activities in SG15 To MEF, OIF, IEEE 802.1, IEEE 802.3 Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Workplan

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ITU-T Study Group 15 Update for IEEE 802.1

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  1. ITU-T Study Group 15 Update for IEEE 802.1 Glenn Parsons gparsons@nortelnetworks.com

  2. Three Liaisons to IEEE 802.1 from ITU-T Study Group 15 • Ethernet Activities in SG15 • To MEF, OIF, IEEE 802.1, IEEE 802.3 • Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Workplan • To MEF, T1, IETF, TIA, OIF, IEEE 802, IEC, ATMF • Ethernet Services • To IEEE 802.1

  3. Location of Relevant Information • Ethernet activities in SG15: ITU-T LS15-23 January 2003 • Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Workplan ITU-T LS15-49 January 2003 • Ethernet Services in G.ethsrv: ITU-T Q12/15 WD 70 May 2003 (not yet sent) • ITU-T SG15 Liaisons and draft documents ftp://sg15opticalt:otxchange@ftp.itu.int/tsg15opticaltransport/COMMUNICATIONS/index.html

  4. ITU-T Study Group 15Ethernet Activities • Working Party 1 – Question 2Network Access (Ethernet Access) • G.985 100 Mb point-to-point Ethernet Access – Requirements & Architecture • G.ces Circuit Emulation Services over Ethernet • SG 15 - Working Party 4 – Question 16 OTN Technology (Ethernet over Fibre) • G.capp CWDM Applications (including Ethernet) • SG 15 - Working Party 5 - Questions 1 & 19Projects and Promotion (Coordination) • OTNT SWP Optical Transport Networks and Technologies – Standardization Work Plan • ANT SWP Access Network Transport – Standardization Work Plan

  5. ITU-T Study Group 15Ethernet Activities (contd) • Working Party 3OTN Structure (Ethernet over Transport) • G.ethna Ethernet Layer Network Architecture Q12 • G.eota Ethernet over Transport Architecture Q12 • G.esm Ethernet over Transport – Ethernet Service Multiplexing Q12 • G.ethsrv Ethernet over Transport – Ethernet Service Characteristics Q12 • G.smc Service Management Channel – private line Q12 • G.etnni Ethernet over Transport Network Node Interface Q11 • G.euni Ethernet User to Network Interface Q11 • G.eeq Ethernet over transport Equipment Functional Blocks Q9 • G.eemf Ethernet Equipment Management Function Q9 • G.efrw Ethernet Framework Q9

  6. OTNT Standardization Workplanhttp://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com15/otn/index.html • Contains • list of standardization bodies relevant to optical standardization, • a list of known holes/overlaps/conflicts in current work, • lists of known Standards and Recommendations • a list of documents being actively worked • Under study • Description of ‘Ethernet over Transport’

  7. ITU-T Q12/15 G.exxx draft Recs. Customer Services(e.g., MEF) Ethernet Layer Architecture(G.ethna) Network Services(G.ethsrv) Management channel(G.smc) XYZ transport(G.esm) TDM transport(G.eota)

  8. Q12/15 G.exxx draft RecsConsent October 2003 MEF Services G.ethsrv G.eota G.ethna G.872 G.803

  9. Next steps for G.exxx series • G.ethna, G.ethsrv, G.eota • Editors will clean up and post new versions by June 10th • Submit as ITU-T SG15 White contribution by August 1st. • Discuss open issues by correspondence • Contributions to next meeting to propose final text • Consent at October SG15 meeting • G.esm, G.smc • Contributions expected • Discussion at October SG15 meeting • G.etnni, G.euni, G.eeq • Contributions expected • Discussion at October SG15 meeting

  10. Ethernet Network Architecture - G.ethna • Describes the functional architecture of Ethernet public networks using the modeling methodology described in ITU-T Rec. G.805 and G.809. (G.803, G.872 equivalent for Ethernet) • It defines high-level atomic functions. These atomic functions have to be further specified in the equipment specifications. • The bases for this first version of the recommendation are the Ethernet specifications in IEEE 802.1D, 802.1Q and 802.3.

  11. ETH Trail ETH_AP ETH_AP ETH ETH ETH FD ETH FD ETH FD ETH_TFP ETH_TFP ETH FDF ETH FDF ETH FDF ETH_FP ETH_FP ETH_FP ETH_FP ETH Link ETH Link ETH LF ETH LF Ethernet MAC (ETH) layer network AP - access pointFD - flow domainFDF - flow domain flowFP - flow pointLF - link flowTFP - termination flow point

  12. ETYn Trail ETYn_AP ETYn_AP ETYn ETYn ETYn_TCP ETYn_TCP ETYn NC and ETYn LC Ethernet PHY (ETY) layer network AP - access pointNC - network connectionLC - link connectionTCP - termination connection point‘n’ in ETYn - represents interface types

  13. ETCn/ETH ETYn/ETH ETCn ETYn/ETCn ETY/ETH Adaptation ETH - Ethernet MACETC - Ethernet codingETY - Ethernet PHY ‘n’ suffix - represents interface types

  14. Ethernet Services - G.ethsrv • Defines a set of Ethernet service characteristics that are supported by the common architecture model of G.ethna • Describes Ethernet services from the network point of view (as opposed to the customer view of the MEF) • The services should describe the characteristics of the services, without referring to a particular network technology. • This document contains: • 1. Ethernet services • 2. Network architecture topology description required to support these services

  15. Definitions • Private service • One or more ETH links within the transport network are allocated to transport the ETH_CI of a single customer’s service instance. • The ETH_CI in a private service either doesn’t compete for bandwidth • Virtual private service • One or more ETH links within the transport network are allocated to transport the ETH_CI of multiple service instances • The ETH_CI in a virtual private service competes for bandwidth with ETH_CI from another service instance of the network

  16. Definitions • Line service • One ETH link within the transport network is allocated to transport the ETH_CI of one customer service instance, between at most two flow points. • No additional ETH links can be added to the service • LAN service • One (or more) ETH link(s) within the transport network is allocated to transport the ETH_CI of one customer, between at least two flow points. • Additional ETH links can be added/deleted to/from this service

  17. Ethernet Services • Ethernet Private Line (EPL) • Only this service will be fully described in the first version • Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL) • Ethernet Private LAN (EPLan) • Ethernet Virtual Private LAN (EVPLan)

  18. Ethernet Service Attributes • Multiplexed Access • Yes, No • Interface type • 10BASE, 100 BASE, 1000BASE, 10GBASE-R • MAC learning • Yes, No • Traffic Profile • CIR, PIR, PBS • Policing • Drop, PAUSE • L2 Control Plane Processing • Process, Discard, Tunnel

  19. Summary of Ethernet Services

  20. CI = (un)tagged MAC frame stream CIR PBS PBS Customer 1 2 CO-CS 802.3 802.3 Network Customer Equipment NRoS PhIR PhIR 1 2 802.3x Carrier Network Carrier Carrier Customer 802.3x PAUSE Equipment Equipment Equipment PAUSE WAN LAN P1 P2 (NP) (NAP) SDH 802.3 SDH 802.3 Carrier Carrier OTN OTN Equipment EPL type 1

  21. ETY/ETH ETY/ETH ETY/ETH xx /ETH xx /ETH ETY/ETH UNI UNI EPL type 1 - G.805 model

  22. G.ethsrv ‘living list’ • EPLAN service characteristics • EVPL service characteristics • EVPLAN service characteristics • Multiplexed Access • Rate control (using PAUSE) • Service Provider Ethernet • MAC filtering • Ethernet OAM • Ethernet Service Management

  23. Ethernet over Transport - G.eota • Defines the assembly of G.ethna layer networks to satisfy the requirements defined in G.ethsrv, using particular atomic functions. • Contains mainly functional models describing these implementations. Particular attention given to describing architectures using multiple transport technologies. • The first version of this recommendation specifies the EoT architecture for point to point Ethernet Private Line services. • G.eota.1 point to point PL, G.eota.2 Private LAN,G.eota.3 VPLAN….. • Protocol and equipment specifications will be in separate Recomendations (e.g., G.eeq)

  24. ETH_CI ETH_CI GFP-F or LAPS GFP-F or LAPS ETYn/ETH Sn-X-l/ETH Sn-X-l/ETH ETYn/ETH encapsulation encapsulation ETYn Sn-X-L Sn-X-L ETYn Ethernet Ethernet ETYn_CI ETY_CI Physical Physical VCX VCX Sn-Xv/Sn-X-L Sn-Xv/Sn-X-L Interface Interface LCAS LCAS 1 2 3 X 1 2 3 X MAX MAX Sn Sn Sn Sn Sn Sn Sn Sn VC-n Sub Network VC-n TCP VC-n TCP Group A Group Z connects X VC-n TCPs in TCP Group A PROV £ with X VC-n TCPs in TCP Group Z (X X ) PROV PROV MAX SDH Network £ £ £ £ « « Note - The X VC-n Network Connections are between VC-n TCP A[i] and VC-n TCP Z[j], with 1 i X , 1 j X ; e.g. A[1] Z[1], A[3] Z[2] PROV MAX MAX EPL type 1 - SDH architecture

  25. Ethernet Services Multiplexing - G.esm • Describes a new layer network architecture supporting Ethernet services multiplexing over transport networks. • Requirement driven by services of G.ethsrv • Two parts: • functional and structural architecture of a Service Multiplexing Layer Network (was ‘XYZ layer’) • adaptation of Ethernet services, as defined by G.ethsrv, to this Layer Network.

  26. G.esm ‘living list’ • Do we need a new layer architecture at all? • Review the new requirements • Candidate technologies under study: • MPLS • Service Provider Ethernet (MAC-in-MAC) • GFP service multiplexing (Switched GFP-F)

  27. Service Management Channel- G.smc • Defines a common architecture supporting management of Client Private Line Services (e.g., private line DSn/En, Ethernet and/or Storage). • Defines, from the service network view, management of the data service from edge to edge of the transport network, including the formats and protocols that are needed to perform the management tasks. • Defines the management parameters and the formats and protocols that are needed to perform the management tasks.

  28. SLA SLA SP_B’s NMS NE NNI SP_B’s CLE NE SP_B’s Edge NE SP_A’s NE CPE CPE N/W A N/W B Sn-X NMS ETH/Enc ETY/ETH ETY/ETH Enc/ETH Enc ETY ETY Enc Sn-Xv/Enc Enc/Sn-Xv Sn-Xv Sn-Xv . . X X . . Sn-X 2 2 1 1 SMC [POH] inserted here (can be either GFP or LAPS) Sn-X Sn-Xv/Sn-X Sn-Xv/Sn-X Sn-X SnSMC/Sn SnSMC SNC B Access SNC SNC A SMC using POH

  29. Requests to IEEE 802.1 • Invite comments and input to progress the Ethernet over Transport work • Request comparison of SG15 work to IEEE 802.1 work • Invite comments on Standardization work plan • Request specific review of G.ethsrv Ethernet service ‘L2 control frame processing’ attribute

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