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Things to Do with What is Left for the Remaining of 20 1 0 .

Things to Do with What is Left for the Remaining of 20 1 0. 2010 年餘下的日子 裏 可以做這些事. Practice A New Sport 練一種新健身法. Accept New Challenges 接受新挑戰. Dare To Be Different 敢 於 與衆不同. Freshen Up Your Ideas 更新觀念. Take Care of Your Looks 注意形象. Learn Another Language 學一種外語.

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Things to Do with What is Left for the Remaining of 20 1 0 .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Things to Do with What is Left for the Remaining of 2010. 2010年餘下的日子裏 可以做這些事

  2. Practice A New Sport 練一種新健身法

  3. Accept New Challenges 接受新挑戰

  4. Dare To Be Different 敢於與衆不同

  5. Freshen Up Your Ideas 更新觀念

  6. Take Care of Your Looks 注意形象

  7. Learn Another Language 學一種外語

  8. Forget Your Troubles 忘卻煩惱

  9. Make Peace with Life and People 與人為善

  10. Fall in Love 相親相愛

  11. Enjoy Nature 熱愛自然

  12. Make New Friends 廣交朋友

  13. Learn New Things 學新事物

  14. Dream! 做個好夢

  15. Update Your Wardrobe 更新服式

  16. Listen to Your Elders 聽長輩話

  17. Laugh a Lot, and Above All, Smile at Life. 開懷大笑,喜對人生.

  18. Sing from The Heart 唱自內心

  19. Kiss Like You Mean It 真心相吻

  20. Take A Bubble Bath 洗泡沫澡

  21. Be Curious & Show Some Initiative 好奇探索,富有創意.

  22. Joke With Your Friends 玩笑娛友

  23. Be Careful 警惕陷阱

  24. Send Emails To Your Friends 電郵親朋

  25. Relax And Enjoy Yourself After A Hard Day’s Work 勞碌終日善於修整

  26. Happy New Year! 新年快樂!

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