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1 st Annual Golf Challenge/Fundraiser .

1 st Annual Golf Challenge/Fundraiser . Where: Coldwater Golf Club When: Saturday, Jan. 11, 2014 Cost: $ 75.00 per person (includes lunch) Why: Annual Fundraiser to support APA and other Union sponsored activities

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1 st Annual Golf Challenge/Fundraiser .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1st Annual Golf Challenge/Fundraiser. • Where: Coldwater Golf Club • When: Saturday, Jan. 11, 2014 • Cost:$75.00 per person (includes lunch) • Why:Annual Fundraiser to support APA and • other Union sponsored activities • Contact Thomas Nix at tnix726@hotmail.com to obtain information on sponsorship packages and sign up prior to 12/27/2013

  2. APA TOURNEMENT REGISTRATION TEAM NAME: ___________________ Contact Person: _________________ Contact Number:________________ Sponsorship Package:____________ Package A: 4 Person Team $300.00 Package B: Single Hole Sponsorship (includes 4 person team) $500.00 Package C: Drink Cart Sponsorship (includes 1 team)$1000.00 *For additional Sponsorship Opportunities, contact Thomas Nix @ (623)398-4059 Make check payable to the Avondale Police Association. If sponsoring a hole, please submit with payment prior to 12/27/2013. If paying for a team only, remit with payment NLT 11/27/2013.

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