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World Issues

World Issues. Final Exam Review. World Issues. Section 1. What is a World Issue?. Impacts negatively or positively a large number of people over a large geographic area that endures over time Situation where there are two or more points of view Examples?. Issues and Definitions.

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World Issues

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  1. World Issues Final Exam Review

  2. World Issues Section 1

  3. What is a World Issue? • Impacts negatively or positively a large number of people over a large geographic area that endures over time • Situation where there are two or more points of view • Examples?

  4. Issues and Definitions • Today’s most pressing World Issue: Terrorism • Deliberate use of violence, especially against civilians, to achieve political goals • Globalization • A process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations • A process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology

  5. UDHR • Examples of Human Rights violations?

  6. World War I

  7. Spark and Causes Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand=SPARK • Militarism • Alliances • Imperialism • Nationalism

  8. Alliances

  9. Treaty of Versailles • Germany was harshly punished • Lost more than 10% of their territory • Lost all their colonies • Required to disarm • Had to pay expensive reparations (war damages) • Forced to take all the blame

  10. World War II

  11. Mussolini and Fascism • Benito Mussolini was the leader of Italy and founded the Fascist Party • Dictatorial government • an extreme form of patriotism and nationalism that was often linked to racism • They oppressed people who did not share their views

  12. Hitler-Germany • Before WWII Germany was ruled by the Weimar Republic, a weak form of democracy • When Hitler came to power he combined the positions of Chancellor and President to create the title of Fuhrer • Hitler founded the Nazi (National Socialist German Workers) Party • Mein Kampfby Hitler outlined Nazi goals and Ideology • Part of Nazi ideology was racism and anti-Semitism (hatred/discrimination of Jews) • Hitler developed what he called the ‘Final Solution’ to the Jewish “problem”- the implementation of death camps • Hitler is responsible for killing approximately 6 million Jews during the Holocaust

  13. Hitler Starts the War • When Hitler invades Poland,Great Britain and France went to war with Germany • Hitler also violates his non-aggression pact with Stalin. He had originally made this pact to avoid a two front war but was suspicious of Stalin’s own aggressive expansion into eastern Europe.

  14. US Enters the War • On December 7th, 1941 the US Naval base in Hawaii, Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japan, as a result: • US declared war on Japan • Japanese internment camps were created

  15. Ending the War • On June 6,1944 the Allies invaded France • The Allies opened a second front in Europe with the invasion of Paris. They freed France and were then able to focus on defeating Germany and Japan. • Dropping the Nuclear Bomb • Truman was convinced that Japan would not surrender without an invasion that would result in enormous losses of both American and Japanese lives. • Truman also may have hoped that the bomb would impress the Soviet Union with American power.

  16. After the War • Nuremberg Trials- 24 Nazi officials put on trial as war criminals • After the war Stalin’s goals: • The Soviet Union occupied much of Eastern Europe, established communist regimes (spread communism) • Create a buffer zone between Russia and Germany • Germany became divided into West and East Germany • West Germany-democratic • East Germany-communist

  17. Cold War

  18. From World War to Cold War • Marshall Plan (1948): gave more than $13 billion to boost the economies of Europe, and make communism less appealing • Berlin Airlift: When Stalin attempted to blockade West Berlin the US flew in supplies • The US followed a policy of Containment: limiting communism to the areas already under Soviet control. • “Iron Curtain”: Winston Churchill, referred to the separation of Europe into democracies (west), communism (east) • NATO: Alliance among the United States, Canada, and nine western European countries • Warsaw Pact: Alliance among the Soviet Union and seven satellite states in Eastern Europe

  19. Cold War Tensions • Post-war competition and mistrust led to a Nuclear Arms Race between the US and the Soviets • A race of another kind, to space, also developed between the two • Soviet’s were the first in space • US were the first to land on the moon • The division of Germany, especially Berlin was a huge point of tension-the Berlin Wall was built • The fall of the USSR marked the end of the Cold War era.

  20. The UN and the UDHR • The UN was set up as a forum for settling world disputes. • Permanent members of the Security council lead the UN and have the power to veto. • The UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) was passed in 1948 to protect against human rights violations

  21. China

  22. Civil War and Communist China • After WWII engaged in civil war • NATIONALISTS (supported by the US) Vs • COMMUNISTS • China united under Communist control of Mao Zedong • The Cultural Revolution in China was an attempt to re-emphasize the ideas of Communism • “Great Leap Forward”: failed attempt to rapidly industrialize • Collectivization: create common lands to increase agricultural output

  23. Reform and Repression • Deng Xiaoping reformed China’s economic structure by allowing some private ownership of businesses • Capitalism also began to blend into Chinese society through increased foreign investment • However, the government was not willing to allow political reform and violently crushed the pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square

  24. Middle East

  25. Palestinian-Israel Conflict • The conflict between the Palestinians and Jews is centered on… • Disagreements over borders • Property rights in the West Bank and Gaza Strip • Control over Jerusalem • Origins of the conflict: • Zionist Movement: Jewish quest to migrate to and govern Palestine • Balfour Declaration: British document which stated that Jewish people had a right to a homeland in Palestine • 1947 UN proposed Partition of Israel and Palestine (Arab state)- Rejected by Arabs • 1948 creation of independent Israel

  26. Differences and War • Fought several wars, all of which Israel won, with the help of her allies, namely the US • Conflict between Muslim states and the Jewish state of Israel continue to this day. The Holy book of Jews is the Torah (left) The Holy book of Muslims is the Koran (right)

  27. Africa

  28. European Imperialism of Africa • Imperialism:The policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas

  29. History of Apartheid in South Africa • The first Europeans to settle in South Africa were the Dutch • The white population that dominated the black South Africans were the Boers • Apartheidwas more than just the separation of whites, blacks, and people of color it was a form of oppression through law that placed the minority whites above the majority blacks

  30. Ending Apartheid • ANC (African National Congress) was an organization of black South Africans who protested for political rights. • Members were often arrested or abused • One such ANC leader who was imprisoned for most of his life was Nelson Mandela. • In 1994 Mandela, in leadership of the ANC, was elected President of South Africa

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