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The Trouble with Geniuses, Pt. II. Cox’s Study of 301 Geniuses. http:// www.iqcomparisonsite.com/Cox300.aspx. http://www.indiana.edu/~ intell/cox.shtml. Cox’s Study of 301 Geniuses. Success. IQ. Simonton’s Study of Presidents. Presidential Greatness. IQ. Simonton’s Study of Presidents.
Cox’s Study of 301 Geniuses http://www.iqcomparisonsite.com/Cox300.aspx http://www.indiana.edu/~intell/cox.shtml
Cox’s Study of 301 Geniuses Success IQ
Simonton’s Study of Presidents Presidential Greatness IQ
Simonton’s Study of Presidents How to estimate IQ of presidents, many dead? • Personality profiles extracted from biographies • Evaluations from biographers Presidential Greatness • Chronologies of early accomplishments IQ
Simonton’s Study of Presidents How to estimate presidential greatness? Presidential Greatness IQ
Declaration of Independence Teapot Dome Scandal
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
Dean Simonton http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xrb-Vbk-fhs
Emergenic Inheritance • Most domains require inheritance of multiple traits • If any one trait is absent, so too is the talent
Emergenic Inheritance • Most domains require inheritance of multiple traits • If any one trait is absent, so too is the talent
Epigenetic Growth • Genetic traits do not manifest all at once at birth • Traits may not be evident at birth
Simonton & Song The Variables: Eminence IQ Physical and mental health Achievement domain • How do early physical and mental health relate to intelligence? • Do early physical and mental health predict later adulthood eminence the way intelligence does? • How do early physical and mental health vary across achievement domains?
Simonton & Song Mental Health + + IQ Eminence - Physical Health
Is Gladwell Wrong? The relationship between success and IQ works only up to a point. Once someone has reached an IQ of somewhere around 120, having additional IQ points doesn’t seem to translate into an measureable real-world advantage (p. 79).
Is Gladwell Wrong? r = .21 Level of Success 111 196 IQ
How “Tall” Would Langan Be? IQ IQ = 200 (+ 6.7 SDs)
How “Tall” Would Langan Be? Height
Nevertheless 4% r = .21 Level of Success 111 196 IQ
Rewriting Gladwell There is a relationship between success and IQ. But the relationship isn’t as large as many might suspect. Once someone has reached an IQ of somewhere around 120, having additional IQ points does seem to translate into a measureable real-world advantage, but that advantage is modest.
Rewriting Gladwell There is a relationship between success in basketball and height. But the relationship isn’t as large as many might suspect. Once someone has reached a height of somewhere around six-six, being taller does seem to translate into a measureable on-court advantage, but that advantage is modest.
What Else Matters? • Divergent thinking (DT)? A central component of creativity?
What Else Matters? Brick...hmmm…To use in smash-and-grab raids. To help hold a house together. To use in a game of Russian roulette if you want to keep fit at the same time (bricks at ten paces, turn and throw—no evasive action allowed). To hold the eiderdown on a bed tie a brick at each corner. As a breaker of empty Coca-Cola bottles.
What Else Matters? Blanket…uhhh…building things, throwing
Third-Variable Problem .43 g DT Silvia (2009)