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SoundSense: Scalable Sound Sensing for People-Centric Applications on Mobile Phones

SoundSense: Scalable Sound Sensing for People-Centric Applications on Mobile Phones. -Hong LU, Wei Pan, Nicholas D. Lane, Tanzeem Choudhury and Andrew T. Campbell. Agenda or Summary Layout. 10:00am. 11:00am. 1:00pm. A second line of text could go here.

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SoundSense: Scalable Sound Sensing for People-Centric Applications on Mobile Phones

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SoundSense: Scalable Sound Sensing for People-Centric Applications on Mobile Phones -Hong LU, Wei Pan, Nicholas D. Lane, Tanzeem Choudhury and Andrew T. Campbell

  2. Agenda or Summary Layout 10:00am 11:00am 1:00pm A second line of text could go here Discussion Item One – A Placeholder for text Add a second line of text here Discussion Item Two – A Placeholder for text Add a second line of text here Discussion Item Four – A Placeholder for text Add a second line of text here Discussion Item Five – A Placeholder for text Add a second line of text here Discussion Item Three – A Placeholder for text Add a second line of text here 2:00pm 12:00pm

  3. Three Picture Page Layout A second line of text may go here. • A description of the first picture. You may change this text. • A description of the first picture. You may change this text. • A description of the second picture. You may change this text. • A description of the second picture. You may change this text. • A description of the third picture. You may change this text. • A description of the third picture. You may change this text.

  4. Table Page Layout A second line of text can go here. Here is the description of the table. You may change or delete this text as you wish. This chart is compatible with PowerPoint 97 to 2007. Here is a placeholder for more text and description of the chart. Changing this text will not interfere with the formatting of this template.

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