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AOF WEB PROGRAM. Program Manager: SSgt Michael D. Sands HQ AFFSA/XAOT Phone: DSN 858-2232 E-Mail: Sands.Michael@andrews.af.mil. AOF Web Program….Overview. History Why? What is the Web Contents of the Web AOF WEB DEMONSTRATION Making it work at your base Summary / Conclusion.
AOF WEB PROGRAM • Program Manager: SSgt Michael D. Sands HQ AFFSA/XAOT • Phone: DSN 858-2232 • E-Mail: Sands.Michael@andrews.af.mil
AOF Web Program….Overview • History • Why? • What is the Web • Contents of the Web • AOF WEB DEMONSTRATION • Making it work at your base • Summary / Conclusion
History • Original concept developed by MSgt Rund & SSgt Desormeaux at McConnell AFB. (96’) • Incorporated PCG’s, flying regs., OI’s, etc. into computer based product. • Idea was embraced by AFFSA to make AF wide. (97’) • Beta Test Version 1 sent out in March of 98.
Why the “Web”? • Transition ATC & AM into the “computer age” • Create “one stop shopping” • Ease the burden of the CATCT / TSN • consolidates training references - avoids duplication • Easier to maintain current publications
What is the Web ? • Primarily an “information retrieval tool”. • Enables immediate access to most commonly used training products. • Uses “web based” technology - Internet browser functions.
Contents of the “Web” • Quick links to various publications • AFI 13-203, AFI 13-213, AFI 13-218, & AFI 36-2222 • FAAO 7110.65 & FAAO 7210.3 • AFIND 25 & AFJM 11-213 • MAJCOM Supplements • External links to AF, FAA, & AFFSA sites
Contents of the “Web” • Master Task and Technical References(MTTRs) • AF standardized • Ensures training standardization globally vs. just at one unit. • Tasks • currently mirrors the JQS-001 • Identifies all technical references required to accomplish the task (broken down to lowest denominator)
Contents of the “Web” • Master Reference Index • Comprehensive listing of all mission essential documents • AF Instructions, FAA Orders, etc, • Lists currency • Location (within CD, AFEPL, paper, etc)
WOW! How did you do that? • AOF Web Program is written in HTML • Standard computer language • compatible with all computers • Training Managers will have to convert local products to HTML • local products can be imbedded into the AOF Web Program
Making it work • Must transition from “paper” to “web technology” • Train end user’s to operate an Internet Browser (i.e., MS IE3.0) • Educate end user’s about proper program use (user’s manual). • Educate end user’s about program content (program content guide). • Adhere to standardized policy. • For example: eliminate the need for TRs in the PCGs, TCGs, etc. Establish the AOF Web MTTR as the “official” location for all TR breakdowns. • Allow a “spin-up” time for the end user’s to become comfortable with the AOF Web Program (phase in period)
Making it workHQ-AFFSA’s Role • Maintain AF standardized MTTRs. • Accomplish AF task breakdown (lowest denominator) for FAAO 7110.10, 7110.65, AFI 13-203, 13-213, 13-218, and ATCTSs • Develop/Maintain AF MRI. • Convert all identified FAAOs, AFIs, and ATCTSs into HTML code. • Maintain “hyperlinks” from AF identified TRs to the applicable pubs.
HQ-AFFSA’s Role • Provide units with standardized paper templates (MTTR, MRI during the transition phase). Will allow units to prepare for arrival of the AOF Web Program CD-ROM. • Establish/Maintain distribution process to ensure 100% delivery to all required locations. • Establish AF policy and procedures for implementation and overall program use.
Making it workTraining Managers’ Role • Explain how user’s log into the program • Explain how paper products will be used in conjunction with the AOF Web • Provide guidance about documentation procedures (i.e., AFJQS) • Ensure HHQ guidance is filtered downward • Serve as the focal point to answer questions/solve problems associated with the program • Facilitate training classes for end user’s based on AOF Web User’s Manual
Training Managers Role • Accomplish local task breakdown (lowest denominator) for all positions. Embed local TR information into the AOF Web MTTR. • Identify supplemental TRs (AFI 13-203, 13-213) and include in AOF Web MTTR. • (ATC) Re-accomplish PCGs to indicate TRs are located within the AOF Web MTTR. • Responsible for the conversion of local products into HTML code. • Ensure local TRs are current according to current MRI. • Identify facility management deferred task items.
AOF / CC’s Role • For program success there must be 100% buy-in by AOF management. • Resources • Are there enough computers available (CD-ROM equipped) • Is money available to purchase MS FrontPage 98 (or equivalent) when it becomes available • Support your Training Managers (or delegated representative) in obtaining the necessary training to become proficient in MS FrontPage editing. • This training can be accomplished at the local level through the computer support element or • Obtain the Information TechnologyTraining CD-ROM
NOW WHAT ? • Start talking up the AOF Web Program • Complete task item TR breakdowns to the lowest common denominator • Anticipate initial release in September • Provide inputs / feedback to our office
Conclusion • The computer age is well upon us. The AOF Web Program is the first step for ATC and AM to “capture” and use the available technological advances. Growth of the program (or one like it) is inevitable but can only occur with input and support from all involved
Give us a call • Phone: DSN 858-2232 / 2177 • E-Mail: AFFSA.aofweb@andrews.af.mil / Sands.Michael@andrews.af.mil • Mail: HQ AFFSA / XAOT 1535 Command Dr., Suite D-306 Andrews AFB, MD 20762-7002