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a) 1986

The Barcelona Metropolitan Case: A Great Leap Forward Brussels, May 31 st 2013 Joan Trullén IERMB Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2.

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a) 1986

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Barcelona Metropolitan Case:A Great Leap ForwardBrussels, May 31st 2013Joan TrullénIERMBInstitut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

  2. 2

  3. The process of territorial expansion of metropolitan areas in Catalonia. Iterative methodology. 1986-2001. a) 1986 d) 2001 Source: Elaborated from Trullén and Boix (2000), Boix and Galletto (2004), and Boix and Veneri (2008). 3

  4. 1.2 Tendències territorials i econòmiques Mega region Barce-Lyon Source: IERMB 4

  5. 1.2 Tendències territorials i econòmiques Mega region Barce-Lyon Source: IERMB 5

  6. 1.2 Tendències territorials i econòmiques Mega region Barce-Lyon 2009: 25 million inhabitants, 700.000 million euro GDP Source: R. Florida (2008) Source: IERMB 6

  7. Formation of the Global Metropolis 1991 – 2012 • Barcelona province • Population: • Foreign born population: 7

  8. Evolution of Production 1995 – 2011 8

  9. Impact of the Crisis. 2007 – 2012 Employment, Quarter Growth rates (%) 1997-2012 Source: IERMB fromDept. Treball GENCAT, SESS MTI 9

  10. Competitiveness. International trade Share of Catalan exports on EU15 total exports and world total exports Source: IERMB from OMC, Statisticsdatabase, AEAT and Eurostat 10

  11. Competitiveness. International and Interegional trade Trade balance of Catalunya with abroad and the rest of Spain, millions of Euros. 1995-2011 Source: IERMB from SECE and C-Interreg 11

  12. Total employment, Barcelona Province 1977-2012 and trend 2022 Source: INE, IDESCAT. 12

  13. Knowledge Economy R&D expenditure in en euros per inhabitant and % of GDP, selected NUTS2, 2009 Source: Eurostat 13

  14. Innovation European patents, 2005-2012 Source: IERMB from EPO Worldwide Patent Statistical Database, October 2012. 14

  15. Thank you for your attention • Joan Trullén • IERMB • Contact: tel. 00 34 93 586 88 80 • iermb@uab.cat • Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona • Campus de la UAB, Edifici MRA planta 2 • 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)

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