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Tulsi Shrivastava’s Computerized CIVICS notebook

Tulsi Shrivastava’s Computerized CIVICS notebook. April 29, 2010. What does elaborate mean? *to go into further detail *explain *expand. April 16, 2010. Which of the following are duties of a district attorney? *To bring charges against suspected lawbreakers and prosecute cases in court.

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Tulsi Shrivastava’s Computerized CIVICS notebook

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  1. Tulsi Shrivastava’s Computerized CIVICS notebook

  2. April 29, 2010 What does elaborate mean? *to go into further detail *explain *expand

  3. April 16, 2010 Which of the following are duties of a district attorney? *To bring charges against suspected lawbreakers and prosecute cases in court.

  4. Section 3 review p.390 1-6 A town is a smaller political unit with a group of people. A town meeting is when the people of a town get together to discuss important issues. Town and townships are larger than villages. 1654 it began when men in Mass. Got together to discuss how to divide the area. A village government works on improving services or projects that will help the community. Yes because it would get much closer to the people of the village and help them a lot.

  5. # 5 VILLAGE Lies within boundary of township or county People elect board of trustees TOWNSHIP Borders established by Congress Elect small body of officials BOTH Receive authority from state

  6. April 19, 2010 School-2-Home Connection 1.Municipality 2. weak-mayor system 3.County 4. A village usually lies within the boundaries of the larger local government, such as township or county. 5. It allows cities to write their own charters, to choose own type of government, and manage own affairs. A city charter closely resembles…. *The Constitution

  7. School-2-home connection continued… 6. They examine taxable property an determine how much money should be paid. 7. Town meeting are direct democracy and allow citizens to decide certain issues. Standardized test practice D 6. C C 7. B B 8. A A 9. C B 10. B 11. A 12. B

  8. April 20, 2010 Person who tends to dominate the government? *strong-mayor Test Tomorrow! *Study* !!!!

  9. 5 questions about study guides A municipality is a city law. True/False -False Are city laws called ordinances? -Yes Are counties in Louisiana called boroughs? ..if not what are they called? -No, they are called parishes. 4. A city charter closely resembles a city bus. True/False -False 5. A county is the largest territorial subdivision in a state

  10. April 21, 2010 In which form of city government are legislative and executive powers held by the same person or group? *Commission form Test Today!

  11. Ch. 14 Anticipation Guide D x 10. True x A x D x C x D * False * True * True * False *

  12. April 22, 2010 List one thing I will learn about in Ch. 14. I will learn about environmental issues and what things harm it and help it. Earth day!

  13. Guided Reading 14-1 Public policy They come from government, political parties, interest groups, the media, or private citizens. It oversees community growth. Infrastructure They have to see what the community values most. They have to determine their specific goals. Then they rank the goals in order of importance A master plan states the goal of the community and how those goals will achieved. It becomes public policy if the local government accepts it, but the government is responsible for carrying it out.

  14. Poverty in Penn. 8.5 % of the population lacks medical insurance Pennsylvania has almost doubled the monthly bill for a state health insurance program for poor people who do not qualify for Medical care.

  15. April 23, 2010 *Goals* 1._________ plan states specific goals and describe how the government will carry them out. *Master • I would like to join more extra curricular activities. 4 • I would like to get stronger and drink more milk. 3 • Spending more time with my family. 1 • Being more self-confident. 2 • Helping the earth more by recycling and other projects. 5 • I will try to get more advanced in school. 6

  16. SectionReview A master plan lists its priorities and explains how the government will carry them out. A public policy may deal with the decision to build or not build a road. Also, it may deal with issues such as health care and the environment. To state specific goals and describe how the government will carry them out. The government has to see which issues are important and which are not. the media Private citizens Public policy comes from political parties government Interest groups

  17. April 26, 2010 1. I am researching DaveHeineman, the governor of Nebraska. Powerpoints due next Monday.

  18. April 27, 2010 Working on POWERPOINTS!!! …and photostories. I need__________on each slide. *pictures

  19. April 28, 2010 How many points is the PowerPoint worth? *60 points

  20. April 30, 2010 Length of Power-points presentations: *7 slides- 3 minutes

  21. May 3, 2010 1. The correct spelling is: Works Cited. Presentations Today!!

  22. May 4, 2010 Does the U.S. Constitution mention education? *No, general education has always been under the control of the individual states. More Presentations…

  23. Guided Reading Every student must take a series of reading, math, and science in grades 3-8. Some schools today don’t have that much money. Many students dropout or don’t have a positive attitude that leads to violence. People appose tuition vouchers because they feel the vouchers funnel education funds out of the public school system and into private schools. Some people say that violates the First Amendment. Community policing is when police become a visible presence in neighborhoods, hanging around trying to get to know the residents. It also tries to get neighborhoods involved in a watch program. There is a five-year lifetime limit on receiving welfare, and states are required to develop job-training programs for the poor to help them leave the welfare rolls. It success raised mostly from the booming economy of the lat 1900’s The labor shortage of the period made it relatively easy for unemployed welfare recipients to find work.

  24. May 5, 2010 Schools that receive state funding, but are excused from meeting many public school regulations? * Charter schools More Presentations… And it is Cinco De Mayo Day!

  25. Section 2 Review Charter schools are exempt from doing things that regular schools do. They have equal rights to welfare, even though they are poor. Privatization is an extreme alternative which has private companies contract with local districts to run the schools. They believe it violates the first amendment because they can be used to pay tuition at religious schools. No I don’t think that because to me is important for federal government to focus on education which plays a key role a anyone’s life. Charter Schools Against For

  26. May 6, 2010 1. Attending school, “would be about the same as getting into paradise”. >Booker T. Washington

  27. May 10, 2010 Which of the following groups is practicing environmentalism? *Volunteers who pull trash out of rivers in the spring. Vocab due Wednesday!

  28. Guided Reading 14-3 • Environmentalism is protecting our environment. • Most states the work with the EPA to monitor air and water quality and by inspecting industrial facilities. • Incineration, recycling • They have limited the amounts and kinds of waste that factories may discharge. • They eliminate lead from gasoline. They car pool more. Promoted public transportation. More energy-efficient cars made. To equip cars with helpful • Land disposal

  29. Vocabulary Ch. 14 • Policy- a guiding course of action • Public policy- the course of action the government takes in response to an issue or problem • Planning Commission-an advisory group to a community • Short-term plan- a government policy being carried out over the next few years • Long-term plan-a government plan for policy that can span 10 to 50 years • Infrastructure- a community’s system of roads, bridges, water, and sewers • Priority- the goals a community considers most important or most urgent • Resource-the money people and materials available to accomplish a community’s goals • Master plan-a plan that states a set of goals and explains how the government will carry them out to meet changing needs over timE

  30. 10. Charter school- a school that receives state funding but is excused from meeting many public school regulations 11. Tuition voucher- program providing subsidies for education payments, allowing families the option of sending students to private schools. 12. Community policing- local police force visibly keeping the peace and patrolling neighborhoods 13. Welfare- the health, prosperity, and happiness of the members of a community 14. Environmentalism- movement concerned with protecting the environment 15. Solid waste- the technical name for garbage 16. Landfill- place where garbage is dumped 17. NIMBY- “not in my backyard”, attitude people have regarding placement of new landfill sites. 18. Toxic- poisonous or deadly 19. Recycle- reusing old materials to make new ones 20. Conservation- the careful preservation and protection of natural resources

  31. May 11, 2010 Congress established the Environmental Protection Agency in order to? * REDUCE POLLUTION Junior Achievement today!

  32. May 12, 2010 1. Critics of welfare programs believe that welfare promotes…. *Dependency

  33. May 13, 2010 When the local Parent Teacher Association asks how many volunteers will help clean up the playground, they are evaluating……. *resources. Junior Achievement today!

  34. May 14, 2010 Broad policy that guides a community’s future needs? *Long-term plan Test Today!

  35. May 17, 2010 The first known system of written law is… *The Code of Hammurabi

  36. *Guided reading* They keep peace and prevent violent acts, set rules for resolving disagreements, include the administration of justice, and set punishments. Good laws should be fair-show equality for everyone, reasonable-not too harsh punishment, understandable-not too complicated, and laws must be enforceable by authority. The Code of Hammurabi As Roman Empire grew it brought roman law with them when they took over Europe and parts of Africa and Asia. He updated it and named it the Napoleon code. English law Common law is laws based on court decisions rather than on a legal code.

  37. May 18, 2010 What is the most important source of American Law? *English Law Junior Achievement today!

  38. May 19, 2010 *CH. 15 Test May 27 *Ch. 15 content vocab due Thurs. Party that brings charges-plaintiff Individual or group accused-defendant

  39. Guided Reading Criminal law, civil law, public law The courtroom serves as an arena in which lawyers for opposing sides try to present their strongest cases. The plaintiff is the party that brings charges. A defendant is the person accused. Four examples of felonies are murder, rape, arson, and robbery. A lawsuit When you slip on ice on your neighbor’s side walk and break a leg. Ida Wells-Barnett Cases involving constitutional law decide the limits of the government’s powers and the rights of the individual.

  40. May 20, 2010 1. Larceny is the unlawful taking away of another person’s property with the intent to never return it. Robbery is taking of person’s possessions by using force or threats. Burglary is the unlawful entry into any dwelling or structure with the intention to commit a crime. Last day of Junior Achievement today….Aww.

  41. Ch. 15 Vocab Common law- a system of law based on precedent and customs Precedent- a ruling that is used as the basis for a judicial decision in a later, similar case Statute- a law written by a legislative branch Plaintiff- a person or party filing a lawsuit Defendant- an individual or group being sued or charged with a crime Felony- a serious crime such as rape, murder, or robbery Misdemeanor- a relatively minor offence such as vandalism or stealing inexpensive items Larceny- the unlawful taking away of another person’s property with the intent never to return it Robbery- the taking of property from a person’s possession by using force or threats Burglary- unlawful entry into any dwelling or structure Lawsuit- a legal action in which a person or group sues to collect damages for some harm that is done Tort- wrongful act for which an injured party has the right to sue Libel- written untruths that are harmful to someone’s reputation Constitutional law- branch of law dealing with formation, construction, and interpretation of constitutions

  42. Bill of attainder- a law that punishes a person accused of a crime without a trial or a fair hearing in court Ex post facto law- a law that would allow a person to be punished for an action that was not against the law when it was committed Due process of law- procedures established by law and guaranteed by the Constitution Search warrant- a court order allowing law enforcement officers to search a suspect’s home or business and take specific items as evidence Double jeopardy- putting someone on trial for a crime of which he or she was previously acquitted Grand jury-a group of citizens that decides whether there is sufficient evidence to accuse someone of a crime Plea bargain-negotiation between the defense attorney and the prosecutor Bail- a sum of money used as a security deposit to ensure that an accused person returns for his or her trial Stare decises- the practice of using earlier judicial rulings as a basis for deciding cases Writ of habeas corpus- a court order that requires police to bring a prisoner to court to explain why they are holding the person

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